Is he a good or bad kike?
Is he a good or bad kike?
Is he currently in an oven? If yes, then he is a good kike. if not then no.
The good ones get sacrificed by their own.
>good kike
Gatekeeper kike
trick question
there are no good kikes
and there are no kikes
judaism is a fake religion and a fake ethnicity
He supports flooding the West with immigrants, so he's a bad kike.
He'll always run to a "free market" argument on that and similar issues.
this desu.
makes no baka sense.
Wait so he is not a NAZI?
doesn't matter how you cut it, a kike is a kike
He is a pretty cool kike i like the fucker.
Stephen Miller is the only good kike.
almost like he's doing a dance of some jewish sorts
For somebody who prides himself and made a career of being rational, he has very backwater and illogical ideas about god and religion. It's the typical academic Jew. They know deep down inside their religion and culture is a sham but push the agenda because of a misplaced sense of superiority. It's sad, really.
In many ways he is the worst kind of kike because kikes like him were the ones that "put us to sleep" while the rest of the kikes turned the "rightwing" into a "leftwing" farce.
(Yes i know that the Leftwing vs Rightwing thing is a kike scam too but it is useful to use this terms to explain your point.)
If you’re a good goy,
He’s a good boy
Its an insult to the honor and dignity of every american for this criminal fraudulent election hoaxster to remain on the msm stage.
Shapiro makes good points, but deep down is a white knight jew cuck. He still is butthurt about Michelle Fields being "assaulted" by Corey Lewindowski.
He attacked Paul Nehlen simply for tweeting that he was reading Culture of Critique
Then got all pissy when Nehlen noticed that America's MSM is literally owned and operated by Jews.
Then got even more pissy when Nehlen put together an enemies list of who was attacking him, and like 95% of them were Jews.
He's good for us and important for our movement. The stuff we talk about, the legit stuff not the crazy stuff, is still way too much for most people. People and groups like Peterson, Shapiro, Sargon, Crowder and t_d are important for waking people up without them shutting down over the cognitive dissonance.
A lot of people will go no further than this and that's fine. It's not great, it'd be better if they would vote with us on White identity issues, but as long as they don't vote against us it's better than nothing. Some of these people will see conflict with the "only ideas matter, not race" mentality of the Right and they'll keep looking. That's why race realism is so important. Making logical arguments bases on imperial data is bringing in a ton of people.
he's useful to the cause.
I don't think he does, actually. He toes the politically correct line while producing videos like this
on how the majority of Muslims are savages.
Shapiro, Peterson, Shapiro, Sargon, Crowder and t_d will all attack anyone who brings up the JQ.
They are gate keepers that are holding the movement back. Some of them would qualify as controlled opposition (look up who owns Crowder's network). Others it's more of a gray area (Sargon is just a cuck).
But these people are only helpful up to a point, and after that they keep people stuck in a swamp of confusion about what group is really causing all the problems. They'll talk about muslim terror without asking who opened the gates for them, as just one example.
Fuck these guys.
Only AshkeNAZI
(good) kike
Norman Finkelstein, he could quite very possibly qualify as a good one.
Don't know him, look up his videos.
Pic related is the only good kike.
Instead of using his jewish tricks to ruin the world, he uses it to improve wrestling:
He's a manlet lmao
This desu
FPBP. My fucking sides.
Well he's good insofar as being against the retardation of the left, and bad because he's a huge hypocrite when it comes to Israel.
>attacks jew
>surprised when attacked by mostly jews
Control op midget agent code name milkman
BAD. Next.
Good Jews are oxymoronic.
>good or bad kike?
You need to read more.
Good on domestic policy, but has questionable allegiance so don't trust anything he says about foreign policy.
Also a raging neocon so he'll shill for the 3-letter agencies.
He's a pseudo intellectual and manipulative snake. He claims to be so rational and intelligent, however he is getting caught again and again using logical fallacies and ignoring facts on purpose. Not a fan.
On what topics specifically? Just curious, I already have doubts about him.
If you question whether or not a kike is "good", they're bad by default.
an Israeli shill like any other