Fuck you, Aniplex. This trash is called Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai.
Looks like the Kimi no Na Wa ripoffs are starting to pour in
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Yeah, it's fucking hilarious to see all these second rate directors and studios trying to replicate the success of Kimi no Na wa.
Here is Shaft's ripoff.
Kimi no Na Wa was already a rip off
Pure Kino
Looks like shit
But user, can't the copy surpass the original.
It's your name, not Kimi no na wa
Go back.
Your rope*
Of what
try again
Is this the one Mari Okada is directing?
She's directing an anime?
How do you know they aren't Koe no Katachi ripoffs?
The novel was awesome.
No, that's this one.
I Want to Eat Your Pancreas.
What the fuck is that English name.
This one was already a film 20 years ago.
This is a remake of a famous film, you fucking retard.
>What the fuck is that English name.
Read the prologue.
Uh... I think Shinji is in the wrong movie
>used goods
Fuck no, I don't read ln trash.
It's not a light novel.
Hmm but I wonder why they choose to remake it now of all times.
Try again Shaftfag.
>""""comet"""" in the background
I watched the original last night. It was bretty gud. Definitely hit quite a few of my childhood feels. Time reset fucked with me until I understood what they were going for. Really interested in this now.
One of the director's other films got an animated prequel 2 years ago. He's interested in moving into anime.
Wow I can't believe they're stealing a completely original idea that no one has ever put to film.
So basically it's cuck shit?
Can we actually have one that is just Keit-Ai without the comet bullshit?
Are you seriously calling Shunji Iwai an obscure filmmaker?
The original is literally a classic, they broadcast it on TV all the fucking time.
Your name is the peak, you can't possibly top it.
Not really. If anything, the MC is the one doing the NTR.
Anime generally takes longer than one year to go from ideas to screen, especially movies.
I can't believe studios would be making anime seishun eiga.
You're fucking delusional if you think Kimi no Na Wa was the first to make a melodramatic bittersweet romance film with a dumb sci fi element.
ESPECIALLY a bodyswapping film. holy shit.
It's a love story where the girl's terminally ill or some shit like that.
please be real
Retards keep eating that shit up. If it's not live action, then now anime, but it's just mostly the same shit.
Why does Makoto Shinkai have such a boner for separation and forgetting?
why does he have such a boner for backgrounds?
It's just his preferred themes
>mfw Keit-ai is now a genre of anime
My dick is reacting to this but I can't figure out why
Do people seriously think this movie was based on that meme?
I can't believe it. First we had shameless knock offs like Koe no Katachi, and now we have way more on the way. Japan really is creatively bankrupt.
Fuck off stop bumping your shitty ass thread faggot.
Fuck you, this is better than seasonal bullshit harem shows and mediocre isekai.
I actually totally dig the feel of all of these movies so I mean, I'm not gonna complain.
big if true
Spoiler Alert
>Kimi no Na Wa ripoffs
You know Shinkai's been plagiarizing for years, right?
MC finds the manic pixie dream girl's diary and gets dragged along on dates until he develops Stockholm Syndrome and learns to enjoy the absolute rape of his autonomy and dignity as a person.
This draws the ire of the girl's best friend, 'bitch'.
Girl acts like a fucking thot one day, causing MC to almost rape her. He runs off into the rain like a bitch and meets the one guy who talks to him in class. Turns out he was the girl's ex-BF and that the MC managed to cuck him to hell and back. He gets punched and the girl tells the ubercuck to fuck off forever.
After their countryside summer holiday adventure the girl gets hospitalised again.
MC meets with bitch multiple times while visiting.
Girl gets stabbed after coming out of the hospital before MC and the girl's date.
MC misses the girl's funeral, then goes to meet the girl's parents a few days later. Turns out the girl's sickness got much worse in the hospital and she was dying in a few months anyway.
He checks his phone and realises that the girl received his message of wanting to eat her pancreas, which was the same message the girl left for him in the diary.
MC makes up with bitch and they become BFFs in some kind of instant-loss 2koma gag. Seriously the last chapter ends with the bitch saying they'll never be friends and the epilogue starts with them being friends.
The end.
Pretty average story imo.
Man I feels old.
Just finished watching Kimi no Na Wa.
This movie has me fucked up guys, pure masterpiece. Shinkai is by far the greatest director of our time.
Someone get these feelings off of me.
no he is not, 5cm was bullshit
your name is good but it's far from a masterpiece
Literally name one flaw.
This is even more stupid than that guy who tried to call it a Monogatari knockoff.
>asspulls everywhere
Sad to hear. Only Kyoani can save anime now by making beautiful originals like Koe no Katachi.
Same here user. The plot ain't perfect, but I'll be damned if it didn't hit me right in the feels. Honestly, I get it now.
Yeah dude I was wrecked watching this thing. When she sees what he wrote on her hand I totally lost it.
where did you watch the original? trying to check it out before the anime adaptation
Is this good
Well, it's not out yet, but I do think it looks good. Keep in mind that Okada being "director" is somewhat misleading, there's other people doing the normal work directors do.
Oh boy, more normalfag friendly anime. How exciting.
It is real. Don't you see it in the corner?
Might be good with less CG and no Okada, it's going to be one of those trash flicks of the year like KnK and kokosake
Sperm comet
have you tried ice chrshu~
>How do you know they aren't Koe no Katachi ripoffs?
Because only a handful of people actually know proper framing and cinematography executed together. Kimi no Na wa was great but far from Koe no Katachi's mature execution.
Yeah because leg shots every 5 minutes is genius directing
Sorry you had deficient IQ to miss why the legshots were relevant here. I know Koe no Katachi as a movie was subtle but god damn they took 2 hours to constantly pass it under your nose gracefully and you still are clueless.
I really hate SHAFT's visual approach. Their mix of 3D to their 2D always fucking sticks out like a soar thumb.
Graduation project (as in graduation from college) from Tsuki ga Kirei's character designer with similarities to Shinkai and music from BUMP OF CHICKEN. It's a fake trailer, with the movie's release date on "September 31".
For a personal pet project, I think it's pretty neat.
>he thinks Kimi no Na wa is better than Koe no Katachi
>watch Kimi no Na wa
>shout FINDS A WAY every 30 seconds
I thought we were going to get a 5cm/s ending where they would never meet again.
This doesnt look like a happy ending at all!
>giving a valid objective assessment
>reply with green text void of any counter argument
>freely calling anyone who think Koe no Katachi good for its merits as a KyoAnifag
>5cm was bullshit
Railway fan here. No, fuck you.