Top-3 Red Pill: Overpopulation

Daily reminder that politics doesn't matter. All that matters is accomplishing a 99% hard cull of the human population.

Fact: Extermination of 50% of the population in any given country, would raise the quality of life of the remaining 50%.

Further reading:

So Europe in 100 years of so will be heaven. But not for everyone.

well you get cullin, and Ill be right behind you, k

otherwise fuck off

The greatest economic boom in human history occurred right after the wartime extermination of 50 million in WW2. The second-greatest economic boom in human history occurred right after the wartime extermination of 39 million in WW1.

Believing in the overpopulation meme is probably the biggest bluepill there is.

No you won't be, not willingly.

Your goals in life are to secure access to reproduction (a fertile woman) and resources required to reproduce (money).

Those just happen to be the goals of every other useless eater & useless breeder around you.

Rise above it and realize you and I are the product of overpopulation.

I’ve read about 50 books on nutrition so I’ll be fine while everyone else is poisoning themselves with doritos and mountain dew

Picture of Tahrir Square, Egypt, last Monday.

africa is the problem

>third world shithole
Daily reminder that New York City is NOT overpopulated.

africa, asia, mexico... what do?

Overpopulation wasn't the problem. The mice never exceeded the carrying capacity of their habitat.
The real problem is degeneracy caused by the artificial elimination of selection and work.

NYC is incredibly overpopulated.

In human social context, overpopulation occurs at > 800 humans per square mile.

In environmental context, overpopulation occurs at > 15 humans per square mile.

The human brain changes (oxytocin) above 800 per square mile, and humans start to lean Left politically, as a result of externalization of cause and effect caused by interaction with so many humans.

watch the video in the OP

>Fact: Extermination of 50% of the population in any given country, would raise the quality of life of the remaining 50%.
Extermination of the bottom 95% of the nigger and sandnigger populations on the planet would raise the quality of life of the remaining people more than your suggested solution.

Which continents drive population growth the most?




All continents are heavily overpopulated, regardless of current fertility rates. Carrying capacity of an independent United States is 900,000 at current rates of consumption.

That’s the goal of the “elite”. Problem is they aren’t even a fraction of a percent as smart as they think they are. They don’t know jack shit. They are the personification of every super butthurt try hard that thinks far too much of themselves, fails because they got legitimately wrecked, then proceeds to pull every lame trick in the book trying to prove something. If you have to cheat you fail period. You cannot ultimately cheat objective reality no matter what.
