This was found of kikebook just a minute ago.
Holy shit I thought I had seen the stupidest pile of steaming defecation, I am wrong.
Let's bring out the "Don't see niggas shooting up...ppl that didn't do nothing to nobody"
This was found of kikebook just a minute ago.
Holy shit I thought I had seen the stupidest pile of steaming defecation, I am wrong.
Let's bring out the "Don't see niggas shooting up...ppl that didn't do nothing to nobody"
Other urls found in this thread:
niggas from tha hood are basically robin hood and his merry men of thieves
that is some next level shit right thar
This is what the Dindus dindu
Alternate translation:
"Everyone I shot deserved it."
if you're in a position, share some Chicago crime statistics from last weekend with Mr Gaines Jr
Nogs does shoot up a lot though. Look at the stats.
If nigger schools didn't have metal detectors and on-site security guards there'd be school shootings literally every fucking day in America... not necessarily mass shootings with high body counts, but they'd quickly add up to the body counts we see in crazy pills sprees
pic related, guess what the demographics are in these cities?
He's right that niggers don't do these insane mass shootings though.
Something like a "school shooting" is a very dramatic and theatric statement. It's basically trying to inflict pain on society as an act of revenge.
Niggers just shoot each other for street cred or gang beefs or stuff like that, it's a bit different.
nigga dats cause yo black ass aint neva been to school
Monkeys don't give a damn
about fathers and sheeit.
I think the implication is the violence in da hood is justified in order to maintain honor, yet the place of learning is sacred and respected by all the lil niggas and is profoundly revered
>you don’t see niggas shooting up the school
They don’t even know where the school is.
I'd agree if every all the ashy ass negro school didn't have metal detectors and a platoon of officers ready to shoot.
>He's right that niggers don't do these insane mass shootings though.
Yes they do, they just don't hit anyone because they can't aim for shit.
OR they shoot up a funeral in a drive by. Killing 3 to 5 and hitting another 6. Always shooting little kids in houses because they are spraying bullets at someone on a rival corner.
They literally have mass shootings every weekend where dozens of innocent die across the total country.
In baltimore every year they have 4 or 5, shootings that kill 4 or more. Weekends that regularly kill 4 or 5, with another 10 shot.
Don't need to be lectured by some black man, Who thinks mental illness isn't a reason why. We can treat mental illness, how do you treat being black.
No one remembers the two nigger D.C. shooters, for starters.
He’s not wrong
>how do you treat being black
with a bullet
Except from multiple videos you can go find on this fucking site would tell you that nigs have no respect for school either as they get in fights, are generally obnoxious, and outright ignore teachers and disrupt the learning environment all the time.
How many black dudes you remember that shot kids in a school, white boy?
>how do you treat being black
> 10 "Criminal" Thinking Errors
> VICTIMSTANCE - always views self as victim, blames others
> POWER THRUST - compulsively needs to be in control of every situation, uses maniuplation and deceit. Refuses to be dependent unless he can take advantage of the situation
> LACK OF EFFORT - unwilling to do anything they find boring or disagreeable
> LACK OF OWNERSHIP - no concept of ownership/rights of others. Perceives all things as something to possess. Views sex as just power / control (muh dick)
> DISTORTED SELF IMAGE - focuses only on their positive attributes / refuses to acknowledge own destructive behavior. Builds themselves up at the expense of others
> UNIQUENESS - Views themselves as different and better than others. Expects of others that which he fails to meet. Quits at the first sign of failure.
> IRRATIONAL FEAR - profound fear of put down. When held accountable for experiences feels worthless. Fear based solely on emotions.
> CLOSED MINDEDNESS - not receptive / will not be self-critical / will not participate in any disclosure
> CPT - does not use past as learning tool. Expects others to act immediately on their demands. Decisions based on assumptions, not fact.
> ZERO SHAME - Responsible living is seen as boring and unsatisfying. Has no sense of obligation to others. Will respond only if it nets an immediate payoff
In each altercation it is
there is never a time when confronted on behavior that black people EVER divert from this script. It is never,
> "Hmm, sorry - let me correct myself"
it always goes straight to the deflection and aggression.
Don't kid yourself - know what you're dealing with
Niggers in the hood don't shoot up schools because they don't go to school.
celebrate victimhood
>Not at school
>Not bad
>Needs to go back to school
lel. Niggers think they be peaceful n shiiieeeet.
The don't shoot schools because they don't give a fuck about schools.
They shoot everywhere else you gigantic monkey.
Lashing out to educational institutions and society is only for people that give a fuck about it in the first place.
Animals in the zoo don't shoot schools either.
How could they shoot up a place they dont know exists?
They're ruining their children by refusing to admit they're wrong. Have you fucking heard Farrakhan lately? "Da yt mans seen dems niggas and seead we can makem kill each other an records an sheeit".
>dindu nuffin
If they didn't do nothing, does that mean they did do something?
It's because they're rarely notoriety killings. They'll kill the same number of people, but slowly over a decade or two.
Women and their effin empathy man
They will ruin the fucking world
oh no he feels baaad. Apparently hes a good guy who was just not feeling it that daayy. D'awwww
Black people commit the majority of the gun crimes despite being a small percentage of the population though.
>Be nigger
>walk to school because family cant afford a car
>get shot by other nigger
> manslaughter
No, no, no
It really boils down to where you want to be killed. In school by a white kid, or on the street by a nigger. I don't see why the difference is so profound.
WHY is Sup Forums so defensive.>?
>It really boils down to where you want to be killed. In school by a white kid, or on the street by a nigger.
>I don't see why the difference is so profound
yeah, I don't see the difference in crime rates
double niggation three times in that travesty of a sentence.
You have to go to school to shoot up a school
Shouldn't you be in prison for posting on a hate site?
The dindus narrative is homogeneous victmism.
It seems to be deeply rooted in their genes and behaviour.
That’s a negative, user.
Simply incorrect.