This is the reason why Diana looking at Akko from episode 21 to 23
Little Witch Academia
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How on earth did she convince Akko to let her do this to her?
>It was rape Diana, you raped Akko!
Shiny Chariot cards
Why is Chariot such a slut?
I want to smell Akko's butt.
If so, then I want to fuck that Montenegro.
And I want a pocket witch.
Was it rape?
Was it?
Stop lewd'ing little witches.
Wait did she?
But this is set after they return from her house after episode 20,right?
>Asking for permission
She's cleared to go as far as I know.
You're busy questioning your sexuality in your room when this cute little witch knocks at your door. What do you?
I love Hannah
>white van with "FREE SHINY CHARIOT CARDS" rolls up to luna nove
>Akko runs right over and gets in
>it drives off
>Akko is never seen again
Fucking tap that ass like the fist of the north star, no questions asked. Assuming she wants me to, of course.
Why is there always homoerotic tension between hotblooded idiot heroes and their cold blooded rivals?
Someone tell that social autist Diana that this is clearly not what rivals do.
Brace for impact, target locked, manual override has been disabled.
Akko has all the Shiny Chariot cards, why would she need more? Please rethink your plan.
W-what are you going to do with that Lotte user?
Ejaculate onto her exposed vagina in the attempt to impregnate her.
On a second look I personally thought I might have shoved her in too hard right at the end, so it feels good at least somebody enjoyed my trainwreck. Cheating is no good though user, you need to be punished, you naughty boy.
This is going to be pure doujinkino
I honestly don't care too much about actually playing it but I would read the script if you posted it.
I will take care of her, I will feed her and knit her clothes and try to find a way to return her to normal so she can go back to Luna Nova and her family.
Have tea and then proceed to do rival business.
>those perfect breasts
>those curvy voluptuous legs
>high heels
>mfw I'm shorter than her by two inches
My dick can only take so much...
I want to lick it.
Again, someone tell Diana that you get your partner breakfast after the sex, not tea beforehand.
It's usually the cold-blooded rival's fault.
But there's some things that only really work in the game, so I kinda want people to play it and experience it the way I intended it.
She's right here, just fucking take her you double nigger
left or right
>not posting the Mary version
>VN dev is a sluccy poster
Is Sucy kinky as hell in your game?
Someone post the Mary one, that one is better.
maybe becasue i made the edit myself
How /u/ is this show? Or is it just the fans and the lack of guys?
Just the fans. There is some chaste handholding between the MC and the worst girl in the last ep but that's it.
Have you ever seen a magical girl show in the line of Precure before?
>Is Sucy kinky as hell in your game?
On a scale of pure to /d/ she gets punched in the stomach and asks for more. Make of that what you will.
Akko is not the worst girl!
Nice. Sucy should be creepy and into kinky shit, but casual about it because she's best girl.
holbrook is her adoptive mom
Go away
Please don't tease her, she is too easily influenced by other people's opinions.
Fuck it, I'm inspired now. I'll write a yuri VN. I just need to choose if I want something along the lines of the Lesbian Ghost game in which you just help the girls get together or if I want an OC to romance the girls.
OC romancing the girls. And please make few of them cougars. I'll draw the characters
You can't have a goddamn Andrew x Akko route?
I fucking hate you.
i am become muppetkko
andrew is a g i r l .
I'd rather have this over anything else, really
doesn't have to tie into the plot of the show or anything though, I just don't like self-inserting
Not him, nothing is yet set in stone. This is just a placeholder meme until we actually get Chariot's origin which producer said Yoshi already has. The adoptive mom comes from Chariot roaming around LN's fields and Polaris outskirts and from producer saying Holbrooke knew Ursula's identity but they didn't have the time to cover their story.
So are we going to start making VNs out of the ass due to lack of official content now? I should have known that user was right when he said we had potential to even surpass the bundle of autism that is the Katawa Shoujo generals. I will be too busy fixing up the second draft of my VN, but I wish you luck brave warrior, I will read it when it's done! Ah, and I vote for OC.
Calm your autism and write one yourself.
But user if you don't self-insert then at least one of the little witches will have to be the protagonist and that means she won't have a route! Of course though, that is a good idea, and I wouldn't complain if it happened.
This is now a commie akko thread
Also from the fact that producer evaded the question about her being adopted.
I see your commie Akko and I raise you a guitarrist one.
Akko was right.
I'd add the event where Akko loses her yay as a main event too, and have a diferent girl be the one to find her during the snowstorm and cheer her up based on previous choices.
I want to kiss all of the little witches' bellies!
I'm not a yurifag, but I second this. It sounds interesting I mean, imagine if it was Barbara who found Akko instead of Diana? Or Sucy? Or Lotte? Or even more interesting, Chariot?
I'm a canon autist so I can only do stuff that takes place after the TV series.
I want to punch all of the little witches' bellies!
I'm fine with the first idea of playing matchmaker though, that could be a lot of fun especially if you can do silly pairings
>Amanda "convincing" Nelson of her more flashy style of flying
>By providing a "Private Dance Show" for her teacher
I never knew I needed something without realizing it quite like this before.
>Forget about-
>Wait, do you even have a love interest?
I got it. The idea that will make me "internet famous". Little Witch Trainer, with Sucy as your helper/assistant.
Sup Forums will have generals about me!
That would be amazing, too bad it'll never happen
I can make it happen, with text. You will just have to use your imagination for the drawings!
Yes, but never underestimate the amount of work necessary to actually put such a thing in practice. Writers are humans, they cannot write infinite pairings and when you set a limit to such ideas getting through the common ones alones is such a herculean effort one has to wonder if any ink will be left in the pen by the time we get to the silly ones. If every pairing only had a few events and were a few sentences max I could see it, but that would honestly just leave me thirsty for more of my favorite ones, Eiyuu Senki sinned in this way, there was way too little of each girl for my liking.
Sure, if you can actually draw the lewds, if you just do chibishit and text I'll fucking stab you.
Well, it's a better idea than self-inserting.
Good luck?
I'm the guy who proposed that. You're indeed right, Iwas just going to make what Ghost Lesbians do and have pre-determined pairings.
But what if I want to train Sucy?
Or would it be a background kind of generic witch you warp however you like?
I was going to do just Akko, Diana and Chariot since it's indeed too much work.
Well good luck then, user. people are gonna wait on that shit if you actually show progress
That sucks, it should just be one girl that you dress up and give different hair cuts, putting Diana and Chariot in makes no sense.
Why is it so fun to shitpost about lesbian witches
Forget about rules!
1.They are not lesbians, so it's fun to shitpost pretending they are
2.The characters in this show are cute
>They are not lesbians
They are not.
>faggot lover
They are
They aren't.
Yeah they are
Got problem?
Is the VN protagonist Akko? I don't want lesbian romance without Akko being the one to YAY everyone.
Which one, we got like, several in the making right now, I am going to get so fucking lost in the coming months if these projects actually get off the ground.
Lotte should be MC. Most relatable.