>when you actually read the Holy Qur'an and realise the massive redpill that Islam is
yes islam
the final redpill
islam, the religion for the modern world
if we wanted the modern world to be filled with stone age violence, and inbred shitheads
islam, equipped to run the world, like mike tyson is equipped to run NASA
I hate to be that fedora tipper, but religion is backwards and doesn't promote cognitive development.
islam or christian, you'r still not white.
Agreed. Pic related.
For all the morons on here bashing it, what is your alternative faggots? Islam is the last patriarchal system left on Earth and there's a reason why Neocons and Cuckservatives are desperately trying to tear it down. Moreover Muslims are the only ones who bother to suppress faggots, degenerates and other trash in their society, while alt-right wingers do nothing but jerk off and lament the fall of the West.
Even Hitler fucking saw this. White Sharia now.
Islam is like Judaism but with more explosions.
Islam is retard tier. Absolutely no benefit except for the use of your body in prayer (you get Allah vibez).
Yeah I read it. Bout 114 times it calls out its followers to murder me. Real red pilled right there. Great religion you brainwashed retard.
Ser David...I could say the same thing about the Torah.
paszoł nachuj
Fuck religion, yeah that may offend some people here well fuck them too God isn't, never was, never will be real, unless you believe that you yourself are god. Then you're on the right track. Start somewhere fresh, like going to the gym or reading a book. No need for gods unless again you're talking about you
the flaws about islam is they have their own overlord which are the imams
especially the one that carried mohammad blood
>Confessing Your Sins: A good papist can do whatever they want as long as they pray for forgiveness afterwards.
Islam is just middle eastern fascism. I'd rather stick to western identity, Natsoc
>Islam is like Judaism but with more explosions.
What's not to like?
You are in many ways as gullible as a Muslim. Oh, and stop embarrassing people by posting here you nu-fedora.
>Only if you believe yourself to be god, then you're on the right track
Yeah, you're on the right track. The right track leading straight into a mental institution.
>reaching this sacred level of bait
>calling it bait to protect your filthy flag's image
Why is Islam such an utter failure in uprooting degenerate lust of drugs, whores and homosexual relationships around the globe?
The Land of the Two Holy Mosques is ruled by homosexuality embracing pussybois! And Ummah is bowing to their will and vision of Islam, how can you call Ummah masculine?
What "based" is there about lowering Western IQ levels via inbreeding according to Islamic tradition of marriages?
Why the fuck are Islamic governments in Afgan and Pakilands even giving a pass for raping and enslaving pre-teen and teen age boys?
Why do Gulf Arabs still continue enslaving their own brothers-in-faith from foreign lands and rape their sisters-in-faith when they come to work in their lands?
Also: Why are Muslims liars and heretics?
How can you claim that Koran is pure, uncorrupted and full word of God that is perfect, if you couldn't know how to pray to God without corrupted words of men (=Hadiths)?
Why was such crucial piece of information left out of "perfection" that is word of God?
Why do you compare corrupted words of men (=Hadiths) to "perfection" of Koran?
Why is it required in order to receive the full grace of God???
Why can't you receive full salvation and grace of God with faith on Koran solely, like Quranists believe?
Why do you believe his bullshit stories of him flying into heaven on back of a unicorn and camel piss being medicine?
Gonna be honest man, always thought is was more of a brown shit-rolled-around-a-barber-shop-floor pill, if we're dealing with colors of pills.
i can tell that no one in this thread has actually read the Quran, not even OP
those are indians BTW not arabs
You're splitting pubic hairs, you immigrant filth.
Islam is "muh dick" of religions.
It's literally just "I must destroy things I don't understand" mentality.
Indians and Arabs fucking despise each other faggot, why would you compare them in any way. and once again the brown people you linked are maghrebis which are only considered to be Arabs by they own accord
Buddhism is the only way.
Prove me wrong
i don't expect a shitskin to fully comprehend something as complex and intellectual as a religion that does not worship a fucking cow
link me a civilization that has succeeded based solely on its conversion or devotion to Buddhism. if you cant then its clearly not the way.
Explain Mohammeds 'Night Journey' from Mecca to Jersualem in 1 night - 800 miles - on al Burak, a flying horse like creature.
It is fucking garbage written by a deluded fantasist.
Actually reading the Quran shows one how insane its followers are.
Islam = blue pill. Abandon the pedophile prophet and his false god allah and turn your life over to Christ
Buddism is feudalism. Confucianism is responsible for all of the advancement within the Far East, not Buddhism.
its called a miracle you absolute retard. its explanation is the same as Jesus turning water to wine or Moses talking to a fucking bush.
That doesn't answer my questions, you gas sniffling Abo
The Tibet did not last for 700 years?
Japan in the era of shogunate the entire ruling class was Buddhist
look at learned refugee we got here
Nigger, you're all defects. Any part of the asian continent, any part of the african continent, you're all disfigured.
I’ll take the totally logical story of the guy that walked on water, turned water into wine, Fed countless by splitting a couple of loaf, died and was then full body disappeared into an otherworldly heavenly dimension to be reunited with god, his father, who miraculously impregnated his virgin mother.
Aka garbage. There are no miracles, only at best metaphors that people believe as real, except the Quran has no decent metaphors or allegories.
Walking on water for example is the Sun rising over the sea.
But Moses did not exist and the universal flood is a plagiarism of the saga of Gilgamesh (the first novel to be created in Babylon)
Lurk more if your still an atheist. Atheists are nothing more than pawns for ZOG, (((they))) want you to give up all purpose.
I'm not a Christian or any cult member. This thread is about Islam, and my comment showed how retarded The Quran is.
Inshallāh, my friend. Soon, our followers will take over the world and cleanse it of Jewish influence. Religion is probably a social construct, but it's a social construct built on traditions that were filtered throughout our history to serve us best and make our life easier and healthier. Islam is the only way left, without its strict rules and punishment, humanity will sink into degeneracy again. Lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh muḥammadun rasūlu llāh.
Reminder that the era of Islamic gold ended by a Mongol on horseback
that he was an animist (he worshiped statues and elements) and Ala did not bother to face the gods of genghis khan
first of all your a fucking Croat so dont pretend your in anyway superior to me. secondly I'm not a refugee. my Dad is fully Australian who converted to Islam in the 90s. my mother is a second generation Australian who also has an Australian mother.
If you watch the documentary Pharmacratic Inquisition from 10 years ago, it shows the origin of Christian allegories. Old Truthuracy3 videos on YouTube show the allegories of the Bi-bull and how it is all secret teachings of the cycles of the seasons and astrology. Islam is devoid of this deeper / esoteric meaning, and is just garbage.
thailand is comfy af
forgot bhutan
you people don't believe in god so i don't think your gonna start believing in Islam anytime soon. When you get over the childish belief that this universe is all just a coincidence then come back and lets talk Islam
buddhist are /ourguys/ and will kick out muslims given half a chance see rohinga in burma
you nigger you
look my man. you clearly haven't been on Sup Forums long enough if you think Muslims are your enemies. Jews are the ones you guys need to worry about, Jews are the ones that pit Muslims and Christians against each other
The other day I saw a news of Muslim genocide of Tibetans(based tibetans).
They have already lost a homeland they are not willing to lose another.
Torah: "you are blessed and beloved child of god, everything belongs to you, you can use whatever methods on non-believers and non-jews to take what's yours"
Bible: "you are slave of god, be good slave, never rebel against oppression, and you will be rewarded after death"
Koran: "you are slave of your warlord, be good slave-warrior, rape, pillage and kill infidels, and you will be rewarded after death"
please link the verses, mutt
I didnt say I don't believe in a creator. I said I don't believe in personality cults, i.e Islam.
>being this new
islam is a retard 3rd world religion propagating inbreeding, violence and blind devotion to an invisible wrathful sky god
go to muslim countries go to buddhist countries see for yourself, i have
Actually the Muslim pedo prophet was quite explicit about Christians and Jews and how to treat them, you should know that Mehmet.
lol Islam is the opposite of a personality cult. you aren't even allowed to have pictures of Muhammad. take a look at Jesus if you want a personality cult
Jews lived in Islamic empires in the middle ages because of how well they where treated.
Buddhism is the future
The religion of the samurai
Honest lifestyle based on inner peace and not dogmas
Genocide and expel Muslims in Indonesia
The Tibet has 700 years of peace and the population with the purest blood in the world
I've been to Syria pre mossad intervention, it was a very nice place. i have been to turkey which is also doing very well. i have been to the UAE which is a great place to go on a holiday. i am planing to go to Saudi soon for hajj. none of these countries i have spoken about have anything you speaking of with the exception of inbreeding.
look, idk how a Tibetan Buddhist came to live in Chile, but you have to calm down there buddy. Tibet is the worst place to live out of both its neighbors. china is a much better place and honestly, so is india
the only part of indonesia that is decent is hindu bali and they are trying to genocide them
fucking muslims
nah i hear Jakarta is pretty cool.
Java and Sumatra are also decent
dubai is a shithole m8, away from the beaches, you need to compare these cesspits to decent buddhist countries, i bet you havent been to places like laos, bhutan, thailand. thailand is better away from the degenerate tourist areas.
>That dislike to like ratio
We are pretty based
have you heard about the two-finger test they have for female soldiers in indonesia? bali is far better than anywhere else in indonesia, trust me
only place that you listed that I've been to is Thailand, and you are right the tourist areas are pretty bad, didn't go away from them so maybe i haven't everything fully. I wasn't just in Dubai in the UAE. i also went to sharjah and to Abu Dhabi, they were both really nice
>(the first novel to be created in Babylon)
Sumer not Babylon and it's the oldest we have, we don't know shit about what is their oldest.
but the story you are talking about isn't even the Gilgamesh epic. try to research before you post, brainlet user ;)
From the golden age on the Muslims weigh the blood of
400 million Hindus (the largest genocide in history)
Does it seem weird? China promulgated a program of demographic change
They have not been Buddhists for a long time.
And this is the reason why, in places like Thailand, Buddhists genocide you because they do not want to lose their home again, let alone the cult of the rabbi god.
>my Dad is fully Australian who converted to Islam in the 90s
what's your dad's mental illness called
if he's not mentally ill, why did he become a muslim
Look at the shitskin trying to shill his pedophile warlord religion. Fuck you and your dumb kike religoon, ahmed, you will not be receiving a (you) from me
well your cherry picking, UAE is obviously better than the rest of muslim countries because of oil money and british influence.
Before oil that place didnt exist, it was just roaming tribes
Tibet and Thailand are still worse places to live than secular china so your point doesn't stand there buddy
that picture is haram munafiq, let us hope you can breathe life unto it on the day of judgement!
For real?
I remember that the professor told me the saga of Gilgamesh
So what is the name of where they plagiarized the flood?
yeah that's true. the developed areas of the Islamic empires are mainly in Egypt Syria and Iraq, but sadly we know what happened to Syria and Iraq, and honestly Egypt doesn't seem far off from their fate
yeah the kafir steam rollered Iraq in less than 12 hours! remember Muslims are the best of peoples!
Anyone who seriously believes in any religion is a fucking retarded lunatic.
Just understand the fact that are born and live to breed like any other animal. You are made in the shape you are in because that's just the way it turned out.
If you choose not to breed then who cares.
Basically fuck anyone who believes in a higher power it is just retardation.
>thailand 32
>china 79
thais are on average way happier than chinese look at the data, your cherry picking again, mybe rich chinese millionaires are happy, but theres more than a billion people in china
doesn't have a mental illness, he went from being an atheist to a Muslim. that's the opposite to a mental illness if i'm being honest
Can anyone really argue against the fact that the problem is the tenants of Islam but rather the people whom believe in it? (80IQ sandpeople)
A White Islamic society would function very well, far better than the sick Jewish society we live in now with its glorification of male anal sex degenerates, the forced false "equality" of women and men, the open borders.
best of people spiritually. and not all Muslims are the best of people btw. a Muslim who is bad is worse than a kafir
honestly it'd be better if he was a commie atheist than someone that wants to behead me
*teachings of Islam
same can be said for the happiness index of Saudi and uae and even morocco. yet i would still say china is a better place to live because of opportunity
nah, he isn't like that. he argues that ISIS members are even worse Muslims than liberal leftist Muslims
There is so much opportunity that they even migrate en masse to my country ...
The q’uran is literally fucking retarded
It’s full of contradictions and literal bullshit stories and anyone who actually believes it is also either actually retarded or has actually never read it
I am saying actually because I want it to be very easy to understand that what I’m saying is very literal
lol Chinese people don't live in Chile?
Saudi is just about oil money, they will go back to being desert nomads in 50 years
I repeat
Anyone who seriously believes in any religion is a fucking retarded lunatic.
Just understand the fact that are born and live to breed like any other animal. You are made in the shape you are in because that's just the way it turned out.
If you choose not to breed then who cares.
Basically fuck anyone who believes in a higher power it is just retardation.
Anyone who bashes Islam simply doesn't understand what it's doing. It's controlling low IQ shitskins. Would you rather Jamal be out gang banging, stealing and selling drugs on the street or be living in fear of getting his arm cut off or even put to death.
The real answer is it doesn't belong in our societies because it's people don't.
as far as i know they are taking steps to privatize large portions of the economy and are slowly moving away from oil dependence.