Would you pat his head?
Why is best girl (male) so cute?
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doesn't make any sense
if it has a Penis it's gay
The question isn't if its gay or not. The question is "would you pat his head?"
that's very homosexual of you
I would suck his cute dick.
Not gay though
As long as its a girls(male) dick its completely straight.
We need more traps fucking girls.
agree, we need a jack x astolfo dojin
Nah we need Astolfo fucking Jeane alter silly.
Not if it's a feminine penis
I'll pat his head if he takes me to pound town.
The two parts of sexuality is genetics and aesthetics.
With this in mind a man won't turn you on but perhaps a trap who looks like a girl will. This makes sense because its the looks that make the difference not the XX/XY.
Is a man who is attracted to masculinity and a man who is turned on by femininity equally gay?
The answer is you are significantly less gay than the man that is attracted to masculinity, but you are still moderately more gay than the man that is purely turned on by femininity and can't stand any form of masculinity.
Now likening a cartoon trap is very low on the gaydar.
still fucking gay
So gay right?
This is very nice.
Some things are gayer than others but yes its a little gay.
As long as I don't see his dick.
>draw girl
>call it a boy
Yes. It looks like a very patable head.
>this level of mental gymnastics and still admits it's gay
Fucking trapfags are the worst.
i want to rim astolfo's cute ass
>but yes its a little gay
That's the only part that matters. Homosexuality is a sin, it's not too late for salvation user.
Agreed, but I would still totally tap that trap.
Remove gays
Well we have the right man for the job.
What mental gymnastics? can you read?
What part of that wasn't true?
Nigga, I don't understand. It's fucking gay, that's all there is to it. The fact that people try to come up with some sort of science to make them look straight or some shit just makes you look even more gay because you're trying to justify being interested in men. Who the fuck cares, god damn.
I mean if this is gay then I'm gayer than the rainbowm bros
>he fact that people try to come up with some sort of science to make them look straight or some shit just makes you look even more gay because you're trying to justify being interested in men.
>Sieg rolled up the sheets, revealling the Astolfo that was wrapped around his legs. In spite of the turmoil that just ocrred, he was still soundly asleep, a far cry from the image of a Servant protecting his Master. But more importantly...
Apocrypha Astolfo is 100% gay
try reading it again maybe you'll recognize that no one denied it was gay or attempted to state otherwise.
Explain how this could possibly be gay.
It's more of a general thing. 90% of trap threads I've seen, there is always one guy trying to come up with some sort of theory or science to defend their sexuality.
>being a trap
>liking traps/wanting to fuck a trap.
can we all agree here?
I would suck his dick
>bulge poking through skirt
My fetish
He is an idiot
There is nothing wrong with being ancient Greek gay
Bulges in cute clothes are one of the best parts about traps.
I would fondle his breast.
It's best when there's some precum that's stained the skirt on the tip
Why does he have such wide hips?
>this is a Japanese male
Where did Japan go so wrong?
I want to fondle his balls.
Perfect handles
fucking gay shit right there right the ere
Allah will punish you all
Its a french/english man.
Why is Charlemagne's paladin a kid sized trap anyway
>precum that's stained the skirt on the tip
another man of culture I see
You can't simply be a "little gay"
You're gay or you're not.
> draw a girl
> call it a boy
this has to stop
KIill yourself faggot
So if I were a trap being fucked by a older woman that would be gay, right?
Gayer than being the one doing the fucking.
>What part of that wasn't true?
Only truth there is that it's fucking gay
No, fucking faggot, it's still gay
Mike “Like it in the crapper, you’ll get the zapper” Pence might have something to say to you.
If there's a dick, it's gay
Another faggot I see
Would you like to find out.
but that's clearly a girl's dick
Choose one
No, I think you're gay.
But I don't have to, it's 2017.
but wouldn't gays not like guys that look like girls?
wouldn't they prefer guys that look like guys?
I mean they are gay afterall?
what does it mean?
I fucking love this picture.
>choosing both
>still gay
Is futa on trap gay?
As gay having a girl fuck you in the ass with a strap on. So yes, very.
sigh traps are not gay. I repeat, traps ARE NOT GAY. How idiotic do you have to be to think that they are? traps are probably even less gay than some women. I understand why some people MIGHT consider traps to be gay, but once thinking about it i don't know why people wouldn't change their mind. traps look like women. WOMEN ARE NOT GAY. IF YOU FUCK SOMEONE WHO LOOKS LIKE A WOMEN, HOW IS THAT EVEN SLIGHTLY FUCKING GAY? I can kinda see why people think having a dick makes it gay, but the dick only makes up about 0.2% of the human body. if the rest of the body is feminine, that's 99.8% straight. let me repeat, 99.8% STRAIGHT, THAT'S EXTREMELY FUCKING STRAIGHT. THERE ARE WOMEN WHO ARE LESS THAN 99.8% FEMININE, YET PEOPLE DON'T CALL THEM GAY. If you wanna fuck a woman who looks manly as fuck, I'm not gonna call you gay, but you shouldnt call me gay for fucking traps either. It makes no sense why people let a single penis ruin an entire sexual encounter, it's easy enough to ignore. Traps still have fuckable assholes, you don't need to fuck the pussy specifically. And if it's that much of a problem, just look away. He isn't gonna rub his dick on you or anything. There are plenty of nice traps out there, and Im sure you'd get along well with them, but you choose not to because of something on them which takes up 0.2% of their body. It's nonsensical and stupid how worked up people get over something so small but completely ignore the rest of the body. If you're worried about your friends knowing that you're fucking someone 0.2% masculine and 99.8% feminine, they don't need to find out. Believe it or not, traps can wear clothes too. They don't walk around with their dicks hanging out, they cover their dick with pants or skirts. Nobody has to find out that you're in a perfectly heterosexual relationship.
>sissy white boy
>"rider of black"
Japan knows what's up
do you really expect me to read more than one line of this?
So is it gay when you don't know it's a trap? Are you in some kind of quantum superposition of being both a faggot and not a faggot at the same time?
if you don't know .. then its a trap
if you know.. then it isn't a trap
Yes that makes sense but you can't call it a trap until after you know it's a guy. So while you're still thinking it's a girl is it really gay?
I admit I've taken the pleasure of jerking it to chico in Pico x CoCo x Chico when he's wearing his black and white dress. It is gay. Like really really gay. Also youtube.com
I admit I would tap that trap's tight taint.
a gay person is attracted to men
if you are attracted to a girl then find out its a guy your not gay, you were deceived
the guys who love traps and obsess over trap cock are gay
the ones who obsess over the feminity of traps and how they are girls are straight
> Would you pat his head?
Too gay for me
>the ones who obsess over the feminity of traps and how they are girls are straight
>but it's still a guy nonetheless
Nope, still gay