13 Russians were indicted for shitposting but share-blue which is funded by the Chinese doesn't get indictments for trying to meddle in the American election? Am I missing something here? shouldn't we be arresting anyone with foreign money involved in social media posting political memes? WTF doesn't this set some kind of precedent for arresting millions of illegals that shitposted on twitter during the election....
13 russians were indicted for shitposting
Other urls found in this thread:
Day of the rake
your government is not your own
the sooner you realize this the sooner you can fix it
>Shitposting is all it takes to get indicted
Sup Forums would be empty
Oh wait it was because there's incontrovertible proof that they meddled in the election, and all of the crybaby whining in the world about share-blue won't make it true.
Trump's days are numbered. Prepare your Thanksgiving speeches to your family members about how you actually never liked Trump.
it's a slippery slope for sure but maybe it'll end with 13,000 Israelis getting indicted for interference
They meddled in the election by shitposting.
about 100k vs 1.1 billion by Clitty.
>Oh wait it was because there's incontrovertible proof
plz source your claims
Is it even legal to be a dual citizen and be in the senate?
These fucks are really starting to piss me off
Source Or GTFO
>muh sharebloooooo
They stole social security numbers and perpetrated identity fraud in order to pay and organize Americans into fighting each other. They were indicted for identity fraud not shit posting.
Yes, and they even have a special secret conference in isreal with other jews in foreign governments.
Unfortunately yes, and there's no duty to disclose it either. It's not tracked at all by anyone.
Special prosecutor.
In a thread earlier, some user claimed that Dmitry was on the board of fusion gps. Any of you cunts have a link or screen grab of FusionGps board members, past or present?
Bad 西方人, no one questions the Chinese.
Carlos Slim is a Mexican national who owns the New York Times.
NYT deals exclusively in anti-Trump hit pieces. How this is not considered Mexican collusion is beyond logic.
This is the kind of shit im talking about!! why the fuck is no one doing jack shit about that but finding 13 Russians shitposting from some shithole apt on the east coast is top priority? As far as im concerned this whole russian narrative is bullshit, any attempt to remove trump from power will be met with abject resistance from me, Im fully 100% convinced this political hit-job is an attempt to dislodge a duly elected President of the United States from the position of president. If they do somehow manage to ever impeach him for this I will no longer consider my government legitimate
From the zerohedge article. I conveniently posted this to a shareblue drone. Looks like I’ll need another couple twitter acts soon, I think they shoahed my last one
Chess at ply m8s
First the pawns
Fuckhead, I searched SEC director registries , fusion isn’t even listed
Spook niggervor retarded. Messages like that get you questioned.
I honestly haven't considered the government legitimate for a while. My resistance is peaceful and will remain so. I am nothing more than a peaceful meme farmer