> these three didn't have a threesome(foursome with Bat in the shadow) in the university.
Why is Nisio such a pussy? What a fucking waste.
these three didn't have a threesome(foursome with Bat in the shadow) in the university
Anal sex with Sodachi.
Anal sex with Arararagi.
She is pure. There are no doujins with her.
Fuck this gay earth.
Why would you expect anything from a hack like Nisio? Monogatari peaked at Bake and his career peaked at Zaregoto. Now all he can do is milk those 2 series.
> 4 years ongoing in WSJ
When will Math cut her hair to represent her "character progression"
She did in Zokuowari
I hate this. Rrragi needs to stop making everyone cut their hair just because he wants to have the longest now.
>best-selling anime series that isn't Gundam
>Katana and Medaka off the top of my head
Poor Nisio, light novel authors with one unprecedented studio-saving blockbuster and multiple adaptations of multiple series they've created are a yen no dozen in Nippon. ;_;
Zokuowari doesn't count. It never happened. Math was never happy.
Araragi is too chicken.
Don't ruin Math.
Friendly reminder that Araragi is only allowed to make love with Hanekawa
How do i achieve koyomi's body?
How do I achieve Math's or Crab's if you know what I mean.
Zoku is a false world, so her short hair is not canon.
She cuts her hair later anyway, but just to try something new and with no implied character development.
Math's body is geometric perfection.
maybe they did and you just don't know about it
Why with math and not cat?
Why would anyone choose cat over math?
Cat is too monogamous for a threesome.
That would end with Euler either stabbing herself or one of them to death.
Probably herself.
She's best girl
What is it with Issin and his fetish for ruining girls' haircuts?
They all seem to have long hair again later though. But unfortunately we didn't get a picture of office lady Sodachi with tied hair and glasses
Cat would stick her foot in her mouth and kill the mood like she always does.
If they aren't able to get a threesome going with Tsubasa, who they mutually have the hots for, and who mutually has the hots for them, what makes you think they can get one done with a setup that has thrice the friction?
Of all the characters, she is the one who sticks her foot in her mouth the least. Didn't you read Koi? Kaiki says her air is someone who behaves in a extreme polite manner.
It would be very violent.
Is that why they call her HITagi Senjyogahara?
Pretty sure he's otter mode. So just swim a lot.
Being successful comercially doesn't stop anyone from being a hack. After all, Transformers is still making M. Bay billions and he's the biggest hack on earth.
>we get the scene where Araragi tells his sisters he has a girlfriend
>but not a scene where they meet
>catfag is too stupid to realize that being overly formal also kills a conversation
>In Japan
When will we get to see more bantz between Math and Crab? That commentary track was a goldmine.
Orokamonogatari commentaries
Newsflash: people are still people in Japan.