He was right.Hitler was right. It's true, all of it. Holy shit
Welcome to reality.
Yeah, I suppose he was right. Multiculturalism is ultimately rooted in nihilism
>invade poland (white), france (white), russia (white), belgium (white)
>declare war on britain (white), america (56%)
>anti-racism takes off as a reaction to you
>white nationalists around the world praise you as anything other than an idiot
Forget about multiculturalism you fucking faggot. Jews are the fucking problem.
>white nationalists
Do you realize that Hitler had nothing to do with White Nationalism? White Nationalism is a Jewish psy op.
Can you people genocide yourselves already?
Yes, he was a German+ nationalist.
That's not white nationalism. White nationalism is a jewish psy op. Jews want to make everyone think that Hitler was a racial supremacist when he wasn't at al..
is there actual proof to show that the shooters are/were kikes?
yeah do some research.
Usually I would berate you for using a Jew meme, but we commandeered that meme and used it for the shooter.
That meme doesn't really apply anymore except for example of mutt shooters.
>He wasn't a white nationalist
Yes, he wasn't a white nationalist, he was a German+ nationalist
the Florida shooter is jewish
That has nothing to do with White nationalism. You brought up white nationalism because you're a fucking Jew. You only know how to inject your bullshit into everything. Hitler did nothing wrong and the bad guys won WW2.
No matter how right he was, it was all for nothing.
In reality there is no right or wrong; only those who survive.
Jews are irrelevant.. just saying.
>t. JIDF
Fuck you.
Well now that we know Hitler did nothing wrong, he should have done something "wrong"
>jew meme
I don't know what you're so mad about.
I said from the start, Hitler wasn't a white nationalist, and a lot of what he did was very bad for white people. It is mysterious why people who call themselves white nationalists take his side in the war, since what people consider the post-war result wasn't necessarily tied to the war and wasn't predictable either. As far as they were aware, the countries involved on the Allied side were acting in their own national interests. It is understandable why a German would like Hitler so much, but most others shouldn't really think more than "he was a good politician"
Hitler literally did nothing wrong
When the baby boomers die the world will start to get better I hope, the problem is the next generations are gonna be primarily non-white, and that’s gonna be dangerous, but we might take back our country if the right side of history takes back control away from the most cucked generation in history (boomers)
I'm mad because you're a kike shill pretending to not be one.
Nigger. Trump is going to complete the system.
Lincoln couldn't do it.
Jackson couldn't do it.
Hitler couldn't do it.
Kennedy couldn't do it.
They're working on it as hard as they can.
The current state of London will be whitetopia compared to what the rest of the cuckhold isles will be composed of in 20-30 years.
Discovering they were right is the ultimate Red Pill user. For all you new fags lurking who don't understand what fascism/NatSoc is, here you go:
General Patton was right when he says we fought the wrong enemy
natsoc isn't fascism either. YOU KIKES ARE SO DISGUSTING
>a jew made a shitpost on Sup Forums about a meme everyone uses and I believed it
Why didn't you just say you were salty about the 56% meme?
This is the reason that people are waking up. Jews like you.
You nigger there isn't much of a difference at all
He might but I think there’s too much old resistance. The old generation believes too much propaganda because they or their very direct relatives experienced a war and were lied to the whole time. They were very heavily conditioned into their beliefs through religion and propaganda.
I think when the old majority dies, and the younger more right wing generation realizes how much power they truly hold, that they’ll take it all back. They might restore the right way of life. Jewish influence must end. Foreign invasion must end. Low IQ high birth rates supported through taxation and liberal ideologies full of doublethink and lies will be stopped. The educated and intelligent must take back their fucking land and their dreams from these monsters
It all starts with the Jew
You're a kike.
You're either trolling or just purely autistic. Did you even read the image
How does it feel knowing that through the advent of the internet there will be nowhere left to run for the jews/
How am I a kike?
For wanting the white race to prosper? For wanting intelligent life to be allowed to thrive? The rich Jews would have us all made poor and stupid, they would have every last child replaced by a stupid servantlike child of a human being, people with nothing beyond an Id. People who can work factories for thousands of years and produce everything the rich Jews want forever.
And guess what. It’s already happening.
>White race
I'm not Jewish, I don't care
Then second of all you said that Trump isn't going to accomplish anything, but you know that's not true because Trump is preparing to drain the swamp and establish peace and propserity. Now, because I've argued with JIDF shills day in and day out, I know you're gonna respond with your JIDF talking points about how Trump is Israel's greatest ally. Too bad he's the worst President for israel EVER.
Two weeks ago i bought Mein kampf book. Do you have any sugestion for similiar books? Also my grandfather served in german navy and his Brother fought in westerplatte battle in SS Heimwehr Danzig unit.
the "the truth" is just propagandized "left wing" in that meme. whoever made this was younger than 16, i would bet my savings on it.
Are you retarded?
so... what do we do about it?
>identity politics
is laurence fishburne white, sarg'n?
See. You're a typical JIDF faggot. Muh Alt-Right vs Sargon. They're all controlled opposition.
i don't care, but you complaining about identity politics is a bit silly
>hitler was right
>post a quote from goebbels
are you retarded OP?
OKAY I definitely wasnt gonna say trump is israel’s biggest ally, and considering I don’t know you and am openly blaming the Jews I’m not totally sure why you make assumptions that I’m a shill, if anything I’m sensing you’re either way too defensive or on drugs. Seriously chill the fuck out you autist. I’m axtually kinda mad. A white ethnostate that proves Jews are inferior is the only thing needed to destroy them it just hasn’t been allowed to thrive due to jewish interference in literally everything.
The only reason this is happening is because they can’t stand to lose under any circumstance. This includes being superior to our race in every way, which makes sense considering how the “””top””” schools operate with acceptance and how “””IQ””” tests generally have higher scores when taken by Jews, because it’s rigged to prove them superior.
They must always be superior.
Did you reply to the wrong person or do you have autism
but the jews didnt win
hitler won
and that is the best kept secret of them all
What? Are any of them jewish? I 100% believe jews are responsible for all conflict and corruption in the world but I didnt think any of them are jews... Proofs?
well there are practically no jews in europe and russia now ,so it can say that hit ler in europe and stalin and kgn in russia win big time only usa failed if kennidy was succesfull jews or jewiensh as a concept would have been exterminated,i have hopes that europe and rusia can fight together in the future there is still hope ,for america im not not sure
I wish Russia would be more diplomatic in that sense. Now that they are not commies, I have nothing against them
Trump is closer with Russia than israel
Welcome, friend.
Le 56% Florida boy wrote in a chatroom that his bio-mom is a Jew.
Did you ever notice that in school they never EVER EVER EVER played subtitled audio or printed the text from any of Hitler's speeches? If you ever saw him speak at all, it was in angry foreign language.
Hitler wasn't the only one who saw this. Polish ambassadors in the US noticed it aswell. Jerzy Potocki, sent a report to Warsaw, saying: „Above all, propaganda here is entirely in jewish hands."
Lord Beaverbrook said, that the jews will push us into war. Etc. etc.
It wasn't only hitler, that saw this.
Except for de Rivera basically saying that they require all nationalists to serve the nation, regardless of ethnicity.
And national socialism wanting to preserve the ethnicity.
Do you even know what ethnicity means? of course not. You're a meme flag kike.
So Germans aren't white?
Not all of them.
Is la creatura actually jewish? When did we discover this?
Woahhh shit. That (((Carol Goodman))) is a jewish tranny. That's a man.
It was always jewish
German nationalism isn't white nationalism. Is like saying that IRA was a British nationalist group.
Kike bongs and their tricks.
Delete this now!
>Hitler wasn't a white nationalist
Hitler intended for National Socialism to free peoples of all nations on the entire planet from the (((international banks))). That's why Germany was destroyed.
Fuck off kike.
Negroes, europeans, etc.
Hitler wrote about jews bringing negroes to the rhine aswell.
Holy shit.
>it is revealed he is jewish
>quick, call him antisemitic for mentioning it!