Who Stellafag here?
Who Stellafag here?
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Stella a shit.
BGOTY. 2015
Stella a best. A BEST.
I love Stella!
>still claiming she has no ass
Kill yourself, Stellashitter.
Fuck off, Asterisktard.
Most of Sup Forums hates her because of the autistic Stella samefag. You're better off asking reddit or something.
Spoiler that shit.
As an unironic fat fetishist I am sad by the lack of fat Stella.
Worst girl. Imouto should have been the main girl instead.
Only THK aka dat Stellafag. is a waifufag for her.
Nice autist and shit taste.
>muh boogeyman
Stella was best girl of 2015.
S2 when?
Another battle harem when?
If she's so best, then why did her show not get a second season?
Next season
Checkmate, Stellashitters
I want one where the MC isn't a faggot though.
Same, but in the end I just want more waifu wars.
>tfw will never stick my dick between those thighs
it fucking hurts and S2 never because fuck japan
>still thinking anyone who hates this shitty show likes Asterisk
Why are Stellafags so shit
Ash will Win a League
One Piece will End and get an Anime remake with actual budget and no filler
Fate content will stop being made
The MC of World's End Harem will fuck a girl that isn't Childhood Friend
Simpsons will End
PSO2 will get an English release
Half Life 3 will be made
and Capcom will make good fighting games all
ALL OF THIS will occur before Sup Forums stops hating Stella. 100%. No 200%.
The amount of hate she garners is beyond inane.
>Why are Stellafags so shit
Inferiority complex
It's literally one autistic Stellafag.
>Simpsons will End
It's got 2 seasons left.
Yo; Stella is best Rakudai.
>stellafags will deny this
That I cannot agree with
Imouto was objectively better.
Not a chance.
In retrospect Asterisk was better.
>Rakudai was 2 years ago already
What the FUCK happened to the time?
At least it had better music (ED's) and pic related.
It moved on, unlike us.
I found most of the fights boring. The highs of Asterisk never reached Rakudai's, while they both wallowed in their lows for a while
Rewatching it atm. They really nailed pink haired tsundere with Julis but she was completely eclipsed by OP for some reason. Maybe I should watch Rakudai.
Claudia a shit.
Hmm, it seemed to me that Julis was more of a bro (female), while Stella got (inexplicably, or did they explain it?) into the relationship thing (which was probably more interesting) pretty quickly.
>Claudia a best. A BEST.
Don't say that, please. It hits too close
what the fuck
>not recognizing a shitposting technique
Step it up, user.
I lowkey wanna see another season that topped Fall 2015.
>4 or 5 fucking Battle Harem Academies a la pic related
How would you react?
I'd be one happy fucking shitposter.
There would be some ebin threads that season; loads of shitposting fun! Could also get some more waifus out of it.
Battle harem academy anime is dead, it has been replaced with Isekais.
>Battle harem academy anime is dead
I will never forgive Japan for this.
look forward to mahouka movie as a final farewell
also stella ntr is best
It can't come soon enough.
Fuck off, Yui a shit.
Julis a best.
Why is she so perfect?
>MC is unironically called in Engrish "the worst one"
>but its just a technicality and he is the best fighter out of everyone anyway, and always kicks everyone's ass
doujins never
Best warrior in a world of magicians.
Someone really should make some doujins of her.
Claudia, from Asterisk.
Ah, so you were just memeing.