Long Live Palestine.
When the Zionists will leave there land, the arabs will go back to their rightfull home land and the good old days will be back.
There is only one true refugee. The Jew.
Long Live Palestine.
When the Zionists will leave there land, the arabs will go back to their rightfull home land and the good old days will be back.
There is only one true refugee. The Jew.
Other urls found in this thread:
which good old days?
the days when europe was for the european.
and the middle east was a growing and modernizing. And for the original true semitics and arabs
You know...When ACTUAL JEWS were living with christians an muslims in the holy land and there was peace.
Yes these were the actual semites.
Not when a bunch of mixed white blue eyed freaks arrived on refugee ships and started flooding the nation
Just nukie the whole general area.. would anyone be sorry?
a nuke isnt necessary just cut american tax paychecks flying over...
Just a friendly reminder that this is what they post on their FB accounts.
They will never give you any credit
''No one came to our aid, except for the largest military power in history and billions of dollars in aid''
Oh please dont forget the best lines:
>We paid for it
>We fought for it
>We died for it
Trump is going to free Palestine.
Sure the best ally.
Always never understood how the americans can still trust them.
After backing them for years, they literally back stabbed the only true friends they had...
How can you trust them
They literally don't know dude. Nobody knows except for the internet.
There are no voices that people listen to that criticize israel. None.
this is just teh beginning. The past countries like Lebanon and Syria had Jewish Officials. But soon after they all became spies for the Israeli government.
And they call us anti-semetic.
Here just watch the 1st 5 minutes.
They admit clearly they were illegal refugees
The Israelis produce a tremendous amount of scientific output which collectively benefits the entire planet, they're one of the most technologically literate people on the planet and compared to their population, they have one of the highest ratios of scientists and technicians in the entire world.
Meanwhile, all Arab countries combined collectively produce and export less than Finland.
But yeah, go ahead and take Israel and run it into the ground and turn it into yet another backwards Islamic shithole.
k ill check this out.
Look back at lebanon 1975, or syria before its war. Iraq before you needed to stop a "horrible" "Dictator".
Sure the israelis are angels in the american eye, what else do you expect to see.
they are as savage as the salafists
kys sand nigger
At least the Jews know how to wash their asses and live modernly
Fuck off you fuck kids and eat them too.
Where do you get this image of us.
has israeli propaganda worked so well on you guys.
Sure go ahead keep trusting the zionists, just keep an eye out on your secrets if you dont want another apollo affair.
Palestinians are leeches. First moving to mandate palestine, because there where jobs created by jewish immigration and now they claim to be in palestine for millions of years. Pathetic muslim scum that isn't even welcome in their brotherly arab lands.
Not a Jew, nor do I really care what happens to their state. If they want to kill some of our enemies I won't stop them.
You responded to a JIDF shill. Dude they are 70% of the threads on Sup Forums and half the users at this point. JIDF faggots.
>our enemies
You're a jew and you can't even hide it.
the jews produce that tech to spy on the world if you use intel you're a shabbos goy.
>the arabs will go back to their rightfull home
>Palestinians living on the land for a thousand years
>up until 1968 no running water, open sewers, no electricity
>literal shithole
>6 day war
>Israelis conquer the land and install civilization
>fucking sandniggers still complaining about the comforts of modern life
Palestinians are a truely shitty people. It's a wonder they haven't been eradicated earlier.
sure you forgot what it felt like to have your country filled with strangers that look nothing like you.
No wonder your country has gone down the shitter.
blue eyed white folks... sure they were semitic people... sure they are middle eastern.
That has nothing to do with anything I said. Israel, whether you like it or not, is a successful country and we all collectively benefit from their technological innovations. We do not benefit from the Arab/Muslim world in any way besides oil. Why would anyone support letting Muslim savages turn one of the most advanced economies on the planet into yet another Islamic shithole? We have enough of those already.
These are jews serving in the British mandate police, showing off loot taken from the deported german templers.
>"I don't agree with you"
Nice ad hominem.
And yes, we are ideological enemies.
No they aren't. Look at their fucking faces.
No we aren't. Jews are the terroists. Jews are the evil ones. You're either a neocon or a kike. Pick one.
Fuck off nigger
a shit hole you say.
A multi religious state at peace, the palestinians were friendly people. They helped the nazis and fought side by side.
but surely your just a good german goy.
sure when ever your country tries to grow like iraq and you get bombed by good goys, what else do you expect from the arabs.
it hard to spend money on scientific advancement when you get bombed everyday.
here just to give you an example:
>Lebanon had the first "space agency with in the Middle east"
Called the Lebanese Rocket Society.
But guess who threatened them to shut it down or else war would ensue...
Ya history is being slowly erased... but we wont forget.
Look it up: Lebanese Rocket Society
most palestinians just arrived or are decendants of settlers from other parts of the ottoman empire themselves.
Also, this sums ip my opinion on those leeches:
autism speaks
Nice to see people are saving these gems...
I know where this picture is taken from, so I win vs your "umm they don't look like Jonah Hill to me so they're not jewish" argument
If you run your life by a strict religious code you impose on others you are the enemy
Jews want people to hate Israel because that means people can't immitate Israel.
>Oh, you dislike Israel? Well, Israel has a wall, so you must disagree with building a wall in America
>Oh, you dislike Israel? Well, Israel is an ethnostate, so you must disagree with having closed borders
You can't even provide evidence because you're a kike.
Only they went to war the first second the UN proposed the shared, multireligious country you talk about.
They are a bunch of no good niggers whose "industry" is sitting around watching olives drop off trees and who go around to stab people once they get bored with that.
>meme flag
nobody in America wants an ethnostate you fucking retard. We want AN ACTUAL IMMIGRATION POLICY AND NOT THIS JEW BULLSHIT.
Christian Lebanese are of African, European, and syrian decent
If you use this christian fascist to prove anything your going down the shitter.
try harder german goy.
also show any proof of the turkish shit.
So your saying palestine was empty and ooohhh look at that the turks said why dont you go and live in the land that has been fought for for thousands of years.
Fuck i thought nazi propaganda was good, i guess its hard to top of israeli propaganda
The overwhelmingly vast majority of Arab/Muslim countries are not being "bombed every day", you're a fucking idiot.
The Lebanese rocket society was founded and produced by Armenian Christians, so yeah.
Arab/Muslim countries are shitholes and it's no one's fault but your own.
Lebanese rocket society was lead by Lebanese Armenians.
Ask any Lebanese armenian he will state he is lebanese first.
You dont have to bomb the country you just have to send spies that shoot up random places and create religious wars and then fund them.
No doubt you have to be stupid if you think the CIA isn't behind 85% of countries being destabilized.
Watch the above link you kike.
shitting on christian fascists on Sup Forums
a fucking leaf
reddit spacing
explain the sudden influx of arabs then, after 1900 when jew immigration established themselves in mandate palestine (founding of tel aviv for example)
I've seen a few things that are fishy to say the least. The USS Johnson I think is the most memorable
They can follow their Talmud, as long as they don't take individual rights they can be as racist as they want. IDGAF
We are all neutral until someone criticizes them.
so by your logic they aren't israelis... they are polish and german -israelis
Top kek nice proving my point
Yeah, that doesn't change the fact that they're still Christian, you dumbfuck.
>No, we're not
Dude, just stop. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Dude. You're a fucking Jew and you can't hide it. Fuck off. zionism is evil and you're defending it.
LOL at a fucking Mohammedan rat claiming kinship with a Christian. Only countrymen when he accepts transmogrification into A*abness and a nation dominated by Pisslam
??? Sudden influx ?
dude im sending you a history channel documentary done by the jews themselves. and they admit clearly that they arrived illegally on refugee ships to palestine.
the idea and concept of zionism only came to be in the 30's and 40's.
prior to that the arabs and jews lived peacefully.
also your calling me out for reddit spacing then what are you doing pic related
Hey Rabbi, whatcha doin?
Destabilizing a country faggot.
bombing is one method
funding the arab spring was another method.
youre autsim level is off the charts.
The CIA has been caught destabilizing countries for fucking years
Still not sure how I'm defending them. Maybe I'm a kike shill and don't even know it.
Dude not a muslim... but holy fuck there rabbih can you say god or you also have to say G*d...
you dumb fuck you know who holds the keys to the church of Jerusalem ... Its a muslim family, they were asked to hold the keys and open the doors of the church every morning since the Christians fought between themselves.
Sure rabbih go ahead get mad and try to make us Christians fight your war vs Muslims
Or remember when Eshak rabin tried to make peace and a right wing monkey jew shot him... just remember jewish extremists are as bad as salafists
Jews immigrated to the are earlier than that though. Especially after the progromes in Russia.
good read:
>Fred M. Gottheil
German Jew leave the nation the rise of the RIght is starting and each man and woman will go back to their homeland. And the NOMAD Savages like moses will be thrown out
Just read it merhemmid
dont worry kike the arabs wont speak for much longer... the 33 day war was just a shot to the foot for the israelis.
to think an organized militia by itself defeated israel.
according to the news stations you kikes are in for a surprise
>Fifty Muslim-majority countries in the world
>US meddled in eight of them
Seriously, please, just stop.
Dont underestimate the best spies in the world and unlimited funding.
lots of money can change many things....
your retarded if you dont know that by now.
I just gave $100 to the Palestinian Children's Fund.
Fuck Israel.
kek this, the CIA niggers literally rob you at gunpoint to give it straight to zionist kikes
evidence? how about they have british mandate police uniforms?
are you feeling pretty stupid that you have a triumphant image of jews in your hard drive? lol
You have to provide evidence they're jews first you retarded fucking Jew.
You just funded a radical jihadi terror group, cuck. Maybe you should move to Germany. Then you can actually live with them.
>good old days will be back
Muslims invading Europe unprovoked like the last 1,000+ years? Except this time they are not being repelled.
these fake jews really piss me off
I guess only muslim roaches are able to live on radioactive glass then. #shimshon
the flags are nazi youth flags. the men pictured are not youth. the flag closer to the camera is dirty like your cum rag. the uniforms are british mandate police. the men surely aren't british. after the arab revolt there were no arabs in the mandate police. the british were at war with the nazis, and deported germans. what more do you need, you shrimp dick, dumb ass white cracker? but by all means, keep this image to commemorate the triumph of the zionist settlers.
You can't prove shit and you have no evidence. Go home Rabbi
>Implying acceleratoinism isn't the goal
>Implying I don't want Jihadis detonating in Israel
Are you that fucking new? Goddamn.
I support Palestine because they're the descendants of Greek noblemen.
When you isolate yourself to the degree that the only friends you can find are internet white supremacists while blaming the jews for every single failure you made in life then I think you really should get out more.
This is some next level JIDF.
me too lad, literally we wuz semites we wuz jews fake jew larping zionist faggot kike CIA niggers
and the real jews are allied with muslims in that area such as the huge amount of jews in ran