>20 years later and this is still the peak of anime
Wew lad
20 years later and this is still the peak of anime
no it isn't
Wrong pic
>and this is still the peak of anime
It peaked again in 2013
>K-On was 20 years ago
fuck guys...
even 3 year old me could tell that Mugi is best girl
It's the peak of the old fart and that's about it.
>25 years later and this is still the peak of anime
Mugi is a great plot device, Ritsu is the best girl though.
>tfw Code Geass was 60 years ago
>20 years later and this is still the peak of anime
Ashitaka is such an alpha animal, every young boy should aspire to be like him.
what's the point of attire like this?
that movie came out in the year i was born damn
Avoiding sunburn? Who knows.
iT's jUSt A caRTOon
keeps your arms from getting scratched up by branches
That's not a picture of Perfect Blue op
*Blocks ur path*
How can that be the peak of anime? They literally copied kiba from naruto with that facepaint/tattoo's
>32 years later and this is still the peak of anime
>20 years later and this is still the peak of anime
>2 years later and this is still the peak of anime
Because in that studio works mature people with a lot of life experience and wisdom...
Not like the average anime studio which only creates anime for the idiotic young kids (which I'm part of that group, at least of the age) with superficial situations and representating their characters as stupid immatures who acts like autentic autists... Thank god not all the anime is that way, and that there are a few animes which are worth to see.
>mfw this is actually true
>Oshii will NEVER produce another masterpiece
What a terrible feeling
>S2 soon
Can anime peak twice?
funny thing, end of evangelion was released literally the week after mononoke in japanese theaters. what a time to be alive
>4 years later and this is still the peak of anime