Black Panther:

Black Panther:
Just finished watching the movie:

So in summary the movie had a lot of potential, but was lost because of the agenda being pushed.

>1st scene:
-Muslims are kidnapping the african women.
-Muslim man cries the name of god and swears in his name that he will shoot the lady, if black panther moves.

For the love of God why would you put that there.

>The architecture of Wakanda.
-basically a copy of Middle eastern road infrastructure.
-Moroccan architecture, with modern european, East Asian, and arab.
-The art on the walls was based on african american graffiti. [no connection to anything african.]

>The clothing:
-Most formal clothing was basically stolen from the arab people.
-Even the scene where Micheal B Jordan sees his father he is where arab clothing with arab lettering on it.

>African Women calls a Newest model of a Lexus in South Korea:
-Primitive technology.

>African woman wearing a weev.
-Calls it a disgrace

>Micheal B Jordan says that African slaves jumped off slave ships... Wtf.

>Woman says:
Ha! we need to save another weak white man.

>Calling any white person a colonist.

>CIA man gets shot in spinal cord and is saved.
-Priest man gets stabbed in stomach and dies instantly [wtf]

>The planes taking off system was just autistic.

>The man blowing the horn was jewish symbolism.
-The Shofar.

Basically shit on white people in anyway possible.
Shit on Muslims.
Shit on the Black panther movement [why... why the fuck would they do that]

Other urls found in this thread:

Eh The movie was pretty good desu

I liked the premise of nationalism vs. globalism, played out in the African fantasy. If anything, my biggest problems were the pointless tolkien white guy and the performance of the lead actor, Chadwick Boseman, who I thought came out flat. But other than that it was an above average superhero movie.

Should mention, saw it with a largely black audience, and it was very calm and enjoyable. Although one kid did cry quite loudly when the Black Panther was thrown off a cliff

The main villain was literally a we wuz kangs dindu from Oakland.

Slaves did jump off slave ships because they feared the for their future.

Ayp hol up

>Shit on the Black panther movement [why... why the fuck would they do that]

Surely you know that the "black panther movement" is a shortened version of it's real name? Black Panthers of Islam. Known to be heavily antisemitic, connections with Louis Farakhan and the Nation of Islam as well (which is chock full of blacks).

Hollywood is run by kikes. Black Panthers of Islam is a threat to them. Thus, you get yet another Jew propaganda film.

Shillin' Shillin' Shillin'
Shillin' Shillin' Shillin'
Shillin' Shillin' Shillin'
Shillin' Shillin' Shillin'

Shillin' Shillin' Shillin'
Though the threads are swollen
Keep them marketers Shillin',

Rain and wind and weather
Money bent for leather
Wishin' my boss was by my side

All the things I'm missin'
Good pay, love and kissin'
Are waiting at the end of my ride

Shill 'em on
(Shill em' up!)
Shill em' up
(Shill 'em on!)
Shill 'em on
(Shill em' up!)

Cut 'em out
(Shill 'em in!)
Shill 'em in
(Cut em' out!)
Cut 'em out
Shill 'em in,

Keep shillin', shillin', shillin'
Though they're disaprovin'
Keep them doggies payin',

Don't try to understand 'em
Just shill, lie, and outjew 'em
Soon we'll be livin' high and wide

My heart's calculatin'
My true love will be payin'
Be shillin' at the end of my ride

Move 'em on
(Head em' up!)
Head em' up
(Move 'em on!)
Move 'em on
(Head em' up!)

Shillin' Shillin' Shillin'
Shillin' Shillin' Shillin'Yah! (whip crack)
Shillin' Shillin' Shillin'
Shillin' Shillin' Shillin'

Yah! (whip crack)


Now I know you are larping. No nigger has ever managed to be quiet in a movie theater in the entire history of cinema.

>Black Panthers of Islam

>Completely forgetting that the nation of islam was one of the only religions to empower black movements
It's also the Muslim version of Mormonism, if Mormonism was also Scientology.

>and give most african nations their golden age.
Top fucking kek.

>of islam
why you want to bullshit on this?
black panthers is about survival, most of whom were christians going to church every fucking sunday you maggoty piece of shit

You are just now realising that all African culture of worth was stolen from Muslim traders anyway.

I went in South LA, the theater was half dindu at least. There was raucous laughter at parts, mmhmming at parts, cheering at parts, but seriously almost a reverence the rest of the time.

The more ridiculous parts were how pan-African everything was. It is supposed to be West African, but they had stupid Bantu and Xhosa shit thrown in, including Khosian click language, and this east african shit that took me out of the moment every time he was on screen.

No one fucking cares

Did they have a character say this or did someone wear funny shoes?

Yeah I didn't know what Aragorn was doing in the movie. Doesn't he rule middle earth?

>Leaves out the greatest motherfucking scene in the whole movie.

>group of main characters go to a tribe because they are desperate for help.
>Group arrives and pleads for help.
>white man who has been quiet speaks up and asks for help and mimics what others are saying.
>As soon as he starts to talk, tribe starts hooting like apes over his words.
>Literally start hooting loudly to drown out his words until he stops talking.
>Tribe lead nigger "You do not talk here."

Clever Jews fucking insulted whites and blacks with a few sentences. Libs will adore whitey being told to shut up, while being oblivious to the literal hooting apes niggers were portrayed as.

Kek, so does Wakanda really have a giant wall to keep white people out? That's all I wanna know

this isn't photoshopped? hahahaha

Yes. It was to show how advanced Wakanda was compared to the rest of us.

Anybody have any of the theater edits?

Cool copypasta breh, how many boards have you posted this on now?

is that actually in the movie!?

>Completely forgetting that the nation of islam was one of the only religions to empower black movements and give most african nations their golden age

You cant believe this shit. Islam is intellectual bondage. Even Malcom X started seeing through the NOI's fucking bullshit and they killed him for it. And Farrakhan is fucking scum, satan on earth. So take your Farrakhan and Elijah Mohammed, both evil philandering fucking assholes, and shove that line of shit. Fuck Islam. Fuck NOI.

muzzie dint exist until 500ad.
Blacks started the Arab cult, along with whites and Chinese influences.
>meme genes.
>Master race.
>All geno types.
>Superior genetics.

They did the plate lip shit in here for real?

Yes, and it is a shock you out of the scene moment every time. All of the Wakandan Elders seemed to be from different primitive tribes from completely different parts of Africa.

Pancakes in Wakanda.


God damn tar babys is that good shit

so what your saying is that blacks can actually shut the fuck up in a movie theater but refuse to do so just to piss off white people.

inb4 heres a red pill for you

>not mentioning the massive redpill suppository speech about why the Wakandans don't provide help or asylum to their shithole refugee neighbors

All the niggers were whooping and yelling das rite after every line and after that speech they were fucking silent until the racist insults toward the white guy. Something like "they bring their problems with them and don't leave them behind. The problem is with their mindsets- they don't change when they get here even though the situation is better. In turn they drag our culture and resources below what they left behind and destroy their old homes by leaving."

>Shit on Muslims.
>Completely forgetting that the nation of islam was one of the only religions to empower black movements and give most african nations their golden age
Kek. Niggers had a "golden age"? When was this? Was it the year you had enough mud to make cookies for nearly the whole population?

All kidding aside though, mudslimes are right now in CURRENT YEAR selling nigger slaves in Libya so maybe, MAYBE they could be shat on just a bit?

lol at spending time or money watching that movie.

you're --- fuck, i fucking fucked up a fucking monosyllabic fucking 5 letter fucking word. fuck.

I saw nigger for the first time irl yesterday at the black panther show, what must i do /pol

what I don't understand is that sure they found vibranium and used it to enrich themselves and their people, but how were they able to create all this other technology especially flying vehicles? Was it the scientists they allowed into the country to study vibranium who gave it to them in return for the chance to study the metal? There is no record in all of african history pointing to them having the capacity to work together to create something more and better or to start a multigenerational program. So, did aliens come down and exchange tech for vibranium then?
that is the only way I can see how Wakanda got to the state it is at in the movie

Not completely, and when they did react it was excessive, but yeah.

>No African architecture.
>No African clothing or art.
>Had to steal from other cultures.

What did they mean by this?

*monkey noises*
*lewd nigger noises*
*cocoa butter hand jobs*
*black babies freebasing*
*bullets dropping onto cement floor*
*philly blunts being licked*
*sticky icky smell wafts in theater*
*deep moans of dark roastie*
*baby daddies leaving*
*chicken wings being aten*
*cornbread crumblin'*
*cornrows being braided*
*40oz being opened*
*facial tatts being inked*
*trap music ringtone*
*plastic crown stuck in weave*
*spear poking seat*
*white girl gagged on ground*
*crackhead wheezing*
*insulin pens clicking*
*pet mouse getting squished*
*gold tooth reflecting light*
*redditor choking on BBC*
*sizzurp being mixed*

>What to expect at Black Panther this weekend, now showing at a zoo too close to you and all of our families.


ahmed nobody believes your bullshit. muslim nations are using black slaves in the current year

also nobody sees anything remotely middle eastern with almost anything in the movie. there is a thatched roof on a skyscrapper looking building. its mud huts just bigger

>not "Boardslide!"

The hero gets the girl. Or gyrrll

she said "broken white man," not weak, in reference to Bucky Barnes who they had also brought in to deprogram the winter soldier conditioning

find sand, bury your head in it (like an osterich). open and close your eyes fitty to sitty times. this will scrub / scour the images from you mind!

repeat as nessessary until you can no longer see em!

>African Women calls a Newest model of a Lexus in South Korea:
>-Primitive technology.
she called the firearms primitive technology, jackass. the lexus was wakandan, hence why it was impervious to bullets.

Vibranium itself had an evolutionary effect on life there: it is stated that it got into the plants and animals and heavily implied that it subsequently got into the people. It was like Nigger Adam got a taste of the fruit of knowledge and realized they had to shut out the rest of the world from getting it.

but none of you have decoded the symbolism and predicted anything yet
very not impressed

Yeah, there was some black king or w.e. His empire was built upon gold. When he went on his religious trip to mecca he gave out fuck loads of gold to everyone on the way there and back.
I wonder what happened to all that gold because there was fuck loads of it. Did the jews manage to scoop it all up and took the land where it was mined and stripped all the gold?

shieeet, I wonder if there was such a thing like that considering the disparity between blacks and everyone else

At 4:20 PJW mentions that a movie reviewer gave Black Panther a 3 out of 5
> 3 of 5
> 3/5
> 3/5ths compromise
> Slavery

Are you seriously asking?

The main villain was a dindu turned MIT student turned Navy Seal turned mercenary turned Chadpanther.

>Decoding symbolism on a comic story that was done years ago in print.

I mean, I guess if blacks every fucking read anything they'd know. \

Just a daily reminder that this exists and wasn't started ny us

so you're saying that the only way they could make an advanced black society believable was a littler deus ex machina?

i know! i luved his review!

Thank you for that

...I was wondering why the media, even those on the right & conservative neocon Jew media we’re praising it. Thanks for the heads up, I’ll watch it online.

Why is it always this kind of stupid wish fulfillment? I chose to forget that part because it was too Action Jacksony for me. What is it with nigger writers and wish fulfillment?


Why are people on Sup Forums actually seeing this movie?

How can you consciously pay for this?

I do not understand.

>work at shitty chain theater
>get off work during the first night of black panther
>rear windshield smashed out
fuck this movie and fuck my life

Pirate it? And miss seeing with my own eyes all the kangs in the theater an sheeit?

They're normie followers/consumers who want to pretend to be smart and in the know by associating with Sup Forums, but lack all of the character and strength of belief necessary to practice what they preach.


> t. Schlomo Goldberg

bc it's a bunch of pleb crossovers from teevee, fgt op has the exact thread up over there.

So projection?



Bothers me the most that i at first thought black panther's design was a batman spinoff or something.

Doesn't help that the flagship "black superhero" doesn't even seem original.

What's the history of black panther? Is there an old comic the movies based of or did some jew writers cook it up over the weekend?

Hidden black history fact discovered by Norway

Stan Lee and Jack Kirby created him.

He's basically the black, heroic, weaker version of Dr. Doom.

>from Oakland

Gorilla king chimping on CIA was Hilarious

They have an infinity Stone. I think it's the soul Stone

your people are scum and will be eradicated. nice try mohhamed

>Completely forgetting that the nation of islam was one of the only religions to empower black movements and give most african nations their golden age.
Islam enslaved 3 times more blacks than Europe. And the reason there isn't slave descendents asking them gibs is that the first thing they did with blacks after slaving them was castration.

I thought the movie was OK. Surprisingly not nearly as WHITEY BTFO'D as I thought it would be, and it does logically explain how a bunch of Africans living in shit huts could suddenly become some super advanced civilization. As for the parts where they kind of mock white people, you have to remember the movie is meant more for black audiences (which is going to include hoodrats and ghetto scummers); and also, that there are plenty of places in the movie where they intentionally or not end up taking a shit on black people too.


Go see my nig movie, goyim. It's almost 100% (((fresh)))

>jub jub

Lol, the hatred Jews have for Whites is comical. They'll give a shitty black movie with PlayStation 2 CGI the highest ranking just because its anti white

>Shit on white people
Completely unable to handle bantz. Why the fuck is everyone on here so politically correct when it comes to irrelevant jokes about white people?

>If only he’d sat his cup Of tea on that


Black magic

I have only one question.
Was their adequate amounts of chicken at the concession stand. And can one use their EBT cards to purchase mentioned chickens?

Movie is meant to brainwash


>just finished watching this movie...


How'd you understand what he was saying?

You mean slavers?

>-The art on the walls was based on african american graffiti. [no connection to anything african.]
fuck. me.

Can someone please fucking ecplain how this movie is not the most racist thing ever and africans don't hate it? I'd hate a movie about Finland that was full of stuff from everywhere else in Europe.

because normies have overrun this place
it's 2018