This is easily anime of the decade.
This is easily anime of the decade
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That's still OP
Badminton anime when?
Soon I hope
sk8 spokon when
Devilman will replace it.
i liked every single character in this show
it's my favorite anime only contested by tatami galaxy
It really is
Do the matches have strategy in them, or is the sport merely a setting for telling a story?
Overwhelmingly they are just to tell a story, I can think of one match where one player uses a strategy to take advantage of a weakness of the other player but that's about it.
I don't even know how one goes about selecting an anime of the decade.
Kimi no Na wa is objectively AOTD
Different strategies are brought up and acknowledged, but it's largely just window dressing and not the main appeal of the show.
I only got around to watching this a couple of months ago.
Definitely one of the best anime I've seen in years but I'm pretty sad that I didn't get to discuss it while it was airing.
Liking this shitstain of a show should be considered a bannable offense.
Nah, it wasn't that good.
If 2010 is included in "this decade" then it's K-On!!
If not then Ping Pong is a solid candidate, along with Shirobako, Non Non Biyori, and Koe no Katachi.
>along with Shirobako [...] and Koe no Katachi.
LMAO @ all that waifu shit even comparing to Ping Pong.
There was no discussion while it was airing. It was thousands of "this is pretty good/THIS IS THE BEST ANIME THIS YEAR" threads and they were all drowned out by contrarians shitposting the opposite. Frankly if you weren't moved by the score alone you're probably a sub-80 IQ savage.
As good as this was, the anime of the decade is unironically Space Dandy.
Consider yourself lucky, you missed a lot of shitflinging.
>anime of the decade is unironically Space Dandy
And this isone of those people who will shit talk DBS, Snk, BnHA, Monogatari etc.
Not even that dude but DBS is solely made to pander. It is not objectively good in any way, shape or form.
What a shitty taste you have. Your taste makes me physically sick
Neither are any of the other shows but so isnt Space Dandy. That anime doesnt stand out in any form or shape, neither does it do anything particularly well. Especially if we are talking about season 1.
>anime of the decade
not this decade. This decade has been locked down since 2012
Peco's backhand is extremely important.
>neither does it do anything particularly well
You can't honestly believe this, it was better animated than almost everything else out recently, had a great OST and had entertaining episodes (which is a bit subjective but whatever). Not to mention it wasn't the same generic shit we have seen a million time already.
I love SSY, but come on. Tatami, Ping Pong and 3gatsu are just as good as SSY, maybe even better.
>was better animated than
Not an accomplishment, especially since animation is more important in some than in other genres which reduces the amount of shows that actually try to animate stuff well heavily. Besides, this also only applies for a bunch of cherrypicked episodes.
>entertaining episodes
At best it was half-half.
>it wasn't the same generic shit
What is generic anyway? Space Dandy ist basically Lupin in space or Outlaw Star. Not sure if I would call that innovative. Season 2 was pretty good, season 1 was a joke, but neither of them, and especially not combined, do they even come remotely close to being the best in anything.
Holy shit that was boring, and awful art as expected of SHAFT. They need to just make more Hidamari Sketch.
Tatami is good, but not as good as either Ping Pong or SSY. (never watched 3gatsu)
Generic is haremshit, moeshit and shounenshit. It wasn't set in a school, didn't have cute girls doing cute things and wasn't a story about some faget MC using some bullshit powers to save the world.
>Not an accomplishment, especially since animation is more important in some than in other genres
This is total horseshit in a medium specifically about animation, why don't people just watch slideshows with music instead.
Execution matters more than premise. Plenty of anime with original premises that lost steam as they went on (see Flip Flappers)
>This is total horseshit in a medium specifically about animation
Youre fucking retarded. Anime is just as much about fucking art direction, audio design and writing as it is about animation. Why the fuck would anyone with a working brain prioritize animation, which only adds to the experience in fast paced scenes, over the other 3 in a drama or romance for example?
>lost steam as they went on (see Flip Flappers)
Wonder when this meme will end. "Losing steam" is not the same as "I didnt like the turn of events (even though they were foreshadows since ep1, I simply never bothered to pay attention while watching the OP or any of the episodes).
Penguindrum though.
Not even top 5 of 2010
ITT: Professional anime watchers.
A shame most people are too dumb to appreciate it.
I guess that's to be expected when it comes to anime fans.
You're insane. What's your top 5 on 2010?
I agree but in my opinion Space Dandy wasn't one of those and kept things fresh for the majority of the episodes.
Because the vast majority of anime has absolutely shit dialogue and is pandering to either neckbeard otaku or literal children and only weebs think they are deeper than that.
Not to mention that you can do everything else apart from animation in live action, why use the medium at all otherwise.
Great thread. Love seeing fucking Dragon Ball Super mentioned alongside the pseudointellectual anime hipster shows.
Best anime of the decade is, again, K-On!!.
Yuri Kuma Arashi is the most significant work of art of the 21st century.
Sora no Woto
Tatami Galaxy
Seitokai Yakuindomo
stop shitposting
>Not to mention that you can do everything else apart from animation in live action, why use the medium at all otherwise
Oh yeah, like mecha/scifi as a genre for example. You can either spend 2m on making an anime with a heavy focus on writing and art direction instead of animation or you spend 300m on a movie (Transformers) becuase thats how much non shit CGI will set you back in a real life setting. Youre completely fucking retarded if you dont understand just how much easier it is to make a drawing be visually appealing. Apparently youre also unable to understand budget limitations.
>Sora no Woto
>Tatami Galaxy
>Seitokai Yakuindomo
My runner-ups were Working!! and Ika Musume. Then Katanagatari.
if only it had matsumoto's artstyle and good animation. still amazingly directed, though, yuasa is really good
flawless ost too
You can't be a real person.
wew lad
>all this plotshit
I'm real. Just as real as the glorious perfection that is K-On!!
i hated the art style of Katanagatari okay
There have been great TV series and films in anime within the last decade, as most anons will inevitably show. I don't think Ping Pong is one of them, as I believe is one of Masaaki Yuasa's weakest works, but it's ok.
No, you're ENTIRE list of top anime of the decade is very concerning, it's like you've put no effort at all into actually watching something good.
To each his own, I guess.
Maybe, but those threads are always shiposting thread of the day, so stop posting already, you fucking nigger.
Fabulous taste, user.
That was top anime of 2010, not of the decade.
Pretentious anime hipsters who don't actually like the medium are just as bad as Sup Forumsermin who only watch generic shounen and isekai.
>you see all these mentally disabled people list top anime of 2010 and not a single one actually bothers to list what was hands down the best show of that year in form of House of the Five Leaves
Not that I am surprised, though. Just a bit worrying when I see these top 2010 lists and I can literally go on MAL, sort by score and its basically them at the top.
>who don't actually like the medium
You're right, I don't like the medium, I LOVE the medium.
2010 must've been a garbage year for you to put Seitokai Yakuindomo on your list.
i has a suzu
Don't confuse "medium" (animation?) with "current state of what's popular in the market". One can like anime and not like K-On.
I dislike most big hit anime. K-On is a masterpiece and anyone who dislike it should off themselves.
Recently an acclaimed critic said that Ping Pong is his favourite anime so who knows.
No but it is the greatest sports anime of all time.