Does Sup Forums have hope? What do you hope for? I've basically given up hope- there's fewer disappointments that way.
Does Sup Forums have hope? What do you hope for? I've basically given up hope- there's fewer disappointments that way
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I hope Nagatoro gets an anime
A better future through technology. The way I see it, that's where it's all going and the underlying point of the world's turmoil. Technology is both the glue of modern social interaction and the escapism of the isolating modern world. Everything feeds it, empowers it.
bitcoin is the last beacon of hope
if it fails, we will have the full 1984 treatment
Interesting. Do you really think tech is making things better? Why do you think that?
Link pls
Putting trust in a currency which is trustless? Bold move, cotton.
Sup Forums gives me no hope, it's only a reflection of the fact that this is a world of bastards.
We live in a transitioning world. It was material, physical, but much like the change from CDS and DVDs to streaming we are "moving away from physical". Just like how we're all talking through the internet instead of in a room together.
It's not necessarily that technology is better but that it's where we're headed. Like if you're a kid and you're family moved you're gonna be pissed at first but the more you accept the new town the better things get. It's the transition that's a bitch.
I have tons of hope. Mueller is closing in on Donny Two Scoops in a speedrun version of Watergate. The fact that even Sup Forums is pretending that it's not happening is my hint that Trump won't last another month. I hope they get that traitor Nunes, too.
Literally kill yourself normal bitch.
it took me 26 years of life but I can finally make tuna omelette to my liking. Things are looking good bros
1 can of tuna in the oil
2 eggs
a quarter of chopped onion
swiss cheese
fish sauce
apple cider vinegar
pour out the oil into the frying pan and heat up the oil on low/medium heat
i don’t drain it really well, I leave some for the mix put everything in a bowl
when the pan is hot enough cook that shit
fuck guys I been eating this every day for weeks and my farts are nasty holy shit
>Does Sup Forums have hope?
Yes. Everything ends eventually.
Who cares about Trump? As a leaf, I was only hoping that he'd cause some chaos and some keks, which he has delivered on. The advantage of not having any hope is that you're never let down when (for example) Trump turns out to be a ZOG-bot, or w/e,
look at muh wrist shine
Look at muh neck shine
Fuck a bitch too time
Gat gat gat gat gat
Jump off da roof
Go splat
Fuck a botch too time
Too fine
Yuh yuh suh
Dresden Dresden
Burn dem flesh BRAAAAAAP
Anglo pride brrrrrrrrt
White utopia on Mars.
I’m a livin proof
I was overdue
Big molly
I can barely move
Dirt tree chaingz
Das a liability
Boosting muh agility
Chase a set
Molly perk my sets
Burger pls go
Why do you have hope for this, though?
my guys, they are streaming a fag parade in new zealand on (((youtube)))
dislike bomb theres faggots
hope is almost gone op
Hope is gay.
Keep it 100 schooch
Maple boy caught u fuckin duh pooch
Yo prez take the d
JB caught on fleek
No J talk
hope is the root of suffering, leaf
>"The key to tackling extremism is despair. Rob them of the hope that their wild fantasies will win out in the day."
Yes, and also the root of pleasure, too. Can you really enjoy anything if you have no hope, no trust in the future?
> Get a great new job
"I'll probably lose it"
> Start a business
"We probably won't make any money"
> Get a gf
"We probably won't stay together.
> Have passionate crazy sex
"She is probably cheating on me"
I don't know how to resolve this.
Distrust is adaptive, because it allows you to predict and neutralize threats ahead of time, but there seems to be no logical cutoff point, such that one could very well become paranoid as they attempt to forestall more and more things from going wrong, to the point of paralysis, whereby you do nothing because you don't believe anything will work out
No, honestly.
I've become a nihilist more quickly than I thought.
The only way to save the white race is to cut back or hault technological advancement. Technology is what's making us lazy, not only that we're too used to this high standard of living and wealth that many whites just opt out of having kids because there is no emotional need to. Not even counting the low sperm count in western countries. I think mother nature is hitting us hard.
The white race is doomed no matter what. Unless we literally revert back.
I have hope that all the leftists will neck themselves in the near future.
is new zealand always this comfy?
I've lost all hope. I stopped going on Twitter and now I spend most of my time on here. I only go on Sup Forums because I'm lonely, bored and need some form of human interaction.
yes. we go full circle