Sweden Yes!


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I guess this is nothing new then.

This is serious guise. These scum end up in Norway when they run.
Does that make it legal to hunt them?

We have the same thing on the Mexican border. Stashes of water and food on common trafficking routes paid for by beaner NGOs. ICE has been pouring the water on the ground and otherwise destroying these caches.

These NGOs claim they're just trying to save lives by providing border hopping criminals with water and food. Apparently some of these illegal criminal scum die on the way to illegally going to America. I guess that's sad. But it'd be preferable to have snipers on the wall, to dissuade entire flocks of these people from even trying to make the journey in the first place. We're trying to save lives, folks.


It's an scientific fact blonde women a crazed to fuck anything darker than pale.


Yes, so?

of course conditions like these will happen when you have #openborders

It's a scientific fact you're a mongler tbqh

Swedish newspaper "Aftonbladet"

swedes are at fault for this, they should feel very bad. There is no white guilt in sweden though. Swedes just need to be pressured more.

"Swedes" are not responsible for expulsions, it's the government. The Swedes have to suffer though. Akilov should've been expelled but he went underground, got radicalized and then killed a bunch of us.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

>Jewish culture

Jewish lampshades are vibrant AF.

Is this real? is it recent? WTF?
>oh hello there, you are openly working to destroy my kingdom - here's a medal

of course it's real, in public they are honored for six candled stands and jewish bakeries

Yes. It's from her own website.

>expelled rapefugees vanish before actual deportation
I guess I owe you Svenskere a 'thank you' for insisting on us enforcing strict border controle between Denmark and Sweden

No problem.

Hadn't seen that pic before. Made me laugh unironically.

As for OP, it's not surprising. A lot of these people don't want to go back so it's to be expected some of them disappear if the authorities don't have a system in place to monitor them properly.

We kind of have a similar problem, only here the number isn't
It's 351. At least it was half a year ago latest news I could about it, so it probably haven't changed much.

The sad thing is they won't go out with pics or anything like "we're looking for these people" because then we will become racist (those of us who aren't already), at least that is the excuse they go with. And the odds of finding the criminals goes down the drain.

>These scum end up in Norway when they run.
I really hope we start putting all this humanitarian business behind us soon, I for one would like to see negro zoos

>Anonymous (ID: wjA+Q6uI) 02/17/18(Sat)10:16:42 No.160818504▶
It is real and it is recent, from start of Feb. Please nuke us.

