God bless the Kosovar people for standing up and resisting the oppression of the Serbian regime which sought to butcher them in their own homes.
Today is the 10th anniversary of the Independence of Kosovo
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You muslim terrorist organ, slave and heroin traffickers will get what you deserve from God very soon.
Sandjak and Vojvodina next to separate please. Good job Kosovo.
Kosovo is Serbia
Please attack Kosovo again, so we can bomb you and you can lose more territory. By the end of 2020 Serbia will be the size of Luxembourg.
>stay strong Serb bro. many of us here were like 10 when (((we))) free'd the horribly oppressed Hajis in you're country. but many of us also know the truth these days.....slowly but surely we are taking control of OUR governments and future. IOTBW.
>americuck makes itself this obvious
kys now before the time comes you lament missing your chance to.
Kosovars being Muslim extremists is a lie propagated by Serb radicals who need to paint everyone to be like they are, religious extremists. In fact Kosovo is the most religiously tolerant country in the Balkans. They don't even allow hijabs in government. You have been lied to and brainwashed by Serbs.
LMFAO. you CIA niggers/sharia blue communists are WAYYY too obvious. lol. your kind's day is coming, so please remember this reply when it does you traitorous fuck.
Albania and Albanian parts of Kosovo deserve a nuclear Holocaust.
>On Christmas
What the fuck is wrong with Americans, you can't even respect Christmas time
Do you still want to be a Serb POL?
Drop them bombs on Serbia.
i thought Canadians only respected Ramadan?
Kosovo je Srbija.
Now deliver me those kidneys!
Kosovo was taken over by Muslim refugees that Toto let in after they fled Albania.
The non-Muslim Albanians hate them too.
I know it's strange to Amerifats that the rest of the world doesn't gorge themselves 24/7but it's true
God bless Serbia
AHhh I love the serb butthurt in the morning
People are outside celebrating
We had a tasty fli and Ill be going soon see the concert
And Oh, despite the fact I am in Kosovo, MY FLAG SHOWS ALBANIAN FLAG
Ahhhh yes
fli is the poor mans pite
>eating pite
Ela re malaka
bona hajgare, gezuar pavarsine
Happy Independence day from my country to yours. Cheers!
Aah yes,how good it feels to be free.
I also started celebrating early today with my friends,later on we'll be attending Rita Ora's concert.
Cheers everyone,and don't forget SRBE NA VRBE
fuck USA, Kosovo is Serbia
Soon you dirty roaches will be cleansed out of USA. We will kill you here, we will kill you there in Serbia, we will kill you everywhere around the world.
You sound a little mad there mate, forgot to take your soy?
>servs corrupted niggers in burund to unregonize kosovo
can't make this shit up fucking niggers lmao
>not a glorified military base
Their army has a cool flag at least
Burundi is Serbia
> all these albanian niggers with meme-flags
Why albanians are so ashamed of their country?
Congrats Kosovars on 10th anniversary from your brothers in Bosnia. We wish you long and prosperous years ahead and hopefully we will recognize you as soon as we purge serv vermin
colonized land stolen from serbs, same as israel
well serbs did the same thing in kosovo by replacing natives and migrating norther later and taking others land so it's only fair
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
So congrats, I guess.
Fuck my jew country for recognizing this fake shithole
Happy indie day to all Kosovars lurking
>You muslim terrorist organ, slave and heroin traffickers will get what you deserve from God very soon.
We love you too you genocidal loving,raping,war criminal,madmen!
There is nothing better than good old fashion balkan hotair insults in the morning to start a good day!
t. Not a real american
what is real american?
>introduce actual civilization
>immigrants come in and act like niggers
>it's all just so tiresome
t. brainwashed amerimut
>introduce actual civilization
this post is cute
Kosove je Srbija. I'm so ashamed we had a liberal government at that time who recognised this illegal entity. Serbs will you ever forgive us?
The Yankee reveals it's true colours at last.
The people of Poland should not be blamed for the actions of their corrupt government.
What we can do is be united in this fight to get rid of this muslim scum.
Is that near Wakanda?
I like him, genious man. Its almost as if they intentionally destroyed Detroit because of him
Remember that the majority of people here are with you. We know how it is to be abandoned and betrayed by everyone.
how can you americans be happy when you bombed serbia with your modern fucking jets and shit you lost around 150 jets to our shitty 60 1980s jets explain to me it looks like your army is biggest pussies in the world.
daily reminder spain had never and will never support the existance of kosovo as a country god day fellas
And Serbs are well aware of that. Although you're not doing that out of the kindness of your heart, it is still appreciated.
what the rest of the world does not understand is that my nation is not of the same mindset as most other nations of this world. No westerner would ever know what the true price of freedom is compared to a Serb, who gives his life away for it. Freedom is a sacred virtue only understood by those who live and die for it. Even if my country were reduced to the size of an atom I would always be proud of it for being this small land that my countrymen are ready to spill their blood for, and not sell themselves out for bags of flour like the same neighbors that viciously attack and hate us solely because they gave away this sacred thing instead of preserving it like us. This image is not really insulting because that small atom alone is worth more than 90% of the Countries that exist today.
Spain is very peculiar, we support palestine and not kosovo, spain hate jews so we support palestine.
butalso spain made the former independance leader vote against kosovo recognizion.
Ahh, a kindred spirit I see.
Kosovo is Serbia
Didn’t your nobles sell your women to Ottoman officers?
When are you southerners gonna rise again?
The entire male nobility died in 1389 in the battle of kosovo
their widows then became monks in the orthodox monasteries, never to marry again
we have written proof from the monastery records of the time, while you have facebook memes
Kosovo je Srbja
Freedom or death
>continues to wageslave 8 hours for 250€ a month
them dumbo ears tho. pic obviously related.
Does Kosovo have it's own geoflag?
nop it doesn't
at the past i supported the serbs, but because they are losers and constantly lose, I'm sick of it. fuck off serbia
Thanks for those wishes... /Picrelated is the result of your US efforts... very nice indeed...
But there is another side effect as well...
Wherever our civilians and yours meet, end result is almost always, coma or dead American.
That will go on, all over the world until we get satisfied. Time will show how many of your mothers will cry from the consequences of your government actions.
serbdom is eternal, you can all suck a dick
The south has entirely been subverted and destroyed by external forces as punishment for rising against the hegemony of northern financial politics. And of course, the parasitic planter class left the south en-mass as soon as the war turned against them. This process began during "reconstruction" as all industry was left abandoned and ready to be bought up.
Our culture has been subverted and destroyed, our history irrevocably changed to simplify the causes of the war to the lowest common denominator.
Our people have been kept uneducated, indoctrinated, and subservient: mostly by their own free will now.
The "South" is gone, never to return.
Sorry to break it. Kosovo is independet. You serbs are always free to take it, i won't stop you. Best of luck.
Forget the shills serbro, many of us support you (almost allnationalists in our countries do it) and sooner or later justice will be made. Usa was always controlled by enemies of t european populations
This. Slavshits deserve to be showered with 30mm Uranium shells. I’m glad US is keeping the tradition of killing hundreds of Slavshits every year and they can’t even retaliate. Subhumans!
You need to go back to albania
the amount of clueless retards here is astonishing but not surprising
Fuck Kosovo
t. butthurt Slavshits that still celebrate a annihalation turning to Turkroaches as a national holiday
Brakes my heart man, I was 8 when they dropped bombs on our schools and bridges and hospitals, they deliberately targeted civilian infrastructure.
Killed a 3 year old on her potty... A civilian train full of passengers
Those things don't go away , they pushed us into Russian arms for the next 50 generations.
And if the WW3 comes up between Russia and USA you can bet 7 million Serbs will be on the front lines ready to drink American blood.
We know Europeans were involved as well, but we are well aware who runs NATO and who pulls the strings.
only a dead albanian is a good albanian
Oh look another ablo butthurt thread made by some diaspora crackbaby
thats a funny meme, but about that space ship technology; our serbian boys put the first nasa astronauts in space, read it and weep lil analbanian boys...Montenegrins and Serbs put NASA on the moon....yeah and /ourguy/ invented DC...you guys are a skid mark in history in comparison
anyway thanks lads
>process to kill civilians for 9 years straight
>gets bombed
>weeeeeeeee why is life so unfair
Yeah , everyone is a retard.
It's going to be fun for you once Greeks go for the Epirus... You have a lot of allies in the balkans, Fyrom loves you, Bulgarians as well, and Serbs will help you for sure...
It's called pest control
Albanians arent humans while Serbs are.
What civilians??
Like those , Ambassadors daughter talked about in Kuwait?? If you let CNN think instead of you, you embarrass yourself with these posts...
But , you are probably an albanian goat-fucker anyways, so it's understandable...
oh yes, so it's a lie that kosovo was not part of serbia, christian land and your countrymen invaded and replaced them, and then with the help of other muslims, destroyed almost all the western christian archi and symbols there and then call for 'indepedancy' and pseudo state inside of another country.
Falamenderit USA