Owarimonogatari airing in 1 (one) week

>Owarimonogatari airing in 1 (one) week
What do you want to see from Ougi

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Small of back


probably first or second episode

kiss shot hanging gaen by the head and hugging araragi after that

Her(male) death

H A N E K A W A ! !

the scene where she convinces araragi that she gave him expensive chocolate and makes him feel bad that he forgot and didnt get her chocolate in return

more spooky

spoopy spoopying Ougi

I hope they're making more Ougi figures soon.

>it's not the end
>not even close


Her genuine smile at the end of Ougi Dark.

I want to spougi the ougi

>also not even close to the end
>the series is still ongoing with more novels planned

I want dress Ougi, I'd pay 20k for such a beautiful thing.

I want to see her sexy uncle

It's like Final Fantasy. Nisio thought it was the end but still kept making stories. I am not complaining though.

I'm looking forward to seeing her bait the bird into her secret rape dungeon

>I was only nine years old
>I loved Ougi so much, I owned all the Blu-rays and merchandise
>I pray to Ougi every night, thanking her for the life I have been given
>"Ougi is love", I say, "Ougi is life"
>My dad hears me and calls me a faggot
>He is obviously jealous of my devotion to Ougi
>I called him an orokamono
>He slaps me and sends me to my room
>I am crying now, because my face hurts
>I go into my bed and it is very cold
>I feel a warmth moving towards me
>I fell something touch me
>It's Ougi
>I am so happy
>He whispers into my ear, "orokamomo"
>She grabs me with her powerful sleeves and puts me on my hands and knees
>I'm ready
>I spread my ass cheeks for Ougi
>He penetrates my butthole
>It hurts so much, but I do it for Ougi
>I can feel my anus tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against her force
>I want to please Ougi
>She roars a mighty roar as she fills my butt with his love
>My dad walks in
>Ougi looks him deep in the eyes and says, "How profoundly strange"
>Ougi leaves through my window
Ougi is love, Ougi is life.

Why would someone want to trick this innocent bird?

To fuck her till she's sick.

Who wouldn't want to go urban exploration with the bird?

at least some good gifs of monkey

Where are these Ougifags coming out of the woodworks from?

You're going to be really disappointed

There's like 5 of us. We're just kind of vocal.

i know she isnt in it, but maybe when araragi thinks about her or something she'll pop up
He's meeting her mom this season right?

Are there 5 now? I remember there being like 3.

I just made a wild guess.

As long as no anons give us a bad name, the more the merrier.

Isn't that in Zoku?

There's a Tooe flashback so we might see her, but Araragi won't actually meet her in person until Zoku-Owari

Do I count? I'm not really an ougifag, I'm a "I love every girl equally"fag

I just want to enter the Crab.

I still need to get that prize figure.

I got the figure on the left desu. Ougi is one of the best things to have happened with Monogatari.

I hope you got her at launch and didn't pay the current scalper prices.

That's fine, there aren't any bad characters anyways.
Good on you user.

Cant remember how much it was but wasn't cheap I don't think. I've got a figure of all the main cast in a glass cabinet minus Kaiki,Oshino,Yotsugi and Kagenui.

She released at like 8k and is going for 12k now.

>Kanbaru shows up in Shinobu Mail
>arc automatically gets 10x better

I don't regret it at all. I also got a little wall scroll with all the females but now that I think about it I'm missing Ougi on it.

Kaiki, Oshino and Kagenui are a given since they don't really have figs/half decent figs but who not Yotsugi? She does have a figma and the GSC this month.

Be sure to print the modified Daki too.

It would depend on how big it is my cabinet is basically full with all these characters in the first panel part and having to add those parts they stand on takes up majority of space.

Might have to check it out, haven't got any new cases for mine yet currently.


I grabbed this wall scroll off Amiami when they had it recently.
I seen the user who made this post it a few times but has anyone printed it yet?
The Yotsugi one is same size as all the other figmas and I assume the GSC fig will be as big as the Medusa Nadeko one.

i usually just stay in the drawthreads (and mspaint threads) and dont post otherwise, so if i count you count

I'm getting it printed next month.

Where are you getting it printed from?

I'll check amazon for them and see if they ship to the land down under. This is mine.

Locally in Mexico from a seller in MercadoLibre.

Drawthreads is one I usually don't frequent due to never have an idea of want I want to post but it's always Ougi related. I usually just want a picture drawn, nothing in specific and the requests are rarely picked up.
Looks good.

Thank you, I try to always get posters or scrolls with majority of the characters.

>post a boy

You must be a downright baka to still think this.

Stop this meme.

The gender is ambiguous so its whatever you want.

I mean its ok if you like boiz user, thats not my problem.

Why would you believe a compulsive liar?

all i know is that i want these lips

I am bisexual so I don't care about dicks or pussies, but Ougi is a girl.


You can't resist them user.

Of course I wouldn't be able to, I am obsessed with her after all.

She turned into a boy so monkey wouldn't lust for her

As am I.

Was considering getting back into this since i only watched the first season and forst 3 episodes of season 2

What hasnt been adapted yet thus far hesides owari?

I think 1 or 2 more novels.

She took the appearance of a boy so that Monkey would trust her more, like how she trusts Araragi.
ZokuOwari and off-season stuff hasn't been adapted effective next weekend when Owari is finally done.
6 books. ZokuOwari, Oroka, Waza, Nade, Musubi and Shinobu

Those aren't part of the main story though.

She didn't even take the form of a boy, she just put on Ragiko's uniform.

Some of them are necessary for the main story, like Acerola Bon Appetit. The only main story books that are past where we are is ZokuOwari and Shinobu.

Want more snail




Can anyone who reads Nippon translate?



>Those lips
>Her mysteriousness
This is why I love her she's lust and alluring desu.

That's some interesting coloring.

I watched Bakemonogatari when it first aired. Really liked it, but I didn't end up watching the rest of the series. I figured I better start now before it gets impossible to catch up to. Broadcast order or chronological order?

Broadcast order user.


what kind of pantsu does ougi wear.

The darkest and spookiest kind.

Absolutely broadcast. They even adapted one of the novels out of place and made it even better than Nisio's original publication order. Seriously, Hanamonogatari before Koimonogatari was a big fuck up on Nisio's part in my opinion.


d-do they smell good.

There have just got to be plenty more of us—I'm a hardcore Ougifag but I never post about her on Sup Forums, mostly because it's kind of embarrassing (yet also strangely, irritatingly boastful) to admit that staring this screencap can bring me to climax without my touching myself.

Just to double check, is the order on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Monogatari_episodes correct? Should I watch Kizu before Owari II or after like it's listed?

I am pretty boastful about being a hardcore Ougifag, I usually post her whenever I can if the thread pertains towards it and it doesn't devolve into shitposting.

Wouldn't Kizu before Nise make more sense?

>Crab is there

Kizu doesn't really matter unless you care about the connection between Araragi and Shinobu.
I know user-kun I can't wait for Crab.

Kizu is weird, to say the least. Way more action, way different animation style and a very noir atmosphere. In my personal opinion, it doesn't matter if you decide to watch it between Bake and Nise or between Owari I and II or anywhere really. It doesn't matter when you watch it, it simply won't fit in anywhere. But because some references to Shinobu's past that they nonchalantly drop in the last movie that were best introduced in Owari I, I feel like you should at least watch it after that. The animation is gorgeous too so you feel like it you can watch it after Owari II and save the best for last really.

Kizu before Nise is fine since the novel came out first.

And yes that order is perfect.