What drives these kids to do this?
Why do school shootings happen?
Bullying and internet anonymity.
And probably drugs, but pretty spot on. If guns were banned these kids would probably kill themselves anyway.
>probably drugs
drugs are an outlet, these kids are high on revenge
You do. You are the problem and you need to be removed.
When I say drugs, I mean antidepressants and shit like that that may help bring out homicidal tendencies.
As for the bullying, you can't medicate a shitty situation so yes, revenge.
America doesn't have a gun problem they have a bullying problem.
And nigger problem.
becauses it's easy. and guns make it easy. also americans believe a lot of dumb shit. how come this stuff doesn't happen elsewhere?
My only problem with school shootings is the disproportionate number of students shot to faculty.
>broken families and collapse of family structure
>unchecked bullying
>mind altering drugs handed out like candy
>every other baby born is some kind of autist
>common outlooks on life ranging from bleak to apocalyptic
single mothers raising shitty humans that have to interact with other fuck ups and autistic people sometimes just snap
Gun laws
>I mean antidepressants and shit like that that may help bring out homicidal tendencies.
gonna need a peer-reviewed source on that one
>What drives these kids to do this?
truth is painful for some to acknowledge.
Compare timeline of school shootings against the education system removing God from schools. It is very similar. Kids today simply do not have any regard for others in the way they used to.
and drugs. they didn't drug everyone in the 80s and earlier.
Thanks to your local pill pushing jew now you can get your scripts filled right before your planned killing
Best anime teamup
Personally I think it's hypergamy. And increasing feminization of the West. The kids who do this are all male loners, probably never touched a girl in their life. Where are all the Chads shooting up schools? There are record amounts of public and direct hatred and lack of sympathy for male losers in our society now. Why has this only started in the last few decades? Where are all the school shooters in the 60s? Gun control has gotten tighter, so unless there's some inverse correlation, I don't think that's the issue.
Basically this
How so? By even debating it?
Would you prefer all the teachers be shot? I think the focus is more on the kids because they're seeking revenge.
Fuck off christfag, people have been murdering each other for millenia
The media.. stop reporting them
So weird in a multicultural society people act more violent and less trusting, it’s almost like being in a multicultural society causes this kind of disharmony, date I say, makes you think.
Ironically the trench coat mafia carried out their attacks on April 20, wtf.
the CIA
really makes you think
>Would you prefer all the teachers be shot?
Waiting on a spree at a teachers' college. pic related
didn’t peter jordenson a skit about that? can find it atm.
>Fuck off christfag, people have been murdering each other for millenia
told you it was painful. but I'm no christfag. haven't been inside a church since I was 7.
I'm not going to lie I'm italian-american and I unironically do this while speaking sometimes. Some stereotypes are real
It's funny how out of ALL the school shootings that the US ever had, only Columbine ever gets brought up.
Maybe... Only Columbine actually took place?
Probably the most iconic, but yeah
Lack of male mental help. Most physiologists deal only with the female brain in modern times and solutions for women don't work for men.
America is just a uniquely evil place in many ways, and this is one of them. Deranged, drugged-up kids given access to weapons and propaganized into murder. The real redpill is the Obama's "pastor" Jeremiah Wright was correct when he said that God had "damned" rather than blessed America.
There's no silver bullet.
It's caused by a combination of factors. E.g:
>male, on average more violent than women
>access to suitable weapons
>socially isolated
>subject to regular injustice, or perceives self to be the victim of injustice
>mental state is poor
>becomes trapped in a particular routine with little or no new external stimuli, causing the mind to enter a fantasy world
>Lack of male mental help. Most physiologists deal only with the female brain in modern times and solutions for women don't work for men.
This is actually true, therapy turned me from alpha into a defenceless crying SJW-like pussy full of self pity and victim attitude.
I was thinking this today. Alot of copy cat stuff or inspiration.
Entitled White bois who can’t get laid.
media makes them famous/glamorous.. they promote it... i did a report on this back in 2000(psychology class in college) after the Columbine incident...my professor was really intrigued and asked me to emphasize in front of the class about my points
more like
>entitled white bois who just realized they are the underclass after all
School, you are forced to waste years of your life on worthless curriculum surrounded by unpleasant people and you can't even get away even if you wanted to.
Well chad believe this, you're the first fucking target every time
Rifles are a modern invention, but cuckeeism ( cuckold atheism ) is just a cover for paganism which is a very old and very barbaric system. You're literally alllowing a kind of people to have access to technology they were never meant to have access to.
Gorkamorka-tier madness.
being a weak fucking faggot who can't stand up for himself and easy access to guns
I believe killing 17 people who likely gave you shit is standing up for yourself hans
>Rifles are a modern invention
Obviously, I'm not referring to mere gunpowder, and those men in your pic. aren't cuckeeist nor pagans. Yes, that's right. rifles were a Christian invention, user. But where are the Christians in society and what are they doing? Maybe they're preoccupied by being subject to persecution under the cuckeeist tyranny.
Reading your posts would be a lot easier if you weren't interjecting your favorite word for everything you hate
What the hell kind of therapy did you do, and why did you do therapy in the first place if you were so alpha already?
That argument doesn't make sense, if anything weirdos and loners are more accepted and understood than they were chastised and bullied in say the 80's. Even go back to the 60's or 50's. If you wernt a white, God fearing, women beating Christian you would be seen very skeptically.
Like others have pointed out, why America? Other countries have just as much mental health issues, poverty, access to high powered weaponry etc.
I'd hazard a guess and say
>largest population of western world
>constantly building your countries narrative on a misleading and disappointing political ideology - you are free and can do and be whatever you want - this is just not true
>throw in a pretty sub standard safety net for citizens on a world stage - bad health care, laughable minimum wage, next to no enterprise bargain agreement or workers rights
>access to high powered weaponry with little to no risk mitigation (totally your countries belief system and I respect that - just in practice unfortunately not eveyone is responsible enough to own weapons - tie this in with above points and the cycle continues)
USA as lovely as its culture and people are, have some parallels with day fanatic Islam. You get people who blow eveyone up because they are frustrated and jerks who just don't get that their unreasonable expectations will not be met with people who truly do love liberty and freedom.
really, everyone who gave this kid shit was shot?.. even though he was years ahead of them, shot teachers etc etc
Thanks Dr. Goldensteinburgmor! And thank you for making rebellion and horrid sociopaths the characters you push inside our media to help us think exactly in such a way that we’ll be the best country ever, filled with dick sucking faggots and ill mannered rogues!
DBT, (and some others, but another time) had a massive decompensation after taking a (prescribed) drug and visiting a place where i had experienced trauma before. Went full retard because i have been triggered and decided that it was better to get away for some time.
They basically told me that i had Borderline instead of acknowledging my high iq and turned me into someone who blames everything on himself,doubs his perception all the time and is not able to have aggression directed outside.
Also told me that being abused was basically me just being too sensitive and pressured me to forgive my abusive family.
The therapist was shit, was aware of this the first week, but they would not give me someone else so i had to go for it for 3 months.
The other joke is that based on overall studies, Anti-Depressants do not prevent suicides. In fact, numbers suggest they increase chances of suicide.
You guys need to stop using the term white boi. I'm a normie but now get off to that shit and bbc. On the other hand maybe keep going.
The most accurate and obvious answer that is somehow ignored. Not sure what internet anonymity has to do with it though.
>implying i'm writing for everyone and everybody
Also, you misspelled "favourite."
Are you kidding faggot? Everything is so repressed right now. You can't have a goddamn opinion about halloween costumes without social stigma.
You are absolutely free to do anything you want in this country, that you are also physically and mentally able to do. Trying something doesn't guarantee success.
Other points are fine.
>every other baby born is some kind of autist
I kek'd because its the cold hard truth. What a state the world is in.
It's mostly drugs. Some boys are chemically treated to ease their "ADD", "anxiety" and whatever since fucking elementary school. It fucks them up.
Idk but they help push gun control
I see the drug cocktails are not on the list as usal
Feeling pissed off about something. Oh ! & machine guns. FFS.
God has little to do with this. You are very far from being the most godless nation on Earth, and still you got more school shootings than much more atheist societies.
It's the breakdown of the traditional family, combined with other smaller factors.
>& machine guns
you mean those that aren't manufactured anymore since 1986?
Nah, people don't have to worry about that here. There are enough people living in the past in my country that don't know how bad it is, ie. due to the cuckeeist ( cuckold atheist ) plague. Looks like the cuckeeists will have to stop persecuting Christians so that the members of this faith can set up the Christan society which didn't have so much savagery in the past, because they're not getting gun restrictions made into law.
Cuckeeist societies have already taken away most access to guns and ammunition.
I dont believe all 17 people made his life so miserable that he had enough
also that's not really standing up for himself imo but it's for everyone for himself to decide
probably, the same ones that require higher vetting from the ATF and extra money in tax stamps.
The reason is that in part they are insane, but more specifically they have been enveloped in rage or depression and have a hate for the world itself. They want to inflict as much pain and suffering on as many people as possible, and this is an obvious solution. Schools full of kids with no armed guards and cops 20 minutes away. We need concealed carry by teachers and armed guards in every school. The 2nd Amendment needs to be expanded not infringed further.
so, a restricted tool with limited availability causes mass shootings? wtf are you on about?
Bad parenting and Prozac.
>What drives these kids to do this?
unironically this
ffs children rarely become fuckups if you properly take care of them
Asian genes, which makes them realize they are inferior.
That's my point you geeban. You aren't free to do what you want. There are very real limitations of what you can achieve due to your race, gender, way you look etc. In response to this context, you are right - everything can be seen as offensive and bigoted (when in alot of cases it really isn't and it's just sjw teir shit). You can deny that discrimination doesn't happen, but the proof is in the mountains of studies on intrinsic biases (which although isn't direct discrimination it happens even to the most sjw soy boy who says he loves all black gay people equally).
Also for generations people say you can't say shit / over regulations / nanny state. Mate, you can say what the fuck you want with no consequence. Just turn on the TV, you can say whatever you want to anyone - you just reap the rewards depending on how many people agree / disagree.
>hurr durr I call ppl niggers and Jews made up Holocaust and control the the world
>hurr durr eveyone jumps on me, it's because I can't say anything anymore and eveyone is a brain washed Jewish elite!
>We need concealed carry by teachers and armed guards in every school
I'm going to make assumptions based on tachers here, but I assume they're pretty much same there. I'm sure most of them are liberal women, and education as career doesn't attract many conservatives or men. You'd need a thorough education workaround for that, like making the career at least appealing to traditional males.
almost every school shooter has been on some kind of psychotropic drug or ssri
Bias exists because of statistics. Blacks commit faaaaar more violent crime than any other race and 100% of their majority black communities are shitholes, if I got my math right.
miserable, lonely and frustrated existence on bottom of social hierarchy, perceived as unjust by the subject (e.g. subjects sees themselves - probably justified - as better people than others who are liked and popular)
subject is still immature so holds on to childish notions that the world should be inherently fair and friendly to them, blames others and feels self-pity
not easy to overcome, notoriously difficult without any type of social support, role model or ideal - their life probably is a miserable hell that most would struggle to resolve; however they are still dangerous individuals and their actions are their responsibility from my moral perspective, even if their life can be seen as deeply unfair - such is life, all we can do is create a better environment and propagate moral behavior (also US might want to deal with cultural obsession with violence and guns, seems insane to my European perspective)
School itself causes it.
Not guns or anything else just school.
Many young minds are unready for the evil ways they are shown at school by pupils & teachers.
If you were placed in a form of a prison against your will would you rebel or just accept it.?
How about for your "peer reviewed source" you read the fucking side effects for any anti-depressant or anti-psychotic. It takes 5 seconds to google and is very enlightening.
Europeans kill off lots of babies in utero without a second thought, but it's Americans who are so obsessed with violence, user.?
blogposting bro
people are shit and sometimes they eat bullets as a result
no great mystery
That is very true. But in every school I went to there were at least a couple strong male role models, a tiny fraction but enough to put down a drug addled psycho.
Department of Education was a mistake, true, but people in my country are stuck in the past and don't know how bad it is, so something else will have to change. I'm looking for change with the cuckeeist ( cuckold atheist ) regime in place that is creating a savage environment by persecuting Christians who would otherwise be able to form society the way it was in the 50s and 60s, when guns were common but not used as much in school shootings.
Our obsession with guns is intrinsically linked to our obsession with freedom. We would rather live free than die a slave. Unless they're black, then we'll put em to work.
Abortions reduce the undesireables in society. You should praise them too, they're your best line of defense against becoming even more black and brown.
abortion is to my mind a separate issue, with 'obsession with violence' I mean the glorification of violence, not the tendency to use it when necessary
>people are shit and sometimes they eat bullets as a result
thank you for the illustrative example of 'obsession with violence and guns'
what does blogposting mean?
Sex bots would unironically solve all of this
>lack of access to healthcare and workers rights cause kids from middle class and upper middle class families to shoot up their schools/colleges
Must be why all those guys go on stabbing sprees in China and why all those maslem reefuugees keep playing catch with grenades in Sweden. Society is horribly broken on a global scale but not for the reasons you think.
Imagine being this retarded. If this was a motivating cause you'd see 40 year old dudes who just got laid off their 5th part time job that year shooting up their work places. Your narrative for how the world works is shit and is doesn't fit the profile of the average school shooter at all. Remember, for a political ideology to be accurate you should be able to not only explain events but predict them, yours does neither.
It's still violence, Mr Cuckeeist.
Why are there so few workplace shootings?
Because you can walk away from work & get another job in another place & nobody will bother you about it.
Try to walk away from school; they will send inspectors to your house to harass your parents, threaten them with fines and imprisonment if you don't return to their forced education system.
The education system is corrupting to minds,did these youths need antidepressants before they started school?
What drives these kids to make countries commit false flag hoaxes that require the destruction of the locations after the matter to destroy the evidence?
I dunno.
S.M.H., you don't get it, European. It's far healthier to focus violence outward instead of inward. In fact, if Europe wasn't sitting there as a big decadent distraction for so many of America's elite, things would be even healthier here. But as it stands, many of the elites in the American establishment look fondly to Europe which is to the detriment of them and thus the rest of American society because they pick up some of your bad perspectives. We'll fix those wrong-headed and worthless elites of ours, don't you worry. And I know that the Euro.-Anons. here at Sup Forums want to make their own countries better as well. That, at least, I'm quite sure of.
-the media
-social neglect by parents and school leaders
-lax gun laws
The curriculum is only there to train you how to show up somewhere on the, sit there for 8 hours and do what your told, then go home and watch t.v. The actual content you learn at public school is pretty much irrelevant compared to its value as a conditioning mechanism to make obedient office workers and consumers.
google 'going postal'
I can somewhat understand this from your historical background. However, isn't there a lot more to life than defending freedoms with heroic deeds and guns? Wouldn't you still rather want to live in a more peaceful society? Is dying guns-blasting for freedom not, although noble and necessary when demanded, highly undesirable?
Also, what the fuck happened to Sup Forums since I left a few years ago? It's always been sanctuary for outsiders with racist jokes, but now seems like a pit of rabid and blood-thirsty nazi dogs
Yea this is true. But if you want to deny the mechanisms for this then enjoy always having rat shit poor cunts dominate your streets.
Valid point about people discriminating due to statistics, however minorities and women who are not a threat to a specific context, say joining sympathy Orchestra, publishing a book, engaging a start up company are far less likely to be invested in/employed due to unconscious (and more rarely, but still happens, concious bias).
It's a shame because when we empower and include the willing and capable, it's good for gdp, good for wages, good for living standards.
How are we gonna solve ghettos? Fuck that, it's gonna take a very long time and quite frankly by the virtue of American belief systems, it won't happen for centuries as it directly encroaches on what is it to feel, be and believe American.
America's 18 school shootings in the first 44 days of 2018
workplace shootings remain rare events compared to the above.
imo the school system remains the problem..