I thought it all just coincidence.. but this? THIS? Solidifies it.
Pic related
Can you give me more examples, user?
I thought it all just coincidence.. but this? THIS? Solidifies it.
Pic related
Can you give me more examples, user?
Other urls found in this thread:
Chester Benton committed suicide after he said he didn't like Trump
Another one bites the dust.
dont forget Scott (((Weiland)))
This clip is dated one day before his fatal overdose. The Curse started out strong.
horrry sheeit.
good eye
It's true, all of it.
>Lindsay Vonn
Toll status?
She's a cunt.
paid the toll
hail Trump
> Country is losing the medal count badly
> Wants to completely embarrass himself because the athletes hate muh president
Just about the most retarded thing I’ve ever seen.
Trump has the holy corpse of the Saint it's not his curse it's God's curse.
What kind of man watches the Winter Olympics?
Are you Matt Lauer?
Fuck that medal, dafuq do I care?
>no wall
>Obamacare still in place
>Merkel still hasn't paid Fat Donny's $300bn Nato bill
>there is still a humiliating trade deficit with Germany and China
>Mueller keeps gaping Trump's asshole
The Trump curse is real indeed.
SHHHH.. Germany.
You have your own mess to deal with.
unrelated but i haven't seen trump to a really good morning shitpost storm in some time
>Pic related
Damn is that a beautiful pic
Why are you trying to change the topic? Weird. This is about the Trump curse. Do keep up.
The Trump curse is the most real shit ever.
SIDS is another word for shitty parenting.
Her Twitter just has a bunch of people calling her a fucking loser it's hilarious
trump is love
trump is life
>The Trump curse is the most real shit ever.
It really is.
What a pathetic coal burning piece of shit
>What a pathetic coal burning piece of shit
She sure is.
>"used to date"
>in quotes
yea im sure thats exactly like
the media portrays it
I wasn't so sure about the Trump curse, but now I unironically accept it as real.
Holy kek..
>"used to date"
Well, now she's getting SHEKEL'D in the cervix. Much better.
I thought Quincey Jones said that to see if the media would report it. He wanted to see just how gullible the media is.
It's possible. Emotionally distressed people can't concentrate on doing their tasks properly, or have a health burden, or get triggered into going back to drugs.
Well she was right
A good Trump shitpost storm happens only exactly when it is needed, and for the exact reasons it is necessary.
Have faith young one
Just Googled this, that's fucking hilarious. And he's a kike too.
in an alternative universe, Sup Forums is frantically creating threads trying to discover the REAL reason people who criticized trump are having their lives fall apart
>a tasteless, odorless, colorless chemical that impairs ability
>time travel
>cuban soundwave attack technology
>satellite laserbeams
>a secret cabal of loyalists
He stared straight at the sun and the fucking sun blinked.
It’s just an user that stumbled upon the console at the end of the simulation having a bit of fun while the developers are AFK.
one atom cannot simulate another, so we must surmise that a computer capable of simulating every atom must be larger than the universe it is simulating. BIG!
Um, guys what if POTUS is having these people killed or sabotaged?
big league if YUGE
Blessed by the sun during the eclipse
one of the best
How the weather in Frankfurt today?
>Also, judging a man by what his female offspring does.
Pic very related drumpfkins
Watch out man we wouldn’t want you to be afflicted by the curse
This literally looks like someone shopped a man's face over some negress. Can't they see it themselves? He's got a male goatee face, because he lacks the upper lip.
February 21, 2018
Shaun White dies in tragic car crash on way to airport in South Korea.
Wasn't He accused of sexual assault not long ago?
Then hes better at it than Hillary
Wasn't Trump
This one is my favorite. The amount of Damage Reno did to this country cannot be overstated.
Lindsay Vonn CoalBurn
Then they probably deserve it, unlike Seth Rich or Vince Foster
>doesnt mention divine providence.... the obvious answer
This one is so comfy.
>Obamacare still in place
Eh, no, the critical component of Obamacare, the legal individual mandate, has been removed.
Thank you
The curse takes the form of Trump silent whispering wrong over and over while making silly faces. Good luck focusing with that
Holy fuck i dint know this.
Died on eve of his win?
これは「S T A N D」ですか?!
Get her out the gene pool
>mfw donny autistically murders anyone he doesnt like
Thats eerie. The timing. Read personal life. Def lesbo. Def insane lib.
HURR 90% of the important/famous people hates DRUMPF, be surprised when some of that insanely massive number has bad luck.
You Trumpcucks are fucking retarded.
>Christopher Goldberg
>Former Neogaf mod
Let us enjoy our schadenfreude
when was 3 hours ago
Not trump but still kek
>Chester Benton committed suicide
Clintonian suicide maybe
Everyone in Hollywood is now a "me too" victim and perpetrator at the same time.
Trump Train comin' through.
Hurr if I had a dollar for every time you faggots tried to bite my style to shill, I'd probably be a millionaire. You pathetic faggots.
Poor girls didn't deserve what he brought to them.
Oprah made some anti trump comments then her mansion got destroyed by a mudslide.
Yes. Trump curse strikes again, dem btfo
>no wall
>Obamacare still in place
individual mandate is gone, you don't have to buy obamacare anymore
>Merkel still hasn't paid Fat Donny's $300bn Nato bill
the NATO bill is defense spending by the own country. Germans want to build an EU military but don't want to spend on defense?
>there is still a humiliating trade deficit with Germany and China
Incoming tariffs
>Mueller keeps gaping Trump's asshole
13 russian nationals who aren't even in the US charged with advertising their clickbait websites on facebook. No way those will survive in court, assuming it ever gets that far. Flynn is going to get his guilty plea thrown out. But okay.
SIDS is another word for letting shitty parents off the hook for cleansing the gene pool of their crummy offspring.
lawl damn dude
I would like to thank you for using g the word literally when you didn't need to. Thanks redit