Why is she so slutty?
Her father should spank her.
Why is she so slutty?
I'll do it.
She's still best girl
Every female in FA is slutty. Even literal saints.
The entire series wreaks of 'virgin basement psychopath who thinks women = sex'.
Jack is for rough breeding
That's what women want others to think until it becomes inconvenient for them.
I want to poke her anus
He did.
>women = sex
uh? they are though, and they love to be seen that way
>women = sex
But that's exactly how it is.
She did more than spank her
She's just in her rebellious phase. Literally.
With his dick.
Can anyone explain how Mordred is a girl?
I understand Arturia, in Nasuverse it was never a boy to begin with, but they all called her the king and viewed her as a male out of respect for her power and as rightful owner of Excalibur, but how did she then father Mordred who then ends up summoned a girl?
That request... presents some difficulty.
I want Mordred to sit on my face
Wats the name of the spear? if it has any.
Merlin, for no real reason other than being a troll, roofied her and turned her into a dickgirl so her sister could rape her while unconscious and conceive Mordred. I wish I was making this up.
Rhongomiant. Arthur had a bunch of weapons that get glossed over because of Ekusucaribar, but in the whole of the legend, he was STRAPPED.
Merlin was an asshole at times. Problem was, he was a powerful asshole all the time
If she's a genuine slut, spanking isn't a punishment.
Her father should grow a dick and fuck her.
Merlin, get off the internet.
A wizard did it.
Who's thick dragon dick do I have to suck to get subs around here?
Was the episode delayed?
Get back to helping me farm crap, Merlin.
>Her father should spank her.
More like her Master, he seems like the fatherly type.
That's how all boys dress these days
I feel like you're all being too harsh on Merlin here. I mean, he has the power to make people grow dicks, so what you should be looking at here isn't that he made Seiba grow a dick against her will, it's that he didn't give himself three extra dicks and then anal dp guen and arthuria. He might be a colossal douchebag by normal standards, but by wizard standards he's actually uncharacteristically thoughtful.
>this spelling
Did Female Merlin make Arthur grow a vagina?
No. Morgan used magic to look like merlin and tricked arthur into fucking her. Prototype mordred is a gat yandere for his dad.
I don't understand why they made him look like a girl
What would he do if he saw his father was actually a woman? Would he rape her or cut her down?
>lead a rebellion against your father
>battle him 1v1 when everyone else is dead
>he kills the shit out of you
>still want to be like him and want him to love you
Is Mordred autistic?
Ironically, a spanking may have actually prevented Mordred's rebellion. Any kind of attention would have been better than none.
1 v 1 fights to the death are the dark-age equivalent of going bowling together.
I feel like she probably would have done it to (presumably male) Guennivere instead, since making your warrior-king carry a child to term would be too inconvenient. But then again, pic related
You best not be talking smack about best Saberface nigger
You know, shouldn't Merlin have been put in prison or something for this kind of bullshit?
That's not jeanne alter.
Arthur was most likely raped by his sister at night
Why did Siegfried's master need to use the second command seal? Team red already knows his identity, so it's not like that's a problem.
If Fate has taught me anything it's that Sabers are for raping.
>prison grows 400 million dicks
Best not to get on his bad side.
What's taking the apocrypha subs so long?
Funny you should say that...
So canonically she was adopted or Saber grew a dick? or is she Lancelot kid?(would make more sense since he was banging Saber wife)
No, canonically either Saber grew a dick or she's a homonculus-like creature created from her 'daddy's blood - a clone, basically.
Why does this need to be explained five times every thread? Merlin gave Saber a dick as a prank and then the evil witch stole her semen and made a clone.
Daddy did more than spank her.
Arturia is an awful person and didn't deserve the happy ending she got.
Meh, that sounds really stupid.
Hell, the writers did not have to even think about it, not a fan of NTR, but Lancelot was in love with Saber wife, it literally wrote itself down, only weakness would be that Nero looks too much like Saber, but they could have changed the hair color and problem solve.
What the fuck are you even talking about? Mordred is the child of Arthur and Morgan Lefey in the original legend. Why the fuck would they change that?
This is the lamest excuse to avoid having Arturia getting paizuried by someone who japs can't self insert as their MILF waifu.
It says "znang". Wtf
That's just reality.
I'll be her new daddy.
That's why I like Alter.
Arturia when she despairs after realizing the tragedy of her own existence and the impossibility of her dream.
Berserker is pure and only thinks about companionship!
Did they retcon that to Merlin specifically letting the rape happen and only gave her a dick for an extremely short time?
No you dumbass, the point is to keep Morgan le Fay as Mordred's mother.
It makes no sense for Artoria to reject Mordred if Mordred is her legitimate child that she gave birth to. She's not just going to forget that shit, even if Morgan le Fay steals the kid right after it's born. If one day Artoria's estranged child returned to her she wouldn't have pushed it away like she did.
Why is she so perfect?
virgin basement psychopaths in question
I can feel already that she will die a painful and possibly pointless death
gat what
>i have no reply: the reply
That's all servants, except maybe jannu, because dragon dickings
UTW subs when.
>second she wakes up shes begging her maker to make her a partner who can dick her all night
I dont think so
never, since they dropped it.
Kill me.
Once Archer has killed his past self.
>have saggy breast even though being a chestlet
How long did Arthur have a dick?
t. fujoshit
fuck off Fai
Would you let your son dress like that?
uh? im just saying all the women ive known have been way more perverted than any men ive known
i think you're the clueless virgin basement dweller in this case
>virgin as an insult
I know one person can only be so retarded but you're pressing it
She wishes daddy would spank her
Or pat here head
Or even just call her her failure of a son
been on Sup Forums for ten years bud, im certainly not gonna "get out" just because some newshit who's desperatly trying to fit in by spouting the 3dpd meme told me to
I would make my son dress like that.
If you don't think woman=sex then you're gay.
Sure you have buddy. It's time to leave.
They know their audience.
>voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro
there's your answer
Maybe he didn't realize people die when they are killed
>implying non-virgins want women for something other than sex
Children, maybe. But that's it.
He's locked up in Avalon 24/7 being a smelly NEET, shitposting and pretending to be the little girl.
Arturia dindu nuffin wrong
not her fault Mordred wasn't fit for ruling
Its talked about in GoA and Fate. Its one of the pillars that holds the world together, and Arthuria nearly uses it to destroy the world in Camelot section of FGO. In terms of ability its said to not be inferior to Excalibur at all, perhaps even surpassing it. Although in life she chose not to focus on using it much. After all its said that if that spear ever breaks, the world of man will come to an end.
There's a version of Arthuria who chose to master the lance properly in life, and foresake using Excalibur. Because she no longer held onto Excalibur and Avalon which halted her growth, she grew up normally in that time-line. No longer stunted at age 14 never growing another inch.