Seriously tho.
Why shouldn't assault rifles be illegal for civilians to own? Especially in first world countries like America?
Seriously tho.
Why shouldn't assault rifles be illegal for civilians to own? Especially in first world countries like America?
gee.... I wonder if the lack of snackbarians killing people has anything to do with a well armed public willing to go monkey shit if the government starts importing sandniggers like the euros
what qualifies as an assault rifle? black and scary looking?
>Seriously tho.
wait. someone do the math. looks like the shitskins are more likely to kill than a rifle
By your own numbers, there are about 5 times more killings per muslim than per gun. Ban muslims, not guns.
Will post exact math on next post
358/50000000=7.16*10^-6 deaths per gun
73/2750000=26.55*10^-6 deaths per muslim
Thus, the deaths per muslim are 26.55/7.16 = 3.71 times that of guns.
Fuck my head math is sightly off. Still proves my point tho
>gay night club
>Manhattan bike lane
>airplanes hundreds of feet off the ground
It's almost as if terrorist shitbags try to attack places where there are fewer gun owners who might retaliate and/or save innocent lives in the process. Really gets the noggin joggin.
Yep the numbers say ban mudslimes
Because the government has access to automatic rifles.
The fact that we ONLY have semi-automatic is an insult to the founding fathers.
50 000 000 / 2 750 000 = 18.18
73 * 18.18 = 1327.27
go to bed sarah, you know you still love me. masquerading on here this late.
Because we don't want to become Venuzuela
People starve to Death
People die of Obesity
All people should only be allowed 2 daily doses of state issued nutrient gruel
So, what you’re saying is, Muslims kill more per capita than assualt rifles lmao
I think fully automatic weapons should be allowed as long as they're only used on Muslims, preferably on Friday nights.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
- "the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding" and that its protection is not limited to "only those weapons useful in warfare".
Seriously tho, why don't you come and take them?
Underrated, muslims kill way more people than guns.
Because you dont have the right to tell me how to live.
So according to this picture, you’re 5x as likely to be killed by a Muslim in the USA than an AR
And yet, per capita, these peaceful Muslims who wouldn't hurt a fly still outslay at a ratio of 5:1 compared to these dangerous wholesomely unnecessary assault rifle weapon fully semi automatics shooting 45mm shells at 30 clips a seconds.
One of these things is incapable of thinking on its own and only doing what its master says to do, even if that includes mass murder and no sane society would allow them.
The other one is a gun.
but muh based religion...
But murder is already illegal so making guns illegal wouldn't change anything.
Muslims only enjoy intersectional modern art
>Why shouldn't assault rifles be illegal for civilians to own?
for most people they are, mabey you should look up the term assault rifle
I swear its the worst part about the whole gun debate, practically no one knows the actual definition of assault rifle