Gamergurls aren't like this in real life
Gamergurls aren't like this in real life
Why would you ever want an anime about real life gamer girls?
Chiaki > Nina-senpai > Aguri >>> Karen
I love this gamer girl.
>10/10 girls
>also not even camwhoring while streming "gaming" but competitive gaming
I call bullshit.
Aguri > Karen > Chiaki > Nina
Yeah man, why cant this show be more like real life? You know, like all my other animes!
But user, that's obvious
Everybody knows they are like (pic related) but who cares.
I'll never understand how some people can like Chiaki that much. She's nothing special and has a bland design.
Good taste.
She has the best interactions with the MC, has a cute voice, is a game dev, and will win the bowl. Much better than her competition.
>Worst girl episode
>it's shit
really makes you think
I want to see this bitch destroyed.
For the same reason people like Saekano's Megumi even though she has a bland design.
Me too.
Good thing it happens every episode.
So, anyone knows why subs doesn't appear when i take a screenshot with MPC?
>using Windows
Kill yourself.
She HAD a good design before Tasuku came and ruined her.
>autistic tumblr cunt
>better than retard [pure] and pure retard
sad but true
Vanilla MPC? Default renderer in it is shitty like that. You need to add MadVR or whatever.
tfw you are keren irl
But it wasn't a Chiaki episode.
She's not my favorite, but I really did like her old design here. Will she ever return to it?
Does that mean this bitch is Eriri?
Seeing how they're both blonde idols of their school, hide their nerdy hobbies from their public lives, and get constantly BTFO by superior girls, I can see it.
Pink is the Superior Choice.
Chiaki is best girl and episodes are the best.
Finally, someone else with good taste.
>dumb slut that ruined her design thanks to chad again
You mean made better.
Yes they are, they are vapid whores using "gaming" as an excuse to chase after dick. This anime is spot on. It's also Sup Forums: the anime because there are no video games.
Chiaki has the most boring personality. Tits can't fix that.
Is Aguri really as dumb as she appear to be?
>Implying Eriri wasn't best
Yes. They're both cover girls that will lose.
For her to be the best you'd have to remove Megumi and Utaha altogether.
What really bothered me in the episode is that there was no reason, not even in emotional level, for her to like mc. Instantly she likes him despite her knowing almost anything about him.
Isn't Karen the main girl? No way she'll lose.
He isn't even Chad, he's still the biggest puss around, right next to MC.
She has fun bickerings with Amano, and she's better suited for him than Karen.
She's the only character that doesn't have a surname. That should tell you how relevant she actually is.
Second best.
Worst girl.
She's genki but has street smarts.
Suddenly two Eririfags in the thread. Suspicious.
Are you stupid?
She already lost. In the latest volume, she broke up with the MC to give Chiaki a fair chance, hoping he'll choose her again to make sure their love is pure and strong. It turns out he fell in love with Chiaki and will choose her instead. Karen is the new Kuroneko but ten times worse.
>triggered Utahashitter
Got it.
Stop spoiling asshole
mfw I'll never see her hair like this again
Sounds like a cheap way to drag the plot until the MC picks Karen in the end.
Not fooling anyone. There was no one of you in the previous threads.
>she broke up with the MC to give Chiaki a fair chance
Writers who do this and readers who enjoy this are stupid on a whole other level.
Why not? It's not like you will even remember this series after the anime ends, and it's not like the anime will get that far.
All foreshadowing points towards a Chiaki end, though.
Kyousuke picked Kuroneko for a while too Looked at how that turned out
Eriri a shit
>same person he replied to before
You're retarded.
>suddenly two
You're illiterate.
>same Utahashitter
How suspicious.
And? You quoted me.
>butthurt because eriri became a new standard for worst girls
This. with the hair, she was great
But then she listened to some chad and butchered her beautiful hair. She's dead to me
And I quoted another post that wasn't you. Hence two. Hence you're illiterate.
Yeah, her love is shallow. The MC develops a stronger bond with Chiaki and that's used for more bullying material against her.
>This is what delusional Utahashitter believes despite Utaha being worst girl is a fact
>Utaha being worst girl is a fact
That's not what S2 told me.
So you knew the other person wasn't me and that I was the same person you replied to from before. This is you being stupid by implying suddenly and samefag.
When the main heroine does this, it usually means a comeback will happen that spells certain victory. But when the second heroine love rival does it, it's certain defeat.
Karen reminds me a lot of Umaru except 100000x worse
I merely said it was suspicious. But for you to get defensive like this, it seems like I hit the nail on the head.
Nigger do you understand what love is?
>chemical reaction in the brain from around 5 main chemicals
You don't fall for someone you're compatible with, you just do. It just happens and thats it.
You fuck or you dont and its shit.
She just fell for the idiot. and hes a god damn cuck so he wont fuck her.
>Of course this assumes women have the ability to love partners which they don't.
Her hair a shit
>liking Chads personal onahole
No thanks
>own arc overshadowed by Megumi
>least interesting interactions with MC
>backwards development from giving up on MC
>inferior Creator to Eriri
fuck off r9k
Don't correlate the truth to r9k.
r9k users just cry about being betas and wa chad and stacey.
Chiaki only has a slight crush on him, she's genuinely in love with Keita later.
This isn't a Saekano thread so leave your delusions out of it already. I'll just say one last thing though. 10K. That's how the BD sold in its first week. And it was thanks to Megumi and Utaha. Eriri can die in a fire and no one will give a shit.
What happened with last week cliffhanger?
What defensive? I called you stupid despite the obvious. You trying to get away with it and literally defending your own action is more defensive in nature.
>Utahashitter is this delusional
>da truth
It's probably just your shitty personality.
Your misinterpretation of my post made you lash out at me, stupidly so. Just get over it and stop shitting up the thread.
You now realize that this series follows the Saekano formula and Chiaki was the main girl all along despite Karen being the red herring first girl cover.
It's thanks to Megumi. 90% of the fanbase are Megumifags after all.
homewrecking whore x2 who fell for chad cock.
It got delayed by worst girl's episode. But now that we got it out of the way, she can go back to being a bulllied background character comic relief.
I accept your concession
>ruined her design
MC was a mistake.
Concession accepted.
I didn't misinterpret you at all. You are contradicting yourself now in spite of what was pointed out earlier here . You seriously are trying to defend yourself.
Utaha is fairly popular as well.
Are you telling me you wouldn't get flustered if a beautiful girl said good things about your autism?
Hopefully Chiaki episodes will keep getting put off. Nobody wants more of worst girl.
See There's no contradiction. Go learn what suspicious means.
I kinda feel bad for Karen
She seems like a good person just wanting some autistic dick and that's it
She doesn't deserve to be treated like that.
>Actually submitting to fake-chad's dumb unhelpful opinion
These kinds of girls are usually the worst type to get involved with.