Race mixing is ba-
Race mixing is ba-
Other urls found in this thread:
>Tyler 1
>spends the majority of his time working out
>is legally handicapped
you forgot the part where he stands 5ft tall
Fucking based. Better looking than 99% of Sup Forums
Legally handicapped? How so?
Tyler is genuinely autistic
that's what happens when literally 20% of your skull is missing. I pity him more than feel bad. He's successful still tho, so props
>yfw my bf is pure white and bigger than that
Git rekt OP.
We're you gonna say bad? I would agree with that. The guy in your pic looks retarded.
Is this supposed to prove anything? The guy's a showman.
It's funny how Sup Forums is all like "hurr durr look at this anti-social autistic behavior", and then they advocate genocide of left-wingers in the next sentence.
It's like breaking a social norm is worse than systematically killing off political opponents.
But is he more intelligent?
I kind of doubt it.
Look at his fucking head. His brothers head is even worse.
Sup Forums is literally a fag board now. Arguing over who is collectively better based on single images of muscular men.
That pic is about as real as pic related.
Race mixing was bestiality in the 60's, non existent in the 70's, laughable in the 80's, and taboo in the 90's. A hard push for multiculturalism and diversity hit the 2000's hard and birthed a whole generation of these shits.
Now that these abominations are coming to a reproductive age, there are more and more cases of their sterility. Who would of thought that the Jews pet mules would bee incapable of reproducing? I find it humorous.
He's a manlet on steroids. Literally.
I doubt Dyrus is using steroids.
>pickle rick tattoo
>Sup Forums
What's your argument buddy
he's 5 ft 2 (1.57 m)
No, he isn't.
>Race mixing is ba-
OP, you realize this picture just further proves that race mixing IS bad.
you just played yourself.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
He's a strong alpha. Successful as fuck. Probably earns millions a year. Good looks too (blue eyes, and slightly brownish skin). Also, intelligent and highly competitive. He's a CS major, too.
Better than you faggot.
I can smell the faggot jealousy from here.
Or maybe the Asian guy is unnaturally tall
you realize anyone can develop muscle and lower their bf right
Something really disgusting about this Tyler1, Hodgetwins, Elliot Hulse cavemen mulatto look. Don't know what but it's unnatural.
el ogro de las americas...
Bullshit image showing not a single fallacy. Doesn't even know what a fallacy is, ROFL.
It activates their non-existential instincts.
That's a 9/10 chad here
I agree that guy is ugly, but ugly people comes in all forms and shapes (and races).
Pic related, a Finnish specimen.
What does having a defined body have to do with anything? I’m white, chubby, make 200k/year and married to a solid 8/10 with great children.
I used to be fit and even was an amaeture boxer, but my life didn’t get better until I stopped working out and focused on my career and family.
I’ve lived on both sides of the fence, I can tell you I’m much happier where I am now.
Also, there’s plenty of white guys with solid bodies, race has nothing to do with it
He's Brazilian you dumb faggot.
>his father left him (yes black)
>fucked up head
>mental issues
>dropped out of college for gayming
Truly master race,nazbols are known for being retarded
Jawline deformed.
Unnaturally small mouth.
Ridiculous face shape.
Style exposes his horribly retarded Finnish personality.
Feminine nose.
List goes on.
No, his mother is black.
Ah, yes, and the ears.
Read the thread. It's not just about the body.
what an abominación
Literally, EVERYBODY knows that hair cut stream wasn't with his mother. It was a clickbait title, you absolute retard.
I always feel bad for this woman every time I see this.
Anybody mixing with a groid better hope they never inherit any of the congoid features. You don't want a light-skinned caveman freak that looks like it belongs in the Paleolithic.
She is hot.
>argumentum ad populum
>providing no evidence
Another airhead white whore who thought it was a great idea to produce negrified abominations.
yup, hes confirmed 6'5 so the asian guy is very, very tall.
The asian dude (dyrus) is 6 foot or so. Tyler1 is 5'6".
>Anybody mixing with a groid better hope they never inherit any of the congoid features. You don't want a light-skinned caveman freak that looks like it belongs in the Paleolithic.
Freaks? Finland is full of "pure blooded" freaks. Probably the ugliest people of Europe. The only reason you are not COMPLETELY trash is because of the Swedish blood.
for a miserable excuse of a man, sure.
He posted a pic with his white mother a while back you fucking retard. STOP BEING RETARDED
damn, her dad had some potent as fuck sperm for her to look like that. maybe her mom is """black""" in the ethiopian sense. in any case, she's what i'd call "ugly attractive." i'd fuck her, maybe even have a dwelling with the lass.
The only good streamer is Nixxiom
Poor girl. She looks like she had decent white genetics on her father's side. He canceled out a lot of her nigger genetics. She probably would have been an absolute stunner if she'd had a white mom.
It's a tragedy to do this to kids. And in a way, we're cursing all children to this kind of alienation by pushing them into a multicultural environment with no social cohesion. Obviously it's worse for those with no group to claim membership in.
People have to feel like they're contributing to something bigger than themselves, but that also encapsulates and surrounds them. They contribute to the whole, which in turn provides them with the life they live: a people, a community, a nation, a neighborhood. But all of those things need to be made up of the same KIND of person in order to really qualify. I live in a multiculti neighborhood, and the sense of community here is more or less dead.
The funniest part is the leftist whites desperately trying to contribute to a place that will give them nothing but hardship in return. There's some faggot on the other side of my block who built one of those community library boxes. It's like virtue signaling: the DIY project. All of these attempts to display their desire to contribute, yet all the niggers and spics around here probably just think he's crazy. Meanwhile we whites have driven up property values so high that we're pricing all the shitskins out. So what good is our 'community' to them? It's a curse to them. Not that I care. I'd love to see it become all white, but there's still a long way to go. No parent would bring their child here because the schools are niggeriffic.
It's just such a sad joke to see people's instincts leading them toward these actions that would contribute to a nice community if only it were all white people. Meanwhile the pointlessness of it can be heard in the constant rattle of gunfire between the nigger gangs. At least once a week I hear gunshots.
It's not his fucking mother!
Another specimen.
Even the niggers don't think their flat noses and "bad hair" are good features, so it's quite funny that only the mentally ill mother copes hard to enough to believe that simian-looking offspring are superior.
This one is personal favorite.
Guys, look at that pure breed Finnish example of master race. What a manifestation of übermensch.
fins have the highest degree of east asian admixture in scandinavia. you goddamn american niggers think you're any degree of retardation apart from your african brethren. WRONG
Pick one, faggot.
lmao, are you mixed race or something? i'd probably be mad too if i was carrying the genetic material of a nigger.
The thing with blacks is, actually none of them are good-looking. Not one, not even the so-called "models." Because their skull structure is closer to monkeys, which genetic studies seem to confirm also.
Nice Swede.
>finland not on the scandinavian peninsula
>american niggers lul
Most of nigroids have absolutely zero Aryan features to speak. Only Aryan features can be considered good-looking. So, they cannot be considered attractive.
No, I'm not race mixed, but I wouldn't mind being.
>actually thinking finland is in scandinavia
>being this uninformed
>No, I'm not race mixed
>but I wouldn't mind being
oh man, being on here for years does lead to this. user, we know you're a mutt.
>This is fucking hilarious!
>So you know about 23andme, right? There's a service called Gedmatch where you can upload your raw DNA data provided by 23andme and it then converts this into percentiles of population clusters your DNA is most similar to.
>So a bunch of academics did a DNA test on monkeys and the monkey DNA was run through the same algorithm used on actual human DNA - The result? The monkey DNA had the greatest similarity to apefreakan human populations by far.
>Of course the liberal academics tried to SHUT IT DOWN and bury it but the word got out pretty quick on this kek, make sure to spread the word far and wide
Liar. You'd hate it.
>I wouldn't mind
genetic waste confirmed.
Fucking disgusting
>24 posts by this ID
>meme flag
>Human-nigger hybrids are better looking than the Finnish guise!
You are doing Gods work user.
>Finland is full of "pure blooded" freaks
Finns are literally mongoloids
looks dumber than a box of hammers
Study finds white babies all over the world pass the self awareness mirror test at 15 months old, while children from Kenya don't pass until they are around 5 years old.
"Western children first show signs of mirror self-recognition (MSR) from 18 to 24 months of
age, the benchmark index of emerging self-concept. Such signs include self-oriented behaviors while looking at the mirror to touch or remove a mark surreptitiously placed on the child’s face.
In Experiment 1, Kenyan children (18 to 72 months old) display a pronounced absence of spontaneous self-oriented behaviors toward the mark. In Experiment 2, the authors tested children in Fiji, Saint Lucia, Grenada, and Peru (36 to 55 months old), as well as children from urban United States and rural Canada. As
expected from existing reports, a majority of the Canadian and American children demonstrate spontaneous self-oriented behaviors toward the mark. However, markedly fewer children from the non-Western rural sites demonstrate such behaviors.
From a comparative perspective, chimpanzees, orangutans, dolphins, and Asian elephants are among the few nonhuman species reported to pass the mark test (Gallup, 1982; Plotnik & de Waal, 2006; Povinelli, 1995; Reiss & Marino, 1998).
Research with humans suggests that children’s relative familiarity with mirrors, which greatly varies across contexts, does not correlate with the age at which the mark test is passed (Priel & deSchonen, 1986). Priel and deShonen (1986) tested Bedouin nomadic children with no previous mirror experience and compared them to same-age Israeli children familiar with mirrors.
They found no significant difference in the developmental onset of MSR between mirror familiar and unfamiliar children.
>research is dominated by liberal academics
>suddenly citing research anyone
So, which one is it?
this is why you hate yourself, dumb ((nigger))
Lol. Nigger brain is so low impulse that it produces random background noise to keep their ape senses stimulated.
>In other research, Kraus had noticed something about the brains of kids who come from poverty, like many in the Harmony Project. These children often hear fewer words by age 5 than other kids do.
>And that's a problem, Kraus says, because "in the absence of stimulation, the nervous system ... hungry for stimulation ... will make things up. So, in the absence of sound, what we saw is that there was just more random background activity, which you might think of as static."
>In addition to that "neural noise," as Kraus calls it, ability to process sound — like telling the difference between someone saying "ba" and "ga" — requires microsecond precision in the brain. And many kids raised in poverty, Kraus says, simply have a harder time doing it; individual sounds can seem "blurry" to the brain. (To hear an analogy of this, using an iconic Mister Rogers monologue — giving you some sense of what the brain of a child raised in poverty might hear — be sure to listen to the audio version of this story.)
>mad bolshevik
Why is that exactly? And no, I'm not a nigger.
I'm also not dumb (137 IQ).
As someone who's sister is mixed and grew up knowing many mixed people here in southern california
they should not exist
its not too bad but looking forward its a stain and they know it
>While preferring silence to music from the West, chimpanzees apparently like to listen to the different rhythms of music from Africa and India, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association.
>When African and Indian music was played near their large outdoor enclosures, the chimps spent significantly more time in areas where they could best hear the music. When Japanese music was played, they were more likely to be found in spots where it was more difficult or impossible to hear the music.
>“Chimpanzees may perceive the strong, predictable rhythmic patterns as threatening, as chimpanzee dominance displays commonly incorporate repeated rhythmic sounds such as stomping, clapping and banging objects,”
La creatura...
>And no, I'm not a nigger.
>thinking you can wash away your whore mother or your weak sack of shit fathers blood
The research literally shows that their brain is similar from birth, but that the children are being neglected by their parents, because of typical cultures of poverty.
Your quote shows the opposite of what you think it says.
Holy fuck, you must be dumb even for a Finn.