Will we ever get a comfy Villains ova , will we ever see shiggy kill someone relavent
Boku no hero thread
>not even academia on the title
ant the other tread have general in the tittle you fucking failures
Next chapter izuku will probably ask her about camie , it's time for your final guesses
Wait a minute
kami is safe and confy in togas dungeon
Hurry up!
Camie was bribed , she's a bigger money whore than ochako
yeah fuck off OP
What do you think of toga and ochako
You better watch it. If this character comes back and hears you talking like that you're in trouble.
How do you think the fujo's will effect the next poll
I think tumblr needs a MOAB.
>ten minutes later
Stop being butthurt.
>jirou is the most popular girl despice doing nothing in the main series
>kirishima in the top 10 for no fucking reason
we can only guess
Can you be a fujoshi(male)?
Thanks to the anime , todoroki will be bump back up
That makes you a fudanshi.
That would make you a faggot
Toga and tsuyu might be the only girls in the top 10 , tsuyu getting a filler to herself and toga because of this arc
I honestly don't think it'll be all that different. Amajiki will probably enter the 20, maybe even top 10. Mina probably also enters the back end of the top 20 and Toga will go up. These polls never make sense though, so who knows.
If one character in this series was to get depowered , who would you want it to be
cool toga
Some fujo's that voted for bakugo will switch to kirishima , so maybe deku will be back to number 1 , ochako and jirou should drop
>Some fujo's that voted for bakugo will switch to kirishima
then kirishima is gona be number one or two at least
Frankly Jirou's rise makes absolutely no sense, so I don't see why she should drop either.
You say they should drop, but I don't think it's going to happen. I think we're at the point where some people will vote for their favorite character regardless of story relevance.
You think hori will go full TG in her backstory , making it so if she doesn't get enough blood she'll be in serious pain and maybe lose control and kill someone close to her
>Toga skipping merrily along near the end of the episode
>Toga having an orgasm from murder in the last bit of the latest episode
How bad will they fuck her up?
But ochako did drop and she's only gotten less relavent , she'll be out of the top 10
i would say she look like someone with a tipical abuse background but since we ended with the disapointment that was kirishima backstory i dont want to guess
>short hair
>calm in combat
She's a serious contender for best girl status.
I'd kill for a Halloween OVA about the Virans
>Toga is the vampire
>Shiggy is the zombie
>Dabi is Frankenstein
>Kurogiri is the ghost
>Compress is phantom of the opera
>now three threads
Are you fucking stupid you dumb shit? Kill yourself
I think she's already won
> Cementoss and Dabi share the same slot
An awkward - interesting combo... I think their powers would be interesting to watch in a team-up.
>Shouji went from 16 votes to 23
I'm glad that some people acknowledge best boy
she just need some focus
There's few things that could make her best girl but one of them would be winning the Dekubowl.
At the very least she needs to distance herself from the retard.
that is why she have sadrock in reserve
I thought part of her appeal was her teasing friendship and inevitable relationship with Kaminari
>22 jap kendobros
I know my pick is weird because kendou is from class B ADN irrelevant, but it's weirder that some japs share this
>shinsou 154
i'm happy for shinsou my boy
I have no idea, maybe with girls from ages 11-14.
The point is her being at least apparently stuck associating with him makes her lose 5 best girl points, her insecurities another 3.
>winning the Dekubowl
now you went full retard nigga
Jirou is a disrespectful little bitch. You all have shit taste.
You should see how she did in the first poll, makes me wonder what happened to her fans
Never heard of a surprise contestant?
Right now we have no idea what Hori's stance is on all of this.
don't you dare
Present Mic deserves it for being an anglophile.
She hasn't once interacted with izuku
I expected cute feet. 5/10
Mic a shit, there probably isn't even a traitor
i'm aware user, i have been around since the anime started airing
i was just following the thread discussion
but yup, i guess the massive introduction of tons of characaters changed stuff, and well she got some spotlight in the field trip arc but it wasn't like amazing or something, it was a more tetsux4 cool moment
in fact i'm expecting her to do do even lower in the next popularity poll if we only follow the manga, but maybe some newcomers from the anime may vote for her, but again i'm not expecting it
More Kendou pics please.
Then how did they know about the camp?
Just ignore the dumb speedreader.
Endeavor just so I can watch the power vacuum form with him AND AM gone.
>Deku's mom beating best mom
And Best Jeanist gone for a while.
My man Ojiro with over 200 votes, don't know why but I'm happy for him
I want to _____ Fuyumi.
That wasn't the picture I meant to select.
Date, you want to date her.
All Might is the bigger westaboo
If you had a power, would you join heroes, villains or go be vigilante?
yeah, for a looooooong while
I really want Dabi and Shoto to fight and Shoto to just nuke him because of eugenics.
Call me dumb but I've got the sneaking suspicion he's the traitor
> brings it up when it could disrupt morale
> was sick at one point allowing him to meet and coordinate with contacts
who is this jizz lizard?
Depends what the power is. I mean, as a villain I'd get to do crazy shit all the time, but I'd have heroes after me all the time.
If I were a hero, I'd be restricted by the law, but I'd be able to do more.
Vigilante is worse of both worlds.
Depends on my abilty, no use for anything if I got Inko-level of powers or just a tail like Ojiro.
I guess support for Vigilantes?
Yeah, but All Might is cooler.
>Not becoming a Mercenary and get rich of endless war between heroes and villains
>Not thinking Kanimari is the traitor
I'm going to call you dumb
Take this one, but don't ask for more or you will become an annoying fag
Neither, no matter what power I got I probably wouldn't join either. I may provide technically legal services to villains though.
Subjective... I like them both equally.
Setsuna, best Class B girl and Deku's daughter from the future
>Implying Dabi didn't get all of the superior Endeavor Hellflame genes
I can't wait for Endeavor to get truly pissed on of these days and for his flames to go the same dark color as Dabi's.
both seem like too much bullshit and stress for me to pick a side one way or another. that just makes you a target.
would be much happier having a quirk without any of the responsibilities
i think i would become a vigilante, or an outcast or something
i'm not that heroic but neither an asshole
take a fresh bgqt by the way
I'd try to be a hero if I had a good quirk if I failed I guess I'd just try at being a vigilante.
>Date Fuyumi
>it goes well
>have to ask Endeavor for permission to marry her
That's okay.
How would Sup Forums react if Dabi being Shoto's brother end up not being a meme?
can't wait to get back to Class B and the Cronenberg body horror unveiling of Setsuna's quirk
C'mon Hori, you practically cut him in half. It's ok to kill fucking Best Jeanist.
So the Villain Alliance actually care about eachother? Seems that way from how they talked to eachother in the latest chapter.
Guess that's pretty cool, make's Toga's character more than just the crazy Yandere type.
You better have some sweet powers.
what the fuck, what's wrong with his skin, what happened?
Fuck I completely forgot that happened. Whoever the current #2 is (since they've kept it such a secret) better be fucking strong.
Since it's one of Endeavor's "Failure" children, I don't think he would care very much who married her