ITT: We post underrated Sup Forums movies.
ITT: We post underrated Sup Forums movies
>anime can't be kino
Angel's Egg is hardly underrated, user. Even ignoring its message, very personal and hard to interpret without knowing something about Oshii's life, it's easily one of the prettiest anime of the 80s.
The Berserk movies were actually enjoyable. I really liked the artstyle.
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
It's not underrated
no that's just shit
no one really knows what this is and it makes me sad
I like it.
this is for underrated films user, not overrated dogshit
keep that to yourself
In truth, Presence and Starlight Angel are the only good segments.
Presence is a genuine masterpiece though, and Umetsu's best work by far.
IMO Cloud is the best. Deprive is also pretty good, as is the chicken man one
this is the kind of thing I wanna see in this thread
because haruhi is garbage and started the whole retarded "omgz lawl we're talking about anime in an anime! so meta!"
I really didn't like their pacing or the use of CGI, but I think they're absolutely beautiful after seeing the newest anime.
Are there any other films or series like this? I think Angel's Egg has some of the strongest atmosphere I've seen in animation.
Loved Memories from Magnetic Rose.
Tekkon Kinkreet, Macross DYRL, Crusher Joe, Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust, Aura
try out sword art online
Metropolis. Solely for the ending sequence.
I was going to post this but I wasn't sure if it was underrated or not.
i like angel's egg personally, but its not really all that great.
Angel's Egg is pretentious 2deep4u hogshit, hardly underrated
I believe I read somewhere that during an interview the director said that the movie had no real movie. He acknowledged it was more of an art/stylistic movie
Stop saying things that you don't understand or fail to look into are 2deep4u. reddit.
real meaning*
Someone said to me to watch this after penguindrum but why?
You'll see immediately why
Closest thing you'll get is more Oshii I think. First YKK OVA lays on the atmosphere pretty thick but it's not trying to be the same kind of thing
While it doesn't belong in a umderrated movies list calling Disappearance shit is just being a fag
It's a simple stroy, The angel of death comes to kill the angel (presumably one of the last) to end the twisted world that she herself maintains with her faith. The fishermen(among other things) are there to try and imply the city the angel inhabits is imbalanced and twisted. The fishermen instead hunt the shadows of fish and destroy the town in the process , man hunts shadows of manufactured adversary and destroys the environment and perverts incentives in the process.
The Swordsman is there to bring death to a dying world and that world is held together by the angels belief in egg.
Texhnolyze, which I'd feel is better artistically from a thematic and story pov. My only problem with Angel's Egg is its heavy use of symbolism.
>which I'd feel is better artistically
And no one will ever be able to check because the show doesnt have a rip above 480p, which means it will always look shit no matter what you do.
If it's just for the atmosphere then maybe Lain, dunno
I said thematic and story pov, not literal drawing and animation.
Boy A: Like I said, the apple is the universe itself! A universe in the palm of your hand. It's what connects this world and the other world.
Boy B: "The other world"?
Boy A: The world Campanella and the other passengers are heading to!
Boy B: What does that have anything to do with an apple?
Boy A: In other words, the apple is also also a reward for those who have chosen love over everything else!
Boy B: But everything's over when you're dead.
Boy A: It's not over! What I'm trying to say is that's actually where everything begins!
Boy B: I'm not following you at all.
Boy A: I'm talking about love! Why don't you get it?
penguin drum literally has a night on the galactic railroad reference in the first episode
slow burn 80's and 90's stuff.
try the presence short in robot carnival, or the first short in neo tokyo. canon fodder from memories is also good. you could also give beautiful dreamer a try. it's an urusei yatsura movie but has good atmospheric moments.
oh, and if you want something really atmospheric and weird as fuck, belladonna of sadness.
Yea, fuck you I've just finished the show, one of my favourites now.
haruhi is shit. deal with it. no one who knew anime before 2005 likes it or thinks its important at all. its popularity turned anime the wrong direction for almost a decade
I genuinely think the first Eureka Seven movie was excellent besides its recycled animation and generally awful dialogue. It clarifies a lot and explains the overall intent of the series. The bits that weren't recycled (maybe half?) were also very pretty, and it has an excellent soundtrack.
I remember starting this years ago, and mainly just remembering that there wasn't a single line of dialogue in the first episode.
Should probably give it another go.
Wasn't there like one line at the end of the first episode?
Maybe. I just remember the protagonist screaming after he got arm cut off.
For someone who's supposedly into anime for a while and probably older than most people that post here you sure give out some pretty immature statements.
>It's shit because the cool kids don't like it
Also wtf is up with this
>thinks its important at all
>turned anime the wrong direction for almost a decade
You can dislike it all you want for being popular, even though that pretty stupid, but calling Dissapearance straight up shit is really just being edgy
Man, I gotta rewatch this some time.
>it's shit because the cool kids don't like it
no, it's just plain shit. waifufags can't see that though
>important, turned anime wrong direction
it wasn't important as far as pushing anime forward artistically as a medium. In the 80's and 90's (and early 2000's), anime creators were making things like Angel's Egg, Evangelion, Utena, Cowboy Bebop, Akira, Grave of the Fireflies, Princess Mononoke, (etc etc) All anime that had something meaningfull to say about humanity and the world we live in.
Then Haruhi came along and anime studios realized they could make billions of yen from stupid autistic otaku if they just made an anime about otaku. "erhmegad they're referencing tsunderes and visual novels in this episode, take muh money kyoani!" fucking retards
A Silent Voice.
Jesus Christ this better be bait or you're really stupid
This is a rec thread.
Prove it.
>Then Haruhi came along and anime studios realized they could make billions of yen from stupid autistic otaku if they just made an anime about otaku. "erhmegad they're referencing tsunderes and visual novels in this episode, take muh money kyoani!" fucking retards
That is partially true, but you shouldn't judge a show solely on the impact it had on the industry. While Haruhi and Eva are in no way comparable in terms of quality, you will often find people calling it shit and 2deep4you waifubait, they're wrong obviously. Haruhi doesn't have much meaningful or deep things to say, but expecting every show to do so is kinda ridiculous. You're also pretending like there wasn't a pile of shit being released every year before Haruhi came along. And Haruhi comming along didn't cause good shows to stop comming out. It's true that Haruhi spawned a lot of copycats, but you should judge the show on its own. And Disappearance specificaly has gorgeous animation, great voice acting, soundtrack, some really great scenes, and great pacing at least for the first half. Calling it straight up shit because light novel adaptations are the main thing now is not really being fair.
what do you expect me to say to this? it's the least smelly turd in a pile of shit? congratulations then. it has pretty animation maybe, but with shit character design and shit writing, that doesn't help it much.
not every show has to be serious. i love comedy. i love urusei yatsura. i love jojo's. i love shit like cromartie. haruhi isn't funny. at all. references aren't jokes, unless you're an autistic fuck that thinks family guy is funny cuz "durr hurr i remember what they showing on the teevee!"
Came here to post this.
This is the first time I've ever seen this film mentioned on Sup Forums outside of underrated films and obscure 3x3 threads.
Watched Giovanni no Shima a few days ago and really enjoyed it, haven't heard of it getting much/ any attention.
Will Honneamise ever get the respect it deserves? You'd think it'd be more talked about for its visuals alone
"durr hurr i remember what they showing on the teevee!"
Do you have to do this in every post, dude? It's kinda hard to be insulted by your "autistic fuck" remark when you keep using typing like this.
>it has pretty animation maybe
jesus christ, this is a pointless conversation.
Oh I actually own all of Texhnolyze on DVD. Is that above 480p? It's the original release. If it is, I can make a rip. The company that licensed it is long gone so I'm not concerned about copyright issues.
Is it really considered a movie though? I always consider stuff like that, Memories, Genius Party, ect. to just be a collection of shorts.
ISOs are available, but its DVD rips. Those are 480p by default iirc. Every above that is just upscaled and wont improve picture quality.
Is that the one where the main guy just randomly tries to rape a girl in the middle of the night.
I've seen this. Watched it after Galatic Railroad was referenced so heavily in Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora.
That's unfortunate. It looks like even Funi only has up to 480p. What a shame.
Hard to care about the visuals when the writing (particularly the "romantic subplot") is so fucking dogshit. The visuals are acknowledged, but outside of that the movie simply falls flat. People always claim retarded shit like being inspirational and whatnot, but that really doesnt save it.
That was such a good movie. The launch sequence at the end is amazing.
It's in that span of years at the beginning of the transition to digital along with Haibane Renmei, Haruhi, Aria and many others
The End of Evangelion
Macross do you remember love?
Yeah the execution is a bit sloppy, but I still found the protag's arc pretty fascinating, and a lot more nuanced than most young male character's development in anime. The film doesn't hide the fact that he's a severely flawed person (e.g. the rape scene) but he finds purpose in the space mission and becomes a better man for it.
Probably the best realistic war scenes ever animated
La jatee, no anime but related.
I've literally never heard anyone say anything other than great things about Redline, how is it underrated
>Madhouse will never animate something like this
I think its heavily overrated. There you go, fuck you. For real, though. While I can appreciate the art and animation, the former really doesnt do much for me. The plot wasnt really all that original either. Feels a bit like most Miyazaki movies: nice to look at, lacks substance
It's a hipster movie, obviously it's not underrated if those snobs watch it. It may as well be the opposite now.
This movie just draws me in once I start watching it I have to watch it all, the alternate Earth reminds me of a Final Fantasy game or something
I got plenty, but like these gentlemen said I would rather not
It's a very solid movie, not Kon's best work but that doesn't mean it's not good
Came here to post this. Ebert fucking loved Honneamise. Showed it to a friend a few months back. I can only hope he loved it a third as much as I do
>The first actual product of Gainax
>Its sequel will probably be the last thing Gainax ever does
Did they died?
Watch the after-credit
>implying it will ever be made
any updates?
Angel's Egg was popular before hipsters were even a thing, what the fuck are you on about?
The boy lives
Yoshiaki Kawajiri is the king of action, all his OVA's an movies are amazing even the Highlander movie, he's mostly known for Ninja Scroll and Vampire Hunter D but his Cyberpunk OVA's and Wicked City are my favorite
Production started in June is the only recent news
Dude I love this movie it came out on the sci-fi channel back in the day
>Starlight Angel
Mein Neger. Sure, it wasn't all that unique of a premise and is the least experimental out of that movie, but goddamn was it charming and that 80's music is to live for.
This really made him into an irredeemable piece of shit
Absolutely unforgivable
That killed the movie for me. I didn't care for anything of what the MC was trying to accomplish after that.
Any non-Miyazaki Ghibli film
does colorful count as underrated
He's a JoJotard. That alone should be grounds for invalidating his opinion.
>Miyazaki movies.
>Lacks substance.