A few days ago and came across a really bizarre porn operation called "Crackwhoreconfessions.com". It is a bizarre/sick/fascinating website of guys fucking REAL crack whores but before fucking them the guys conduct really interesting interviews where they tell their story.
For some reason the guy asks many of them about black clients and 80-90% of them have no problem saying in front of the camera that they dislike black clients and many say that they never service black guys.
The girl in the picture says flat-out: "White meat only"
She might be a crack head, but she aint a fucking idiot senpai/.
Daniel Gonzalez
Sad times we live in though when crack whores have more common sense than your average leftist
Chase Myers
lol like a crack whore has any dignity regardless of who she fucks you dirty degenerate.
Michael Fisher
It's because crakheads have to interact with them every day. If your average liberal had to work/live in a black neighborhood they would be more right wing than all of pol/
Henry Diaz
Unironically they live in the real world where most hookers are killed by blacks
Grayson Russell
probably don't want AIDS. crack doesn't require IV drug use, why add the risk through serving niggers who are more likely to have diseases, more likely be get aggressive, more likely to not pay these whores.
Luke Wood
Video of the girl in the picture. She is called Brandi.