the sakura quest dan nai yo girl
The sakura quest dan nai yo girl
What does it even mean?
That's best girl to you.
I want to impregnate shiori
Best grill
So cute
Would you be willing to move to Manoyama and take care of family business?
Does anyone still care about this? Almost every single time with a P.A. Works show, I realise I don't give a fuck halfway through and drop it. Notable exception being Shirobako which is good somehow.
Yes, it's good.
Are we watching the same thing?
Yes, we just have different tastes.
Of course.
Who wouldn't?
I like Maki the best
Sakura is the best Sakura Quest
I want to inspect Pink Aoi's pink butthole.
Will this ever die?
Catching up on this after not watching for a few weeks. I wish this show would get more art. I'd like to fap to these girls more often and the current selection of lewds isn't great.
They literally have a butthole poster shitposting in their town.
Yeah, the lewd are lacking and the designs are so good.
It doesn't help that what little there is seems to be mostly mmf stuff too. I can't fap to that. MMF is the worst. It's an instant turn off.
Different strokes for different folks. Personally I really like it, but only for the girls I don't particularly care for.
Girls I like deserve sweet vanilla.
her face when she sees your revitalizing plan.
>but only for the girls I don't particularly care for.
That doesn't really make sense for me. Seeing a girl I'm not that into getting boned by multiple dudes, which I'm also not into would just be even worse. More than one dude in lewds ruins it right away for me. But as you said, different strokes for different folks I guess.
I like Maki second-best after Sanae.
Interestingly, my order of preference is the same as their ages, oldest to youngest.
I'd like to make out with Sanae's anus and/or armpits.
Shioris smile is the warmest
my ass
I like her voice a lot.
MONKEY dance, yeah!
literally autism
She is indeed the best Quest in Manoyama.
Little shotas posting online too now?
We need a detective to examine that butt.
This is considered the middle of nowhere?
Pretty sure that covers an area with multiple small towns.
Like how the old people town is a separate thing a good hike away, but is still considered part of Manoyama.
>ywn /ss/ with Sanae
All that work for nothing. This makes me sad.
There is criminally low amount of fan art.
Japan's definition of middle of nowhere is vastly different than the US. There is nowhere in Japan where you can drive for hours and encounter nothing. Even in the least populated places, it's like 15 minutes between towns. If not for the dense vegetation, there probably wouldn't be anywhere in the entire country where you couldn't see at least one house from anywhere you stand.
Ririko seems like she'd be great for cuddling with.
I want to head pat her.
After flooding her womb with my sperm.
I'd impregnate Yoshino and take responsibility.
I can't decide who's the best girl.
At first I thought it was Maki, and she is still great, but Yoshino is so incredibly cute and genki that it pains me I'll never have a date with her. Then we have Ririko who is also extremely cute with that autist personality of hers that makes me want to protect her. Sanae has a nice butt and her nonformal outfit makes me diamonds. Shiori is just perfect and wofe material.
If I had to decide, I'd have to choose Yoshino because I love dumb genki girls.
Pic related, me on the right.
Poor Sanae. Talk about damning with faint praise.
I want to go drinking with Sanae. She's definitely my favourite.
that is how real life is, bucko
I bet most of his journals contained lewd stories and thorough descriptions of the sexual development of the young girls in the town.
Truly a loss for humanity.
Which Quest has the best smelling butthole?
pink aoi, how is that even a question? Sanae probably has a ugly brown butthole that smells like neet shit, Shiori butthole is probably very wrinkled for all that vegetables, Maki is probably all lose from all those JAVs and Ririko asshole probably smells like autism.
I best the fortune teller's is the best, though. She's too good for that town.
I imagined Sanae would have a cute butthole to go along with her nice butt. She has me wanting to sniff and lick her butt.
Her butt belongs to shotas and the old pervert now.
Sanae's butt is still pure!
u mean dan nai yo?:
That's a grown woman who enjoys getting her butt slapped by little boys.
Why not take all of them?
you are trash
This. All the quests are sex but Sakura is the sexest.
Her name is PinkAoi
Who is Aoi?
But that's blonde Sakura.
So lovely.
t. newfig who wasn't around back when Shirobako aired
Maki is stylish.
The most stylish of the bunch.
I want to worship Pink Aoi's butt.
One thing I was thinking, did Yoshino start doing this with her hair because Sanae does it?
Not everyone is a ADHD shitter with a 2 minute attention span.
I want to make that brat a sister
Slut, and the boy she likes will never like her, especially when she has a mom like that around. The boys want your mama.
Maybe. She wears it better, anyway.
I like how Sanae looks in her lazy home clothes. I'd like to kiss her forehead and snuggle with her.
She'd reek of alcohol.
That's fine. I drink a lot too.