Where do you work and what's your income. thread's pol-tier af

where do you work and what's your income. thread's pol-tier af.

ICE agent, $14.88 an hour

None of your business

Fuck you and your stupid thread.

I read other peoples emails incase they say something bad

unemployed, $0/hour

Fucking data mining thread


IT cloud tech, 60k Euro netto.

Burger King. $15K.

Internet outreach. $.02 per post.

I’m a chef at Wendy’s, and my dad works at Nintendo.

currently underemployed @ 20k/yr

labor union, $150k

Shareblue Shill
.0003 cents per post

Basement dwelling NEET, tendies and Monster Zero Ultra every hour on the hour

Actually can't tell you where I work, but it's about 35,000

Military, lowest rank.
760 dollars per month

Mid-level data analyst with the FBI. $132k/year

garage door installer

Neets are supposed to put how much their mother makes

I'm White Spiritual Boy. I'm worth trillions. The $ is only used to keep me in the dark though about it.

Refinery contractor
120k, including bonus.