Why wasn't cross ange popular? Its got mecha, its got ecchi, its got rape...
Why wasn't cross ange popular? Its got mecha, its got ecchi, its got rape
It was decently popular
Sup Forums loved it.
not among the japanee.
ep number please, its ep 6, right?
It was legit bad.
Also Japs hated the lack of purity among the girl characters.
I admit it was a bit of a guilty pleasure.
Yurishit always flops.
same reason Yuuna Yuusha and Flip Flappers wasn't more popular
it just screamed Code Geass the same way the ones above screamed Madoka
Yuushas are popular though
The majority of the fanservice was in the first couple of episodes. By the second half, all that was left was the dogshit plot.
Not really, give or take the context of the cavity search.
Cross Ange wasn't a smash hit or anything, but if I recall correctly, it did well enough to justify a second season.
no nipples in bd ruined sales
It was too progressive for its own good.
The main character was unlikable, they wasted what should have been a great antag, and they rushed the ending to a ridiculous extent.
Salia getting spanked was nice to watch, though.
Tusk ruined it
It's bad. Anime isn't cooking. Just a good recette don't give you a good plat.
It was too good for japs.
Still it sold decently.
That redhead is living my dyke dreams
embryo used mind control to make ange orgasm remember
Tusk is hitting all those women in the Dragonverse
Because no one actually likes shallow scumbag degenerates.
Like you and the girls in the OP image.
Comparing YuYuYu and Cross Ange, which actually sold near 10k BD average to Flip Floppers which solder less than 1K is silly.
kys yourself.
>Flip Floppers which sold less than 1K is silly.
but why?
Why did it flop so hard?
Because the staff thought that anime = the literal animation, so they could let every other part be shit.
>20) 929 Occultic;Nine
>21) 883 Flip Flappers
>22) 843 Poco’s Udon World
>Exactly 1 fractale
I think floping was part of their plan
She was likable in her unrepentant bitchiness.
It saved anime
>Yurishit always flops.
Except it wasn't the yuri that made it flop it was adding in a self-insert dude half-way into the series.
>he didn't watch the second half
Also, it came too late. It was supposed to be the logical conclusion to Code Geass, but they shelved it too long. People changed. If CG aired today, you would call it cringey.
I don't know what it is about this show that just makes me like it so much. The show has some serious writing and production issues, but I can't help myself. It isn't even a guilty pleasure or anything, I genuinely believe Cross Ange is good despite its shortcomings. I love this show.
>show has gratuitous amounts of nudity
>all the characters are sexless, nippleless dolls
Just cover them up if you're going to do that
They were quoting OP, nigtard.
Shit, I didn't know tanuki was that low.
It was a well written story, with great characters, but also a lot of train wreck elements. It was made for fun, instead of catering to basement dweller pedos.
Personally, I love it so much because of its layers. It can be enjoyed as a silly action scifi show, or a mockery of it, or discover the subtle references in the characters to their respective VAs, etc.
I think the same. Probably it was the fact that it was intended to entertain more than anything.
>ange gets anally raped so hard she bleeds in the first episode
>all those news sites angry over it
too many cuties were killed.
the plot was too stupid.
it had a lot of problems.
cross ange threads were top
You know that the audience completely failed in its role when the show is attacked for being misogynist while it's literally the most feminist show ever
>The main character was unlikable
Other than Fafner Exodus, and Gundam Build Fighters it's unironically one of the best /m/ shows in the last five years oddly enough.
>Tusk is hitting all those women in the Dragonverse
Tusk is pure, PURE.
It's greatest flaw was lack of nipples
It's neither especially misogynistic or feminist.
That said, the what little quality the show had took a complete nose dive during the second half. I don't completely dislike Tusk, but he was misused terribly, as were the dragon characters. The show was at its best when it was Mean Girls w Mechas.
The mecha was bad, also shit writing and characters. Im glad it flopped and Sunrise buried it in the chest of failed originals together with Sacred Seven, Sora Kake Girl and Valvrave
>still butthurt
>The mecha was bad,
>hating on Age-2 ver. beta test
The show did fine in sales, A/Z posters just hated cross ange with a passion
>Shit show still dead
Didn't Cross ange and Valvrave sell hotcakes?
>2 cour originals selling sub 5k average
>selling like hot cakes
lol no
>no S3/OVA of Ange and Tusk and the rest of Arsenal working things out in the dragon world with intermittent flashes to Sophia in the manaless world
Unlike a lot of anime, Cross Ange told the story it had to tell and had a very definitive ending.
Not every story needs to be stretched like your mother's vagina.
You mean 6.3k.
>Chrisfag gets dubs after the 70th try
>next week Chris turns into the biggest piece of shit ever shown in an animated medium
The threads were magical.
I missed out. Must have had some truly good stuff amidst shit.
threads were great.
So which ange got the most vitriol before Chris: ?
I remember the funposting was so strong the average shitposter just gave up and left in five minutes.
Like you don't remember.
>too progressive
>the only girl in the story that's 100% lesbian is Rosalie, the rest are gay because of a lack of men around
I wouldn't exactly call "rapists are bad" a progressive message
Will never get old.
I figured on Hilda before they escaped. Salia before dragon world, then Chris after.
I haven't watched this shit and I never will, but the reason why this shit flopped is still pretty obvious to me. It doesn't attract purityfags and romancefags because of the orgies, gratuituos sex with random people, rape and similar degeneracy, and it doesn't attract yurifags because of that dude who ends up fucking the "lesbians" at some point.
Only degenerates would watch this.
You could probably trick Rosalie into a dicking quite easily. The only true lesbian was Mirabelle.
>I haven't watched this shit
>but let me spew my hot opinions
It's kinda sad how sensitive people got. CA is pretty much a 80's/90's flick, that's also the reason why it's so fun.
Who? I feel like Ersha might be willing to put up with it, but she's too busy taking care of other people's kids.
go back to your aldnoah zero crap
You know, Coco's bff, Maridia.
I actually watched this a week ago, and actually loved it because of its absurdity. One of the few series I've watched where I actually stuck around for all of the next episode previews, and it being actually important.
Its called having bad taste user. You deliberately watched a shitty show for your own amusement
>It was a well written story, with great characters
Well that's a load of shit
Ange is
I enjoyed it more than I should. Pacing was definitely an issue though. It was better than A/Z at least.
>it's unironically one of the best /m/ shows in the last five years oddly enough.
Let's see
>The actual mecha fights are terrible both animation wise and design wise
>The story is...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....yeah they didn't really try at all in that regard
>The cast is also pretty shit too
I dunno user they were a lot better shows that even came out in the same year.
I liked the pink haired bitch
Then she really became a bitch and not worth waifuing
Chris was best girl though.
You want an Ersha Lariatto?
If that means she chokes me with her thighs and fills my mouth with her dirty senketsu panties, then I'm up for it.
I bet she's a real freak in the bed.
isnt she super sub in the game
A fat ass.
She's shit when she spread her legs for Embryo
I should have known better
>hating on based Tasku
>dis nigga
Cause of that faggot responsible for seed
She's only sub for Naomi but Naomi is more alpha than Ange.
Manlier than 95% of modern male anime protagonists.
I remember jacking off to Hilda.
>the I bought the paizuri sponge of Hilda
>tfw I can titfuck Hilda in the shower
I wonder who's behind this post.
This one? Or is there another?