Guess which country doesn’t have strict gun control...
Guess which country doesn’t have strict gun control
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Number of shits I give: 0
The only one where FAKE AND GAY shootings are conducted by the government in an attempt to encourage the people to hand over their guns?
>Australia: 5
no proof
Yet our crime rate has declined year by year excluding 2016-2017 due to the furgasion effect.
Maybe it's because the news makes these people fucking celebrities.
>finland not mentioned
>Ce qu'on voit et ce qu'on ne voit pas
you can see some kids getting killed in a school shooting, but you can't even begin to imagine all the people who saved their lives or their families thanks to having their guns at the right moment
Guess which country can take over the world.
Oh yes, that bastion of safety Mexico
0.000000925% of the US population die from gun deaths and LESS from school shootings.
More ppl have died in Chicago this year than in EVERY school shooting combined in our history as a nation.
More ppl have been saved because of gun owners since 2000 than have died in school shootings since 2000.
>what is difference in population
>cherry picked examples
typical leftist argument
Heres your proof shill faggot.
1) Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a school shooting in their county.
2) Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter".
3) Alphabet Soup says they can't verify it and leave him in place to become the patsy.
4) Date & time of shooting is selected by DWS and Scott Israel.
5) Feb 14th – Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning.
6) Something causes Cruz to show up on campus via an Uber Taxi("Hey meet me outside class after Pre-Calc! --Cindy").
7) Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus.
8) Alexa Miednik(Blonde Jew witness) sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus.
9) For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
10) Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle.
11) Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the pre-selected patsy.
12) FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home as he has been pre-selected to be the "shooter".
13) They spend the night using MKUltra/Brainwashing techniques him convincing him that he has done the crime.
14) Feb 15th – Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide due to the MKUltra/Brainwashing techniques.
15) Feb 16th - Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime.
16) To be continued...
This is just a symptom of our societal decay. Some of the other countries on that list have way higher gun ownership per capita rates than you would imagine.
That and the media doing wall to wall coverage every time this happens.
Literally Who? countries vs USA
Yeah, let's enforce strict gun control... That way we can give the people flooding the country with drugs another source of income. Then we can finally live in a utopia free of all the bad stuff, cause if we don't know about the guns, they don't exist.
It's the perfect plan, I hope you guys are ready for a gun free America, cause this shit is totally gonna work
if so few americans die of gun related deaths, why is Sup Forums so hateful towards niggers? does it really matter if their being violent towards such a teeny tiny percentage of people?
Why even bother putting up Argentina or Mexico? They have worse gun problems per capita than US does.
How nice it must be to not live in the vicinity of any niggers. Niggers aren't just violent, they steal anything, are rude, throw trash every where, cause disruptions, blast nigger shit over their stolen car radios and the list never ends. Shooting other niggers is literally the only good thing they do on a daily basis.
Take your meds
Fuck off, no we don't.
I like how people equate "school shootings" to "mass shootings at schools".
A lot of these school shootings usually equate to accidentally firing a pistol on or around the school campus.
These people are being dishonest.
Also, don't most of these shootings occur in areas that have been run by Democrats?
First thing you have to do is compare the size of our country to theirs, and Russia is special because 90 percent of their land is uninhabited.
If lefties are suddenly so into statistics, why don't we break down overall shootings? Single and multiple casualty events, by state, then we can cross reference that with demographic data.
Is your country 212 times larger?
This. Anyone who likes niggers has never actually interacted with a tribe of them.
Go fix it finnbro. JK
not an argument, faggot. You know niggers and pieces of shit like you are a disease that is just begging to be cured.
This is also a great argument against Niggers and everything else correlated with being a big country.
Reminder that Latino countries are where most gun crime and homicides take place.
Switzerland has no strict laws, yet you see nothing about them on the news.
Lol other counties can't even compete.
Switzerland, at 0 I believe.
>you want PROOF? Here's your PROOF!
>*posts circumstantial and wildly speculative tinfoil headcannon that involves "mkultra brainwashing"
>bet you feel real foolish now
>Brazil is a real countr-
Lurk more
>white countries have low crime rates
>introduce undesirable elements like niggers, mestizos, muslims
>crime rates begin to spike upwards quickly
really makes me think
Almost 1488 fuck so close
doesn't that make it as good as all those countries combined?
Shoot at a school bus with a pellet gun: that's a "school shooting" in america. Shoot yourself in your car in the school parking lot: that's a "school shooting" in america.
Found the faggot.
>all those low numbers
They'll never reach America's numbers with that attitude
Maybe the other countries have a better time at school?
But I can remember atleast 3 and countless number of incidents with knife fights
>criminals will follow the law once we make them stricter!
kys faggot
literally 3000 posts away comrade
The only reason we don't have school shootings is cause there is no one in school to shoot.
>school shooting
It's another "In soviet Russia" meme?
but there's been at least two school shootings over here since 2000 that I remember, also some random non school shootings too
These liberals will fight to take our arms and our pride. No, we will not yield. Be prepared in the next 10 years anons. Something smells, you better be prepared to give your life for the original constitution. War is coming, this is a war we must not lose, we cannot afford this loss.
People will call you crazy, but it's amazing how many of these mass shootings seem to occur in places where gun control is a hot button issue.
The Port Arthur shootings happened only a few years after our country's first conservative globalist open-borders prime minister got into power (John Howard, I wrote most of the ED article on him). And as soon as the population was disarmed, immigration went through the roof. What a fucking coincidence!
Are all these mass shootings defined by the same standard? I know the media has fudged the numbers in the US in recent years by labeling a mass shooting anything in which at least 3 people die, including murder-suicides in which the person kills two others then themselves.
Are all these other numbers counted by the same metric?
>This is just a symptom of our societal decay.
it's not even that. it's SSRI anti-depressant medication given to children (which causes violent behavior in people under 24 years old), and niggers. that's it.
Why is not Serbia, Switzerland or Czech Republic in that list?
That's what the guns are for user, that's what the guns are for.
So weird. I wonder how many niggers are involved in those “school shootings”
>legit source of manually typed tweet from fag
Read carefully, Zhenya
>pictured: cucked countries
As you can see, i'm not american. But you'd be a fool to ban guns in your country. It'll only worsen the situation. South Africa is the n#1 shithole in the world. Along with Haiti...
In my country, gun control hasn't changed anything. (see image attached). Because criminals don't give a shit about the law, they don't respect it and they'll ALWAYS find ways to get the weapons they want.
>collapses into another civil war
They're the same as America except worse
Doesn't South Africa have like 20000 murders per year?
knife fights are at least sporting!
The wikipedia page is for massacres
Adjust for population, racial background, income level, then tighten definition of “school shooting” to mean more than a gun discharging accidentally during a demonstration or suicide on school grounds. Oh it’s fucking nothing.
Honestly I don't trust any other country besides the US to keep records even close to accurately. We seem to be the only one with a healthy distrust of government.
*counts those times a random guy drove into a closed school parking lot and an heroed as a school shooting.
Nice Straw man stats you got there.
I’ve heard the news about this too actually. Is it difficult to get a gun in Suomi?
>Guess which country doesn’t have strict gun control..
You need burger control, to be honest. A bit of prussian discipline, esp at schools. But between fags with guns and libcucks with chastity cages, good luck vouching for any actually working, sensible measure.
Kek, zhenya is the most feminine name for a man to have. Even Sascha is not that bad
Brice of fredom :DDDDDDD
Man, they are even worse than the Jews
Well you have a bigger chance to survive I guess
I remember only one where guy brought Saiga to school.
Noticed that switzerland isn't on that list.
You fucking souless shills collecting shekels to exploit
>dead kids
Your work has not gone unnoticed and
>will not be forgotten
[The 702's,Ben]
Guess which country gets ran over by trucks, machete'd, and killed by acid attacks.
First of all, Switzerland doesn't have americans, and, IIRC, their gun owners are actually competent, since, throughout history, Switzerland actually HAD functional " well regulated militia" - part of the Swiss Army. Something that burgers often overlook in Second Amendment because gun industry wants to cash-in from every sperg even if you need to deny the right of said sperg to procreate instead of selling him gun.
Setting up a community militia would be a good start to root out the undesirable elements but I bet that NRA fags and lobbyists would screech about that as "attempt at communism"/
*Shoot yourself in the parking lot of a school that has been closed for more than 6 months
>still school shooting
How can you forget Beslan?
Where is the list of people killed by niggers world wide?
you mean they dont have niggers and other brown peolpe right?
take your bias and wh*te privilege back to plebbit you piece of shit.
this so much
what world needs is not banning weapons, but actual responsibility and accountability to the community instead of parents giving machineguns for fun to their mentally handicaped children
its sad that you have to be a communist
>Also, don't most of these shootings occur in areas that have been run by Democrats?
No, they occur in areas that are full of niggers. Often these are areas that are run by Democrats, but the latter is a result of the former.
>Beslan terrorist attack
It’s not a school shooting in the sense that is discussed
shareblue nigger fuck off
May not be exactly proof, but this is an excerpt from a book from the 90s noting how the alphabet organizations were trying to make the people willingly surrender their firearms by organizing school shootings.
>implying gun laws would do anything.
Yeah we don't have school shootings but kidnappings at gunpoint, beheadings and shootouts on the streets.
Guess which country actually reports their violent crime rates and doesn't cover shit up to seem (((superior)))?
>Heres your proof shill faggot.
posts zero proof
the price we pay for freedom
Snowflakes strike again, where were they the past 211 shootings?