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More culture than UK nowadays

If she was a few years older they would have sentenced her to death too

At least they actually get mad about atrocities like this.

Because the Cultural Marxism is weak/nonexistent there

wtf i love pakistan now?

So they're going to kill him 4 times?

Why does Sup Forums care about a Pakistani case?

if he hadn't killed her this would be 100% halal

she has blue eyes?

Because a qt loli was kill, does this even need to be asked?

OP is probably a Paki


Surprisingly the wogs have some sense of justice

>inb4 not all pakis

Because they get a harsher punishment there then in europe, where rape is a cultural misunderstanding and rasist to judge

This particular case got a lot of attention. Thats the only reason the perpetrator was caught. We have corrupt police/courts and you have fucked up justice.

I hate to use ancient and worn-out memes but it's really a case of 'IN SOVIET-MARXIST BRITAIN, RAPIST ARRESTS YOU'.
The parents of the girls who got raped in Rotherham were actually the ones getting arrested.
Pakistan is displaying the traits of a healthy and functional society.

No it wouldn’t. Fuck off amerifat.

Taliban kill pedophiles but americucks allow pedos in Afghanistan to thrive cuz muh tolerance. Fucking retards.

>muh Marxism

The rape of children isn't illegal in Islam in fact it is commanded to emulate Muhammad whom himself raped a 9 year old, thankfully the Pakistani government is secular and as such means they are prosecuting this Muslim for practising his religion!

Does thay mean they'll turn his dead body into a disgusting pile of flesh ?

in uk he d walked aftter 5 months.


he wouldn't even have got that much, he'd be let off because muh part and parcel
>Lahore, May 28 (PTI) A 19-year-old woman has been sentenced to death by village elders in Pakistan's Punjab province for allegedly having an illicit relationship with her cousin after she accused him of raping her at gunpoint.
>The incident happened on Friday in Rajanpur, a rural district about 400 kilometres from provincial capital Lahore.
>Shumaila escaped from the village after she came to know of the panchayat's decision and reported the matter to police.
>She has denied having any illicit relationship with her cousin Khalil Ahmed and alleged that he raped her at gunpoint when she was sleeping at her house.


>thot fucks low-quality dude and regrets it afterwards because her sexual marketplace value dropped
>REEEEs about it and calls police and lies about what happened
Gee, wonder where I've heard this one recently?

Oh fucking lol, I only noticed the part where she got sentenced to death after writing my reply.
PAKISTAN is actually smacking down these MeToo-tier Paki thots with death sentences? Fucking priceless.

>sentencing a dead girl to death
Well its Islam after all, wouldn't surprise me.

Religion of peace.

Land of cucks


Take note bongs, this is how your supposed to deal with Paki pedos

Japan. Though it would be more accurate to say 'Society of suicide'.

She was a cute

>he doesnt know about the mass child rape and sexual emergencies
oh user, to be fickle naive

reeed cold river

Have I angered you mohamed? Your jealousy of societies which do not worry for children's music concerts to be bombed is unbecoming.


so like are they gonna shoot him as he hangs from an electrified cable in a gas chamber?

Aren't Taliban the biggest practicioners of baba bahzi(boy fucking?)

Kek implying pisslam isn't a nihilistic cult of death, go back to your shithole country and blow yourself

No one needs to bomb you, nip. Your women are bombing your society through not having babies far, far more than the 2 nukes the US dropped on you.

A: Shoot him!
B: Cut out his tongue!

C: Shoot him, cut out his tongue then shoot his tongue!
this beta faggot is typical of nip "men". look at how he asks the women if they are the ones who should be making the approach.

No need to get so triggered paki

>you know my country better than me

drop the meme flag you faggot