TL for latest Toki and Biyori. Let's try this again. Dumping.
Saki: Tanoshii
Other urls found in this thread:
Toki's self doubt.
Ryuuka is magical; Toki seems ordinary.
Izumi is serious.
Toki spacing out.
Toki locked in on pinzu.
Everybody notices.
enchanting Toki
apoplectic Izumi
Toki's beginner's luck.
wistful Izumi
Toki wins a hand!
Toki in first place!
Ayumi harassing Toki.
Ryuuka's inner conflict.
She wants to win, but also loves watching Toki win.
Izumi is dealer.
Ryuuka on the attack.
Cute Toki is cute.
Ryuuka stops Izumi with a cheap hand.
>serious mode active
Izumi absorbing shots from Ryuuka.
Ryuuka strong!
I like this paneling.
Flashback to Izumi's chuuni friends.
Izumi despondent.
Toki reassuring.
>only halfway through the chapter
Don't give up!
Doesn't look like they are playing mahjong.
I love Mahjong, but the anime just kills me sometimes.
>FUCK! Even though I can only control what tiles come out of my hand, I somehow couldn't stop the other 2 people here from playing the tiles I thought might have been a winning tile in this luck based game!
>Damn, this person who got kind of lucky and used efficient tile discard managed to beat me in this one hand. SHE IS LITERALLY TOO STRONG AT MAHJONG I WILL NEVER DEFEAT HER IN A BILLION YEARS
Like, christ dude, calm down.
Toki's tanoshii face!
The mystery chuuni appears again.
My guess is Sera and/or Hiroe.
>she doesn't know about "the flow"
Your lesbian power is too low.
Izumi not giving up on her 3-on-1 challenge.
Even though she's in last place.
>Not iron calls and pure digital.
Youko's reassurance, then chastisement.
Youko's tanoshii face.
Toki charms only work against Youko on Toki delusions.
Youko's final dealer turn.
Izumi wants to be the ACE.
We'll see how that goes.
Toki sparring with Izumi
stealth dragon mode
Izumi finally in tenpai on a big comeback hand.
>doki doki
Izumi looks cute here.
Izumi's got the world on a string.
Izumi trying to find her lost tanoshii.
Toki notices.
Too bad, Ryuuka wins on a gomi hand...
... and the Toki & friends hostage crisis is over.
Toki is your winner!
>I couldn't take first place
However, Toki is annoyed. (?!?)
Shut up Toki, that wasn't even close to a suuankou...
... and you even had two of of the tiles Ryuuka needed (2s, 4m) yourself.
Finally, a smile out of Izumi.
The spiral staircase of tanoshii.
Invitation to a future match.
One thing I like about this manga is that there's a lot of "sound effects" like the sigh, yay, gasp.
Izumi (いづみ) autographs Ryuuka's boobs.
Reminder: Izumi gave Ryuuka those clothes after she soaked her with a water gun.
Izumi will save Ryuuka's clothes temporarily to fap to.
Toki is always cute.
Why is Izumi leaving? It's her place.
How did it go from this to toki Toki after Terutime?
Anyway... super long chapter 14 is over.
What adventure awaits Toki next?
Find out on 8/25.
A shit. Except Yuu, she's my achigafu.
She used all her life force to see the future and now she lives sucking energy from Ryuuka tights.
That is our never ending story.
On to Biyori 68.
Senriyama Biyori, featuring Sera.
I think we will get one chapter mostly Sol with Ryuuka/Toki and in the end the Prez or the hood girl will do something.
Sera hiding from her cynophobia in a café.
All the Burger Kings and Wendy's near me are renovating their dining rooms to have those low coffee tables.
Don't know what's up with that.
Sera is their first customer.
This was funny when I read, I thought it was a cafe for little kids.
delicious food
awkward seating
I sympathize, obviously.
Toki and Ryuuka join Sera.
Snapchat those chomp marks.
Sera recommends the mystery meat special.
The evil dog is back!
End Biyori 68.
Toki, Biyori, and Shinohayu back on 8/25.
Ritz still on vacation until whenever.
September 15.
Toki and Ryuuka were on a date and spotted Sera.
August is a light birthday month.
Already missed Sawaya (2) & Seiko (3).
Still awaiting: Kyouko (9), Kanna (11), Yuu (24), and only a few minor characters.
bumping the new /e/ thread:
On the plus side, only a month till Koro-tan yayday again!
futaba find:
Toki themed sale display
Is there a special meaning to that particular tile?
Toki (manga) is set in Osaka, which is in western Japan.
The poster features the west tile (西; kanji varies); it's part of the theme.
How I remember the tiles (non-speaker)
East (東) is symmetrical.
South (南) is bottom heavy, like the bottom of a compass.
West (西) - the bottom of the kanji kind of has a "W" in it.
North (北) - seems like it's pointing upward on a compass.
Chun (中) - is red, in the middle - like the kanji for China (中国)
Haku ( ) is blank; 白 (pic) for white is fine too.
Hatsu (發) - green is just fucking complicated.
The numbers - souzu and pinzu are easy (count 'em up). Manzu - just gotta learn the numbers.
Ritz needs help.
Ritz is currently in Norway, I think.
Kuro-tan yay
or not
Have there been any Ritz sightings?
>3:30 AM in Norway
Please elaborate.
t. Norwegian user
It's just a meme, sorry.
And here I was getting ready to go looking for middle-aged Japanese ladies.
Surely Ritz knows how to disguise herself.
Chapter 166
Saki & Teru's mom was revealed to be half-Norwegian.
Ritz's 2 month long vacation is rumored to be location scouting to fill in details of the Miyanaga backstory.
Hopefully Goldfish name reveal by the end of the year. There's a good chance for character development between 5th place and the final.
>still in 5th place vice captains
We are all Toki.
What are the odds Goldfish is a Norwegian relative of the Miyanagas?
>90%; probably a cousin