looks like we're looking at a case of self-hating jew + a dash of supreme gentleman
Looks like we're looking at a case of self-hating jew + a dash of supreme gentleman
meanwhile the ADL memed this as "white supremacy" when its one of their fucking on doing the killing
He wasn't religious.
How is he Jewish? Maybe his mother was but this isn't confirmed at all. Alt-right scum shitpost all the time.
Atheism and degeneracy is the religion of American jews.
And jews are a race and a religion.
>How is he Jewish?
Rules of the tribe, it’s passed down maternally.
Jewish heritage is passd matrilinially. Shooter has jewish dna.
Rangeban germany.
Jews are naturally more neurotic, collectivist and orientated towards their in-group
Removed from the jewish bosom, this specimen had nobody to turn to and acted out in desperate violence.
nobody died. He wasn't the shooter. Prove me wrong. You can't.
>this counts as white in America
that is retarded to include fields
shooting up a school is an extreme kind of premeditated fucked up. fields was certainly not premeditated.
They're all patsys you retard.
ADL on suicide watch hahahaha
less hungry than you
the ADL and SPLC will call anything that isnt the darkest shade of black white
His adoptive parents are both dead, the adoptive mother was killed off by this year's flu. The biological parents could still both be alive and reproducing more of these creatures.
Damnit. All the top scorers are Jews, Chinks, and Malaysians mutts. Whites BTFO.
Jewish mother = Jewish child
the state of germany..
I guess he should have learned to clean his room, bucko?
WTF, Hans? Jew is an ethnicity.
You can't just put a star on someone and that makes them jewish
3 out of those are easily confirmed jewish. That alone should be suspect.
the supre me gentleman father was jewish too
at least half