Greetings to my loyal subjects, the noble Norman and Anglo-Saxon families of England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland, Normandy and Aquitaine, and to my loyal Gallic, Scottish and Irish peons.
I write to you in good health, having gathered to my banner now over two thousand knights, men of high honour and good breeding who are prepared to help me overthrow the tyrannical usurper Windsor.
That ugly brood of negro heretic Mongols, which has debased our realm in league with Moors and Jews and Black Mordor Apes, is almost done.
By all reckoning the Jews behind Windsor have so debased our Christian realm that it will not be enough to simply expel them again, and so I add this day to the royal edict promulgated by my ancestor Edward I.
Any Christian who catches a Jew must take all his wares and beat him, before chasing him out of our territories. If the Jew blasphemes Christ or the virgin Mary you may kill him on the spot.
Upon the matter of the Moors and other Blacks, who are everywhere, you may kill them in the name of the Crusade, of which I am leader by divine right and the will of Christ.
The Protestant you may burn with fire, along with all his books of heresy, and any man who fails to declare the present Anti-pope to be a usurper in Rome you may stone until they recant.
Preparations for the reconquest of the realm are proceeding well, and I have recently made contact with the King of the Normans in Sicily, who has agreed to act as our personal banker.
The English pound having been ruined by the Jews, we will be switching all our transactions into the currency of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, the Royal Nano.
The Jew, the Moor, the Heretic, the false Catholic, the Cuckold, the Negro Ape, and the other allies of Windsor are almost done.
This day of our Lord,
HRH Edward VI Plantagenet.
/HPG/ House Plantagenet General
Other urls found in this thread:
aye sir, raise the banner of St. George and we shall storm the castle and take what is rightfully ours.
Verily I will follow thine words, forsoothe to hack at saracens on the reg.
>and so I add this day to the royal edict promulgated by my ancestor Edward I.
Post proof? You have my willingness to serve on the honour of my peasant Flemish ancestors.
House Windsor has no legitimate claim to the throne which they have held for over 400 years. Plantaganet blood is the only direct link to our fathers of old.
Sire, you have the arms of the House of Heacox at your disposal.
Sounds fun, where do I sign? Can I have a mace?
Thank you good Christians, noble and true.
Such proofs as are required, including artefacts recovered from the Holy Land by Longshanks, and the signed confession of the Tower Guards who conspired to deliver Edward V the rightful king to safety have all been witnessed before loyal bishops, and we will set them at your disposal before the final call to arms.
Now I must to the hunt.
Stay strong and vigilant. You are the good stewards of my realm, and more importantly ye are men of the Holy Crusade.
May the Blessed Virgin watch over us all.
god i wish this were real.
Englaland is rightful French clay! give back!
>and to my loyal Gallic, Scottish and Irish peons.
>men of high honour and good breeding
>I write to you in good health
>heretic Mongols, which has debased our realm in league with Moors and Jews and Black Mordor Apes
>This day of our Lord,
This thread made me so happy to read, can we get these daily, everyday? Maybe just a tad earlier?
thank you sir.
Austro-Anglo master posters confirmed??
Do not choose to see the feeble happenstance of the digits of our post numbers as a sign, for they are nothing compared to the eternal, undying glory of the LORD.
These are the lyrics of the hymn posted above, which you can follow if the audio is unable to convey them clearly to you:
Eternal Father, strong to save,
Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
Who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep
Its own appointed limits keep;
Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea!
O Christ! Whose voice the waters heard
And hushed their raging at Thy word,
Who walkedst on the foaming deep,
And calm amidst its rage didst sleep;
Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea!
Most Holy Spirit! Who didst brood
Upon the chaos dark and rude,
And bid its angry tumult cease,
And give, for wild confusion, peace;
Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea!
O Trinity of love and power!
Our brethren's shield in danger's hour;
From rock and tempest, fire and foe,
Protect them wheresoe'er they go;
Thus evermore shall rise to Thee
Glad hymns of praise from land and sea.
Actual Norman in holidays here. Give clay.
sir you have stirred me to take up arms against those who trespass the land of my fathers.
yep! You Heard Him!
what is this called and is there one for the isles?
Posting my Normand master race arm.
god save our queen friends
Come now, we are brother nations who can only become greater with independent administrations. Both of our nations have proven themselves to be the great, indeed they were the two greatest of history.
Should you French lend us your architects, who built mighty cathedrals containing more stone than the great pyramids, and adorned with far more intricate and beautiful decorations, we shall lend to you our naval smiths and our industry. Together, in brother hood, may we thrive and may Christendom prosper under our reign!
A question is raised, however, too whom shall the Germanic lands be bequeathed - for we are both related equally to them.
Oh you english guys are so cute and cool with your royalty and stuff! I can’t wait to join the family! We’re gonna be, like, BFFS 4evr!
>god save our queen friends
You are no friend of any from the empire, posting the slag who allowed the empire's death stroke to fell our might and making us subservient to the empires of Zion.
>lol how am i meant to know what englands national animal is, like why would i even know that xD!
fucking commoners
Who is this Mongolian usurper?
This servant of the Jew?
This heretic?
By what right does a German whore rule free Normans and Anglo-Saxons?
I declare for Plantagenet.
That is the flag of the Holy Roman Empire. The flag of our empire, however, is simply the flag of our motherland.
I am gladdened of this, kind brother in blood and faith.
Deus Vult for the White Race
*Praising, rather than posting
Indeed, no pride in their heritage as the founder of the greatest empire, but instead in their lowly immigrant roots to a lowly and inconsequential land.
We should all strive to attain your level of fitness and the universal respect that is received from doing so.
Can I get full rune armor and a dragon long sword
A knight or noble can fund their own equipment:
I do biddest though that you equip yourself with a "gun powder" weapon instead, something I heard of in my travels that is a must for a contemporary armed force to equip themselves with.
Deus Vult for the White Rose of the Plantagenets
The hunt went well today gentlemen.
A deputation of French knights from Champagne, Blois and Toulouse today urged me to claim the French throne, by right of my royal descent from Odo, King of the Franks.
I will pray upon this at vespers, which I must now attend.
May Christ our Lord keep you all in good health.