The Chinese threat

I see a lot of threads about the Jew but what do you think of the danger China represents?

They're increasingly wealthy, organized and patriotic. They work like ants and have proved to be even more capable at technology than us in the past.
They already have millions of expatriates in western countries taking all the places in colleges and stealing our knowledge.

Shouldn't we worry about them instead?

Other urls found in this thread: Harvest, The killing of Falun Gong for their organs&rlz=1C1AOHY_enAU771AU771&oq=Bloody Harvest, The killing of Falun Gong for their organs&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

if they work harder and smarter than white people, then they deserve to become dominant.

i won't begrudge them.

>Shouldn't we worry about them instead?
Chinks love Trump, hate PC BS and seem to be pro-nationalism even in regards to foreign countries and their own affairs. Why do we have to be enemies? Competitors, sure, but enemies? Sounds like yet again more kike D&C shit.

Why don't you say the same about Jews. Your ching chong shilling is obvious, Xhing

Yes, the Chinese are the real threat. They've successfully distracted everyone into hating the Jews (left and right) while setting themselves up to be the superpower

>what do you think of the danger China represents?
Not much. People constantly shill China's strength, but from someone that lived and studied there I can tell you, they are still a very poor nation. They exist and progress on the ownership of debt. They have made lots of progress in way of infrastructure, but thats about it.

Pic— “We must destroy the neantherdal” lmao East Asians have more neantherdal genes than all the other races the irony

Anyone watch the ChunWan show this year? The Chinese propaganda is so refreshing after hearing the Western nonsense. They push a message of national pride, shared history and culture, and a future of continued success unimaginable greatness. Western propaganda is... identity warfare, morality based on failure and grievance, and utter nation disunity, shame, and sedition.

>have proved to be even more capable at technology than us in the past
Not really.

Gotta put some kind of firewall in place to block all chinese from posting or going anywhere online. Then think very strongly about letting any of them in america at all.

ignore shills, china is the west's biggest threat after Israel

breaking news. 33 dead and 150 injured in terrorist knife attack on the train

>They have made lots of progress in way of infrastructure
Maybe in a cozy first tier city or two, but most of the country outside of them are dogshit.

China is building a large navy to rival the USA for dominance in the pacific, China already has plans to colonize and exploit the resources of Australia and New Zealand (without war) they have shut off the mekong river to thailand and vietnam, their one belt one road plan will connect the economies of russia, israel and china together, they already own the electricity companies in NZ etc etc.
when china rules the world

In the Jaws of the Dragon: How China Is Taking Over New Zealand

Only the top 1/3 of China is "wealthy" i.e. running water and electricity. They are basically India but organized because of Communist death threats.

They contribute nothing in terms of innovation. It's slave labor. Be it iPhones or t-shirts.

and their economy and military is much larger than yours, they have 1.2 billion people in their country, 1/3 = 400 million

China is a threat to you, because you were stupid enough to let them establish a massive colony in your country. To the rest of us, they are a bunch of effeminate autistic manlets who like to cheat.

I wouldn't be so sure about that.

No. They're all shit-tier niggers. Harvest, The killing of Falun Gong for their organs&rlz=1C1AOHY_enAU771AU771&oq=Bloody Harvest, The killing of Falun Gong for their organs&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

>The Chinese threat
yes they wrote a book about it, Unrestricted Warfare.

Chinese are genetic garbage, Japan or Russia could exterminate them on their own. The greatest threat that Chinese pose is the genetic contamination of our race by their autistic pan-faced females who are desperate to breed with a human.

we are allies, your country has more chinese people in it then ours does

Nope.. chinese are capitalistic in their soul. They want to make money, eat well and have disappointing Asian sex. I don't see them as a threat and they are becoming increasing middle class and degenerate as the West while still being reasonable.

you are ignorant

Although actually, mass-quantities of shit-tiers is a threat in and of itself.

>The greatest threat that Chinese pose is the genetic contamination of our race by their autistic pan-faced females who are desperate to breed with a human.

Half-Chinese here. Can confirm. Although not marrying someone from the same village is a time-honored tradition.

how does it work ?

Economy? No, we are the top dog.

Military means nothing now. Every dirty trick will be played when backs are against the wall if it came down to it any industrialized nation. That's why cyber/economics is the next evolution in warfare.

Save me a bullet. Hang yourself.

Credit where credit is due: the Ehang 184 looks pretty cool even if it's only 20min of flight time. Culturally, the CEO takes it upon himself if anyone dies but here, it's all about the gubmint preventing anything like this from becoming a thing in the first place.

>we are allies
Sorry f.a.m. but Australia will probably have to be abandoned by Europeans during this century. We must prioritize retaking Europe and North America, Australia is just too far flung and strategically unimportant to warrant expenditure of resources during our existential struggle for the preservation of the European race.
>your country has more chinese people in it then ours does
We have a lot of problems, but we are strong enough to make the Chinese leave peacefully when the time comes. The Chinese will never give up Australia without a fight.
I am just realistic about their genetic potential. They are what they are.

Now I'm wondering who's really the crapnog

I really think you are dangerously underestimating them.

That guy is Altaic.


And you're a sub-normal fuckard.. your point being?

hey amerifat, the jews have stolen all your technology and are going to sell it to china once your economy is only 2nd best in 20 years

It is my considered opinion that China has to be taken seriously as an existential threat to the Western Civilisation.
In fact the 'best' of the 'conservative' minds in America have been thinking this way for a very long time.
Remember the Project for A New American Century?
This was the Neocon organisation, which released a white paper years before September 11, controversial because in one part it mentions the possibility that a large unexpected external attack could be the necessary catalyst to effect the measures advocated in the paper itself.
What most people don't remember is the paper's actual stated goals, which are only tangentially related to the Middle East.
The PNAC document, in fact, was concerned specifically with a century-long battle for global hegemony between the United States and China.
This was the explicitly-stated, central thesis of the paper. It asked readers a simple question: "Who do you want to be in charge of the world by 2100? The USA, or China? If you pick the USA, you must do what we say. Because otherwise China will win."
The paper is mostly about a resource war, for the remaining easily-accessible fossil fuels.
Hence why the Middle East is important.
To a degree fracking and new energies might impact on the strategy, but do you really think these world-masters didn't have access to the insider intelligence on these developing technologies?
It's crazy. You need to be open to the possibility that the US government committed September 11 -AND- truly believes it was justified in doing so (and might ACTUALLY be justified in doing so, depending on how far the rabbit hole you want to go).
Life is strange.
I personally have no solid conclusions on September 11, other than doubting the official story.
As to China as a danger? Yes. Biggest the USA faces, by any stretch of the imagination.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is sorely uneducated.

Yes we should. We're fucked. We need a pan-Western Roman empire

The Chinese are not a threat. They are friendly and willing to adopt any culture of the country they stay in. The more Chinese you have in your country, the stronger your country is.

Chinese-as-immigrants is one thing.
The global aspirations of an empire are another.

tell that to tibet, thailand or vietnam all of those are chinese puppet states

Oh, and I would also point out, that despite being separate things, they are also bound-up. The Communist Party wields enormous power and often requires individuals to spy, even reluctantly, while they are abroad.

Geographically China remains in a though spot, given that the pacific alliances stay like they are now. A trade embargo enforced by the US navy together with Japan, Taiwan, and Korea, will cause an acute collapse of food supplies and shipping, while their military can't do anything.

> smart, picks up technology, work like ants
My chinese intern isn't and doesn't. Not much imagination there either. Yet he has a masters and scored in the top 10%.

They're good at copying our methods/tech, then doing it really quickly, maybe making variations to the original concept.

China has always been isolationist. They do things only to benefit China, and invading the world does not do that. They are also not as strong as they look, they are extremely poor outside of the capitalist zones.

wtf, how did your post jump? Anyway, gooks don't have the same genetic potential as Europeans, you must be realistic about their capabilities. Chinese are perhaps the least martial race on the planet, laughably incompetent in warfare and technological innovation. Chinese are a race of helots bred for obedience and conformity by 5,000 years of continuous totalitarian government. The only way they can defeat us is the same way they have defeated other warrior-races in the past; through miscegenation and genetic contamination. They can flood our nations with their sluts and turn our people into fellow autistic manlet helots as they did with the Mongols and Manchus.

> destroy the neanderthal..
ALL races except africans have neanderthal genes. Asians, Eskimos, American native, Australian Aborigines, Europeans, ALL of them.

If you don't have neanderthal, you're African, sorry to be the bearer of unfortunate news

I agree that China become a super power will be a threat to regional and global stability. TPP was supposed to stop that but then we got Trump. Don't get me wrong, TPP is a double edge sword, it secured interest of USA but screwed over low wages workers of USA (and benefit our own low wage workers).

China as a country is vicious right now. It has very little Chinese value left (see: cultural revolution where the entire mainland China abandon Chinese culture entirely). It is not a representation of how Chinese should act.

Chang here. We should be allies.
The biggest threat Europe faces is Islamization.
The biggest threat US faces is being out bred by hispanics.
China maybe a threat, but you are worrying about a cold while you already have cancer, learn your priorities.

China hate thread. Fuck China.

No. Don't worry about the Chinese, Koreans, Europoors, Arabs, they all don't matter.

Focus on the Jew(ish) pedophiles.

Chinese have their own culture and it doesn’t involve destroying yours. Neither are they imperialists.

China's problem is internal struggle. Look at their history and this has always been the case. Every few decades they have to exterminate a couple of million chinks to maintain order.
Chinks are terrified of their government for this reason and prefer the status quo to continue obviously so as not to get killed.
But, inevitably, the cycle repeats.

Maybe it'll be in our livetimes that we'll see it happen again.

Or maybe, just maybe, they'll finally aspire to be the best and greatest nation on earth as they so deeply desire.

History doesnt point towards that way though.

We created China, and we can destroy China.

anti chinese propaganda is being aggressively distributed because of the very real possibility of significant armed conflict with them

its more convenient if 'useful idiots' like ourselves disseminate this wartime propaganda, instead of the massive expense associated with performing that manually through contractors and agents

Note that with the size and power of China, whether war is morally or practically desirable is no longer the relevant question

look at what they're doing in africa chink

> Chinese assimilate

Migration of Han-Chinese is the best tactic there is to force other people to assimilate to Chinese culture. And even that is going to be put under pressure since Chinese above the poverty line get even less children then average Europeans. So once they achieve Western levels of wealth they will genocide themselves.

I wouldn't worry, they're a bit short sighted...

dont worry
chinese people are terrible fighters
they got obliterated by the japanese despite having like 10x more manpower

Chinese Frogger

Uhhh akshuallleee the term is "Bing bong" not "ching ching". Read a history book

>neither are they imperialists
mein sides

Pretty sure bing bong is from arrested development bruh but good points for the reference.

>they will genocide themselves when they adopt western style of living
a.k.a. they assimilate very well into western society. The best plan is for us to btfo mainland China so that they become poor again, the influx of Chinese will balance out the niggers and they will respect western's rule of law better than the nigs.

This. They've taken our manufacturing and stolen our technology, and they have the numbers. They are the true enemy.

they have high technology from israel and can overwhelm mutt nations with superior numbers

Chinks are subhuman creatures.

China's wealth is a meme and a powder keg, they don't have nearly enough to sustain 1.5 billion people under non-shitty living standards.
They're dangerous because of China's humongous size and the amount of surplus males who will never statistically find a mate but they will be more of a problem for India and Asia than for the West.

What the fuck

this is how it was done for thousands of years. beautiful! we out to show this in classes.

>Competitors, sure
You realize what getting btfo in a competition means right? This isn't a friendly game.

>charles murray graphics
>the past started in 1500

I can tell for sure you're not white. You don't have the IQ. Please don't defend us, mutt.


Almost everyone underestimates the Chinese. They think all they do is copy but their creativity is growing. Combine that with their high birth rate and you have a ligitament rival.

Globalists know they can't take over the world until China falls!

They know it will be the the FINAL BOSS,
so they keep up the fake pressure on China daily!

It's all bullshit,
I really hope China wins verses these Globalists Bastards!

The mother is clearly retarded but the bystanders are afriad to touch the child because they could get sued to hell.

>Chinese arent a martial race.
>Be in a civil war from 1912 to 1950.
>Beat UN in Korean War, India in Border Wars, Vietnam in Border Wars. All these in the 20th century.
>Countless expeditions into Western Asia, the Steppes and South East Asia. Tributaries stretched from Amsterdam to Tokyo.
>Be called an incompotent martial race because they didnt use rifle against spear wielding tribes and genocide 3 whole continents.

Do you even live here Chang?

Yes, but there are too many yellow fever beta fags who think that because their crimes aren't as obvious as niggers that they're not a problem

>The Trump administration’s 5G plan comes on the heels of the scuttled smartphone distribution deal in the US between Huawei Technologies and AT&T because of US security concerns.

Chinese telecommunications equipment makers Huawei and ZTE Corp have already been shut out of the lucrative carrier network market in the US because of security worries. China-US ties may further get strained if Trump’s 5G plan moves forward.

>China investments in 5G mobile networks are expected to reach 2.8 trillion yuan (US$443 billion) in the period from 2020 to 2030, according to a study published last year by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology.

>U.S. officials have actively urged customers not to purchase ZTE or Huawei phones and have lobbied carriers to cut ties with the Chinese companies for security reasons. 5G networking gear is expected to be used for everything from phones to autonomous cars, factories, and city infrastructure, radically increasing security risks and consequences compared to its 4G predecessor.

> If it indeed releases a 5G smartphone by early 2019, it’s likely that they would be one of the first to the market, potentially going up against or beating Apple and Samsung to offer that feature.

China is creating the ultimate Trojan Horse

What are you even blabbering about, chankoro?

>be a chink
>get raped by horse archers

>Implying China is still under Manchu rule.
>Implying Manchu didnt literally adopt everything from Chinese language to customs.
>Implying China didnt fuck up an industrialised and militarised Japan as a civil war ridden agarian backwater.

israel already has all off your high technology and infrastructure tapped, look up tailpiot program

The Chinese love our current paradigm so they'll work to reinforce it. If a future administration tries to correct the imbalances or if China wants to expand it will foment domestic unrest. That would be 2-3 decades out at least.

Commie China isn't our friend.

Don't forget the awesome blackface bit highlighting their subjugation of Africa! Fucking based

Have you been? Even rural bumfuck nowhere villages have a few decent bus routes and paved roads, don't need much more than that honestly.

The type of economic colonisation they're doing is pretty effective.
In an actual war they'd lose (as they have for the past 400 years).

Siege of Peking when?

>bans hip hop
>sends muslims to reeducation camps
>mocks the "white left"
>pursues biotech unlike the cowardly west

china is the future of civilisation.

They're implicitly ethnonationalist as well. The "Chinese" ethnogroup is about as broad as European aka. white. I would never trust the Chinese. I'd trust Russians before I trusted the Chinese.

Europeans/kikes own large swathes of key sectors in China. The Chinese own primarily residential land in the west. It's not really comparable.

An airport in every village! You cannot be first world without.

>chink psyop

Some of you are very naive about China. They are a vile race, treachery is in their blood. China has been having the Sino-centric world view for thousand years, everyone else must submit to their authority as mandated by heaven. When reality didn't work out like that? They hold a grudge. And soon, they will be out for revenge.

Nope. I've never even dated one. I'm an amateur that's interested in China/Russia. Let's not pretend like Russia is controlled by Russians. The Semibankirschina couldn't even claim to be Christian.

Hello Vietnam.

Tell Ngyugen to gtfo Guangxi and stop flooding the borders to get into the Chinese markets.

>EU/kikes own large swathes of key sectors in China.
I thought foreigners can't own companies in China. Aren't you forced to have a Chinese national as a partner if you want to open a business in China?

Democracy would be the perfect tool to neuter China. I doubt they could even keep together the current state as is with democratic elections.

I see that the UK is not only overrun by Pakis but Changs too.

They own shares in Chinese industry/telco/etc. They're not allowed to create companies, you're correct. SK has similar rules but I wonder how much of Samsung is owned by American banks and individuals..