The legend himself is going to be in the manga soon, and then we're on to OT14. Get hyped.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Hamazura's role increasing in NT again and Index 3 soon
The Shiage boom is coming.
The man, the myth, the legend: End of the Century Emperor Hamazura.
Shiage is a good boy
I wonder what Hamazura will do. Touma has plenty to do, Accelerator is either going to get bullied by Coronzon or try to stop Aleister from bullying the clones. But what about Hamazura?
I heard someone say best protagonist?
Probably get dragged into something by Aneri
He'll kick ass and chew bubblegum as usual.
Get bullied by Lessar since New Light got dragged into Lora's plan.
>magic cabal
>going through with a plan made by their enemy when there's no big threat like gremlin around
This guy needs to be killed off
There's a possibility that he might be.
New Light isn't an ordinary magic cabal. They do what's best for England. Since Crowley is launching an invasion there's no way they won't be involved.
Best OP.
Will S3 top it?
Assuming NT19 picks up instantly from NT18, there's no way they could've reached AC that quickly.
What if Crowley in power is what's best for England?
>Aleister makes it so that magic cabals aren't illegal
>the end
For all we know NT19 could be set in England.
It's definitely possible they'll be on Crowley's side. It's pretty unlikely they won't be involved in the conflict at all.
S3 isn't happening Raildex cuckold
No, because it won't have Kawada Mami
Itsuwa in the second op of the second season!
Yes, because it won't have Kawada Mami
Thoroughly screw over Aleister's plans all over again just by trying to save his robot waifu
That's not See Visions
tfw no exhibitionism doujins
Misaki a pile of shit
You people are pathetic
The numbers say otherwise
By sheer luck he will somehow fucks over EVERYONE'S plan
>posting PSI-missing
>not No buts!
But he posted No Buts. Have you finally lost it?
They'll all come crawling to the TRUE NUMBER 1
Die Cuckine
>new spinoff series of railgun
Did they actually have to do that because they don't own the rights to Index?
>Welcome to the dark side
>Strongest in esper fighting Academy
>Muh tragic past
>Sadistic fuck
Hi Coldsteel OC
Pssh, nothin' personnel
Didn't notice the II for some reason. Sorry.
Eh, I guess he's better than Accel and Touma, but calling him legend is too much.
Aleister keeps giving my loli colds
This guy is super gross.
I want to marry kazakiri and then become Touma's son in law!
I want to ____ him.
Ded already? As expected when the OP is someone as forgettable and irrelevant as Hamazura.
Don't worry, I know how to fix this.
Too easy, #3
biribiri for ants?
oh look the thread is alive again
Girls who abuse Touma are not best girl.
As long he's okay with it
Atleast when they're out camping together and forget to charge their phones it won't be an issue.
My nun can't be this annoying!
Feed me!
>you'll never sniff the end of that charger
God damn that's a hell of a long preview
Dengeki for some reason decided to give us the first 60 pages of a 360 pages long volume
Jailbreak soon
That is one manly (orcly?) chest.
>Undead American army armed with machine guns rushing out from the mouth of a shark huge enough to swallow up the entire island, feat lava
I'm not sure if Kamachi really gets what an isekai is supposed to be like, but this is fucking amazing nonetheless
Nice one, Aleister.
He'll save Touma from a mook while inexplicably inside some mech and that's all.
>“This is apparently based on a result found using one of those grand simulators that may or may not actually exist. Y’know, like Maxwell or the National Diet’s subway station underground shelter. If things continue as is, the Underworld will reach the Gates located in Ground’s Nir.”
First Tselika and now Maxwell. What's next? Aleister and the Kiharas?
And the National Diet’s subway station underground shelter is a reference to Hayabusa's story in ZW6.
Thing is, they could all be TV shows or movies in this world and they are referencing off of them. Which makes it even better. We already know the ZW drama exists in Boo Boo.
Just started on OT7. I have 2 different translations. One calls her Lola, one calls her Laura.
Which do you think it really is supposed to be?
Which makes me feel like Kamachi missed an opportunity since there was no one making a throwaway line saying they heard Tselika's name on a show somewhere. Then again the in-universe dramas don't necessarily have to be exactly the same as the actual series.
Lola, Laura is outdated.
Lola. Because of fujiwara, Laura and Lola are written the same in japanese, so for many years, people thought that Laura was the real name and the fantraslation/official translation took the name.
Nowdays, we now in fact that the name is Lola for spoilers reasons. Really, dont even try to find out why because you will lose something great.
Who is Fujiwara?
Even J.C. Staff thought it was Laura.
Lola Crowley
Furigana, sorry. It's being a while since the last time I wrote the term.
>Adorable Misaka Mikoto clone "Last Order"
annoying cuck brat
Laura was better named for 外人 gaijin.
>Undead 'American' army
No doubt then, Kamachi is our mobileposter?
Do you think Takitsubo is okay with being a cuckquean, forever knowing that everyone on ITEM has taken her man at one point?
I see Kamachi is the the mood for superpowered zombies this time around.
It's a shame he's never in the mood for something worthwhile.
you guys ready to play the game again?
I want to douzo him?
You got that right
What you're saying is that Mobileposter is an undead Amerifat, since she only posts during Amerifat NEET hours?
>Amerifat NEET hours
Why can't you just man up and admit the yuropoors and SEAmonkeys are responsible for all the shitposting when Americans go to bed?
But Touma is tsundere for abuse.