Holy shit Duterte is fucking great
Holy shit Duterte is fucking great
Fuck he is /ourguy/ on metal
That's been evident for years now.
Western media hates him, but he's clearly just a man of action.
He’s the best since Suharto
>commies complain goverment isn't helping farmers
>commies """tax""" them
>scare of development for farmers
Yeah there's corruption but Duts is curbing it down and these commie scums are worse. Farmers who work closely with the government are still better off compared to those whp don't
wut the number increased. its different from the grade school textbook
It does say as low as 400.000.
>he told soldiers to shoot female guerrillas in the vagina to render them 'useless'
pls let him clean the Philippines. Also get rid Boracay of faggots.
Philippinos confirmed honorary Aryans for ww3.
says a kid who wasnt even alive during the Suharto years.
>Fuck off, go larp somewhwere else. Suharto was a cunt. You stupid assed kids dont know shit
I want 100 commie scalps.
99% of this article is shitting on Duterte. Muh human rights, he's a facist and a misogynist.
The last 1% mentions he's wildly popular with a 80% approval rating.
Fuck yeah America!
I watched a documentary on this. Not only did they slaughter Communists, Communist sympathizers, people in the media, and academics, but in the aftermath a lot of the people responsible became folk heroes. There are local gangs who get paid protection money from shop owners simply because some of the older men took part in killing communists.
These guys wear bright orange camo pattern jackets and hold meetings where they brag about how killing Commies was the best thing ever, and they're in the mainstream, respected by the people.
Its wild stuff.
So I can fly to the philippines, kill some niggers and get payed? Sweet.
This is how we should treat commies here. youtu.be
>Guy gest pulled over for displaying Communist symbol by some local anti-Commie group
>They slap his shit around
>police show up
>police see the Communist button he was wearing
>police let the group slap his shit around some more
Unironically this should happen in the US. If the culture actually held these people as a real degenerate threat then we never would have had this SJW uprising we see now.
So is this how we're all going to get rich?
Only 20 % (libfags) hate him
in fact only a handful of flipfags are really liberal on Sup Forums
some of them are on Sup Forums, one namefag by the name of Michlan is the biggest libfag of all of them all and we can't get rid of him and shits on duterte every moment he has
If you were a Flip with military experience it could definitely be worth your while, pay is too low for western standards though. I wonder if they actually did the cost analysis on this given expected casualties for every terrorist killed.
I don't think there are that many Muslim rebels over all in the country. Small vigilante groups of locals could set up ambushes and take out a handful of rebels at a time. $2500 for a few minutes of action and a couple hours of planning aint bad when your average annual income is under $4000.
If I were Trump I'd give them free vests, rifle plates, and NVGs to hunt them down. Call it bridge building.
Reimbursements for ammunition..? They can do what they had done in Tiananmen Square and send an invoice for each bullet wasted killing their family members.
>Capture a male and female rebel
>Keep the caged and have the breed more rebels
>You now have an infinte amount of rebels to kill for money
woow they really dont like communist around there haha also its not even beating i found really funny how asians are agresive among each other is way different that nigger style
>creating a problem
>so you can solve a problem
>so the government can pay you
Now you're thinking like a Keynesian.
>Crimes against humanity
>only killed communists
no he's not
he's a worthless piece of shit from an american colony trying to edgy up since moma america elected an edgy president
a lot of monkeys are doing it around the world why focus on this loser wallowing in his shit?
Duterte is always delivering the goods. But he really shines when he makes anti-females jokes, that's when he displays how based he really is.
Commies are labels we like to throw around here
>nigger thinks his opinion matters
Fuck off back to your shithole desert, coon.
What's the problem Mohammed? Angry at Duterte because he is sending Zio-Muslims to the grave?
Keep your fucking Zio-Islam in fucking Jew-owned Saudi Arabia.
B+ answer, for an A+ you should have answered:
>shoot random people and claim they were rebels
Very easy to see what his problem is. Muslims complain about Zio/Western Imperialism (and they are correct) but somehow think that Islamic Imperialism is good. And let's not even get into the fact that most of Sunni Islam is a tool of Zionism...
there are muslims in his jungle?
Yeah...judeo-communist and judeo-islamic insurgency that miraculously became very active when he started to tell the (((West))) to fuck off. Just a coincidence im sure...
Just looked up this guy. Didn't realise Indonesia had this happend.
Imagine being this inbred.
what's the problem there? ttrash on the beach? tourists fucking the shit up? faggots?
literally just knew that
i don't give a shit i'm agnostic
also yeah maybe west is (further) fucking his shithole
bad reason to call for bounty hunting with sadist sexual undertone about shooting in vaginas
setting the price of his citizens at 500$
maybe he should start defying the west by stopping the sale of his country's toddlers to western pedophiles for snuff movies
They aren't his citizens, they're fucking worthless rebels and mudshits.
Raw sewage being dumped into the ocean by hotels that aren't properly hooked into the sewer system.
golly gee
arrest them and prosecute them in courts and prove them guilty and execute/jail them?
put a bounty per head with the price of sheep and let any nigger with a gun become rich by bringing in "worthless rebels and mudshits." scalps, and a few of neighbors he doesn't like
and a few of people he decided to rob
and that kid who denied his sexual needs because she was saving her virginity for a western pedophile, sell her scalp too, fucking rebel
we street justice now
he's so savage it's beautiful it makes me compensate by self inserting into his place to get away from my beta worthless existance
wtf how alpha
let's spam his news and quotes because we're piece of shit antisocial losers with 0 life experience and double digit iq
He also forced Indon-chinks to change their names.
In other words:
>everyone I don't like is a fucking commie!
That's lovely. Although, that's a lot of the coastal communities in the country too, unfortunately.
Good thing I don't have the cash to go diving there in the past years. I do want to swim with the whale sharks one day though
I personally don't care much for the duts but I am glad he takes shit like this seriously. Telling Kuwait to fuck off and withdrawing all foreign workers after the abuse cases is pretty based too. Other politicians in this country should take notes and grow a sack.
The whale sharks aren't in Boracay. It's in Oslob and Sorsogon.
Meanwhile, avoid Boracay. It's filled with tourists and it's not even in the top 10 tourist destination in the Philippines anyway:
Siargao and Coron seem like better alternatives.
They're not even commies. They are simply bandits. Uneducated lazy fucking losers who survive by stealing from and murdering peasants. Every one of them needs to die.
Wow, passive aggrssive much roastie?
Abu sayyaf literally controls the southern islands and all of the neighbours are full on islamistic nations including the biggest islamistic nation in the world.
i'm not a woman you eternal virgin
good (bad?) to know
Lol. I love our guy.
>Abu Sayyaf control the southern islands
Common misperception. They only number maybe 1000. The problem is that they can blend in and out of local rural populations, making them difficult to apprehend. Their defeat at Marawi was decisive but they will be difficult to eliminate because of their ability to literally melt and disperse into the mountains. I personally know an ex member who now works as a body guard to a businessman. These guys are mostly just thugs and not religiously motivated. I don't have an explanation for the beheadings, I guess some of them are properly radicalized, but mostly its punks who wouldn't know how to work for a living and take the 'easy' route of stealing off and killing the locals. Absolute scum.
Fake news. Most mudslime in the southern island want to sell you jewelry and shit
And sometimes chop your head off if youdont pay the ransom
>jewelry and shit
mostly shit and pirated dvds and phone cases desu
What's wrong with this? Seems like a great leader.