Italy/pol/ general - Memelord edition

Goodbye Eurozone, New Italian currency (minibot):

Borghi (Lega): "Right wing coalition plan is to leave the euro"
Bonafè (PD): "This is the only European country were center-right moderates are allied with right-wing extremists.
Merkel refused to ally with ADF"
Borghi (Lega): "Well, Merkel isnt doing good anyway, so who cares"è-pd-nostro-programma-chiaro-devo-farle-un-disegnino-14-02-2018-234013

As Elections Approach, Italy Shows Record Alienation from European Union (English)

1/3 of Italians would like to expel all non-EU citizens from Italy
"32% say they would never want to get in touch with immigrants, either in the workplace and in the sphere of friendships" (Eng Translate)

Vast Majority of Under-35 Italians Oppose Mass Migration (English)

Gunshots against refugees camp in Enna (Eng Translate)

Refugees hospitality center set on fire in province of Naples (Eng Translate)

Immigrants in Rome on suicide watch: "We are scared now" (Eng Translate)

Financial support from all Italians, Luca "The Saint" Traini:
"I'm honored, please give all the money to poor families as long as they are Italian families" (Eng Translate)

Luca glorified by Italians as National Hero. Banners and messages written on walls all over Italy. (Eng Translate)

Luca "The Roman Legionary" Traini to prosecutors: " I Have no regrets, I'm sorry they are not dead" (Eng Translate)

Pamela poster #120dB
media.8ch dot net/file_store/922b235a5a8a1c169874ed5add3cdb1a7db03b6db8d67b2d61adcff3eb546fbf.pdf

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The final polls



Remember that the Right-wing coalition needs 40% of the votes in order to have a majority.
And Lega needs to have more votes than Forza Italia (FI) so that Memelord Salvini becomes PM.

Also, let's not forget that /ourguy/ Attilio "save the white race" Fontana leads the race in the Lombardy election.


Good morning /italypol/.

btw this is how italypol votes

Early morning news: out PM Goyimtiloni meets Merkel to assure her that Italy will have a stable non-populist government after the election.

What did he mean by this?


Meanwhile, it seems like PD tries ad hard as it can to hide the actual state of the situation of the migrant crisis

>3 weeks and you'll witness more Sup Forums tears as PD wins the elections once again backed up by mama merkel
You fags must be either retarded or delusional if you unironically think Europe would ever let Salvini or Di Maio be PM


>if you unironically think Europe
who gives a fuck about Europe and what they think
are the italians not their own fucking country?

Will this party rebuild the Roman empire?


reminder that we need to vote Lega so the next government gives full autonomy to Veneto and Lombardia
also also reminder
spesa storica =shit
costi standard = good

>Larping Mutt
>who gives a fuck about Europe and what they think

Hey Italians.

Is the Five Star Movement just a Macron style establishment party with a populist mask?

I don't think even the members of the party know what they want.

Okay FlagFag.

Italy has almost one quarter of all adults under age 30 out of work. That's borderline revolution territory in its own right. Throw in the boat loads of mulignans the current government is taking in... you're either a troll or a room temp IQ cuck.

>Macron style
nope, they're full leftist and worse in every aspect
>muh honesty is more important than knowing how to make laws and sheit
>muh gib a check to every citizen
>muh no to great infrastructural works like railroads and highways
>muh Internet is a basic human right
>muh localism
>muh with localism and internet everyone will work from home, but only if they want to thanks to citizens' free check
and so on

the monkey's eyes look more alive than the nigger's, kek

Luigi Di Maio has now said that he wants no referendums on the euro currency or EU membership though.

Wakanda when? Ben je Vlaams of Wallooncuck?

that's bees it's illegal to do such a referendum

>1/4 of all adults under age 30
really makes me think

Italian abroad, don't speak swamp german runes, sorry

>immigrant scum that doesn't speak the local language
like pottery also
absolute brainlet lmao

The local language here is French, which I speak, dummy
>inb4 you should be able to speak both languages
most people here can't either, so fuck off
>giving money to people at random
>wanting to keep all services under public ownership
>wanting the national bank to bail out the government constantly
>want to make private banks part of the national bank after a certain amount of money is put into them
how is that not leftist?

Ever since Brexit I guess it is now, can't have any more countries leaving the stagnating EU.

>social aspects define a movement political alignment

No, I mean the Italian constitution forbids referendums on certain arguments, like taxation or international treaties, and the EU treaties are international treaties, so a referendum on the EU or the euro would be unconstitutional

Localism isn't really big on the leftist agenda right now. They tend to be pretty into European integration.


Unless that part of the constitution was amended.

Leftists are global mostly, globalists while pretending to care about localism, take the greens and their "long term commerce is bad because trucks so we should consume local food but also lemme open the market to giant companies that will crush the local ones as long as they have the economies of scale to go full green"

What happens if the right wing coalition falls short of 40%...?

you need at least 2/3 of each chamber and it need to be voted twice (4 votes with 2/3 majority) otherwise it automatically goes under referendum and who know what happens there

I live in the largest italian/italian-american neighborhood in the usa, and the actual italians are constantly talking about this crap. Its annoying

I'm a dual citizen, burger-Italian. Mother is from Catanzaro. Where are you that still has actual Italians? I'm from WNY and it's only le 56% """Italians"""

Seriously no 56%ers. Except for me and a few others who are half italian/ half irish. I live in belmont bronx. Its basically the real little italy of nyc. Alot of actual italians are here who speak poor english. And really the only mix of italian is italian/irish

how do you do fellow calabria heritage bro

i want italian waifu so i gotta get to nyc boston philly?

or just say fuck it and go back to the homeland?


The Right-wing coalition will get the majority. People across the EU are starting to realize that their globalist leaders are only trying to push an agenda and don't care about the needs of the citizens. Maybe Italy will be the first to exit the EU. It is time that the masses awaken and choose a future that will benefit them. These countries need real leaders that actually care about their citizens.

>italian-american wife
Bro, I get why, but you will be miserable unless you search every blade of grass in this country. There's a some where I live but most get committed/married pretty early, they are the normal and humble chicks. On the weekends the italian-american gabagool tourists come around and there's plenty of italian-american girls.

I'd hook you up with my cousin but That Reddit speak... Calabrese women will eat any non masculine dude alive.

Why does a party/coalition in Italy on need 40% to get a majority and not 51%?

Screencapped just in case PD will be BTFO like everyone wishes.

That’s amazing

You know where your family is from?
We were from palermo. No evidence but my great uncle arrest record said he came to the usa from there.

Getting to 51% in a system that has more than two parties/coalitions is pretty much impossible.

Pls (if you can) vote for pic related

LMFAO, yea good luck getting an absentee ballot. We can't get any, I'd say I encounter about 5-20 actual italians everyday from buying stuff, people i know on the street, etc. They cant get the absentee ballot sent. People went to the church to see if they could get them sent and we are still waiting.

here it is

never had a berlusconi before whats it taste like

A friend of mine (he's in Australia) contacted the ambassy to get the voting package.

Thanks I will call the embassy tomorrow. Never even occurred to me. Alot of the people here want to vote but also feel as if they shouldn't because they left.

Berlusconi was like Trump but 20 years before Trump (he went in politics in 1994). Now he cant get elected due to Severino Law (he cant even vote).

If this helps the right wing to achieve the 40% goal, we need all the help we can get.
Thank you burgerland-friend, spread among other pastabros if you will.

What about the jobs? Who's unemployed here? How it feels to being unable to get even the shittest job because you're not enough qualified or "lack" of the necessary experience to access the stage and apprenticeship?

you are literally one step above a nigger my dude

I don't know alot about italian politics, and I can't vote in the election. My mother can. The neighborhood is a strange place I'd say 85% support salvini, but they also equally hate berlusconi. I'm going to get them ballots because me and this one guy have been tasked with it by the old people.

Tell them to plug their nose and vote for the center-right coalition please

What does it mean?

Center-right coalition ahead, also keep in mind the shy voter effect

Lmao shove your polenta up your cunt with your divide and conquer bullshit.

center right leads by the highlighted number

Yes. My family lives in Gimilgiano and Filadefia, though most work in Catanzaro or have moved to Roma.
I plan on it user. I have good feelings.

This seems important, I am sure absolutely nobody in the (((media))) will report this.

The crisis is real. I know a complete flaming fag who is voting right solely based on immigration. He turned into a single issue voter because its so bad

No, only Meloni. I can't fuck the other two.

>LN has closer to 20%

Globalists eternally BTFO, PD on suicide watch!


Lui è con noi

Thailad you are my greatest ally. Fuck any chance you were also around during early Trump generals?

You must be really naive if you think that FI would elect Salvini PM even if Lega has the majority of votes in the coalition. Berlusconi (or, more accurately, the people he represents) would never ever support lega politics after the election day. It's the same old trick they have been doing for 20 years and you still fall for this. You are either naive or plain stupid.

Bump for Pasta user

Italy will have the same blessing of kek as trump has

I wake up every day hoping it will be as fun as those times. The build up to Election Day 2016 will be something we all look back on and smile on our death beds. It was the ultimate get.

This is the point of the people in my neighborhood. They want salvini policy. Most will vote center right. The only people I know who will vote left are a few young women.

I only ever voted in the usa elections for mitt romney, couldn't travel to where I was registered for the trump/hillary election

>published 4 min ago

Memelord confirmed for browsing Italy/pol/


Say it with me ita/pol/,


checked camerata!


Berlusconi did not even present an official candidate for FI, ffs. He knows very well he will probably have to bow to coalition this time, he proposed Tajani but he refused, btw.


I wish he did.

He will do what guarantees him more power to fix his family problems one last time- hopefully. Salvini is not what he is looking for, and Salvini knows that too; this way he can ride the opposition train as long as he wants making promises he cannot mantain. It's literally a political scam, one that has been going on for twenty years. The only possible outcomes are either a great coalition government (and that's what is going to happen most likely), or a bizarre but more likely then you think m5s-lega government.

I believe that tides might be turning because Lega has much more numbers by its side than 20 years ago when Bossi was around shouting about terroni and Roma ladrona.
Also don't forget that Silvio is very old, his health has not been at best these years. The moment Berlusconi in gone, FI is gone too.

But without a moderate centre-right (or at least less extreme than lega/fdi) is still difficult for them to obtain majority. It's a catch-22 situation that they engineered for themselves in which everyone gains what he really wants: Berlusconi has the possibility to sit at the table with the rulers, de facto imposing part of his wishes on the new government; Salvini can do ad libitum the only thing he can in the safe space of opposition.
If Salvini really gets to govern Italy, Lega nord is finished: everything he say isn't materially possible, not without destroying our economy to shreds. I'm not talking about something like "Trump promises" impossible either: just the abolition of the Fornero law would cost, alone, 5 PIL points.

The consulate posts them out to us, without requesting them. Voted Forza/Lega and so did my brothers.

?wtf, its like pulling teeth to try to get them here.

Thank you!

I have noticed also something, it might be worthless but still:
on kikebook Lega has 320k+ likes, PD has 234k.
Salvini has 2MILLIONS likes, Renzi has 1,1millions.
M5S has 1.1 millions too, Di maio has 1.2 millions.
This might be nothing, but it reminds me of the USA electoral campaign, where people on social media profiles of the candidates showed support for Trump and vocally critized Killary.
Then everybody acted surprised when Trump won because of the "98% chance of winnig"-tier polls and constant bashing of (((media))) against him.
Probably M5S will truly have lots of votes, but the sincere support for the left has dropped very low in the average person.

There are a lot of new Italian migrants in Australia, not just second or third generations, and getting residency is particularly hard in Australia, so the consulate is actually very efficient and well-staffed. It's kind of surprising.

Best decision of my life to get my Italian citizenship.

I mean, the problem is the new york metro area is fucking massive and has prolly the largest amount of italian/italian-whatever in the world and there's just a small consulate in manhattan.

>Probably M5S will truly have lots of votes

M5S is backed by fukkin SOROS. You can expect a lot of paid shills on FB and twatter, they have a lot of economic resources, but remember, we do it for free™.

This is also very true.
But don't underestimate the numbers of the bluepilled boomers that are the core of the grillini supporters.

Yeah, but the diaspora in the US isn't the same as here. It's a tighter community here. With total respect, Italian Americans are much more mutty, can't speak any intelligible Italian and are hated by actual Italians.