Who or what is Mikasa Ackerman?
Shingeki Ackerman
Annie is shit.
A beast that need Annie need to see if her combat technics works on Mikasa.
JM soon
She lost already, it's been settled.
What made her look away from autistically staring at her fist?
Eren walked by
Endgame right here, brothers.
AA now.
>mikasa is FLAT
that gif proves otherwise
That is Annie, retard.
Levi was shirtless training in the other part of the room, she had to sneak a peek.
JM never.
Did Annie dye her hair black and suddenly get attractive for this scene?
Annie is made for Bert cock
Mikasa dosen't care about the manlet
She is Eren Jr. aunt.
>Next chapter we are going to see Zeke and Pieck holding a entire army just by themselfs,Zeke is considered a legend because he manage to maintain Marley's power even through he had just one Warrior by his side and his titan army
>Then we will see them being sent to Paradis and we find out how Zeke created his titan army in Paradis
>BRA ploting to destroy Gate Sina
>BRA finds out about Eren is the owner of the Attack.The gamble about Eren having the Founding Titan since they know about Grisha and the missing Power
Manlet doesn't care about hange.
I never said he did?
So if he doesn't like Hange romantically, then next logical formula is Levi x Mikasa.
The only logical forumla is Manlet x Death and Mikasa x Eren's corpse
But he cares about Hanji you speedreader
>logical formula is Levi x Death/Eternal sadness
LS canon
Fuck off with your delusions.
A mini titan with tits.
>have to wait a fucking YEAR after they already delayed the anime by three years for no good reason
Be glad that theres another season already you fuckwit LOL
>Two speech bubbles for one very simple sentence
Guys, I think I figured it out. Mikasa doesn't have autism; she just has very severe aphasia.
Hitch a qt 3.14
The only one sluttier than Hitch is Annie.
a CUTE slut
Are you not reading the same manga? Isayama has implied more than fucking ONCE that LM is canon. KYS, if it wasn't canon then Levi would've been killed on the roof top. Why didn't Mikasa kill him? Two words, Potential mate.
Why does anyone who supports Levi have to fully autistic?
Reiner is so handsome.
>A: Arumin will you marry me for infos?
gay lizard
Oh i see thank you for enlightening me of this subject.
>Why didn't Mikasa kill him? Two words, Potential mate.
This made me kek more than it should.
>perfect booty to go with the rack
Eren truly is blessed.
Based Captain Rico
Oh so you are the hatefag from previous thread? I see your strategy now is to falseflag with LM trying to trigger LHfag. If that makes you feel better go on!
No I actually like and support LM, if you don't you're delusional.
Fuck off.
The best Auntie in the world.
A worst girl
>Before going to Marley
No shipping beyond this line
LH a cute and canon
not canon, not cute.
Based Rico+Ian
Very cute and canon
I want Mikasa to sit on my face
Fuck, marry, kill
Fuck Annie, Marry Hisu, Kill Mikasa.
Does anyone have a link to a copy of 96 translated?
Fuck Annie
Kill Mikasa
Marry Hisu
You can have her flat ass.
Fuck the midget, marry My House, and kill murderous traitor bitch
I want manlet to sit on my face
I want Sasha to sit on my face
Not this user but I'll take an untranslated DDL over the archive.
I want Mikasa to sit on my face
Must feel pretty good
Feels like planks of wood.
Fat and unwashed. Smells of shit and urine.
Hard and resentful. Softer than manlet, but still mostly composed of hate
Just a character who was injected with plot convenience.
She's a product of Titan Science.
There is a rhyme to her near Mary-Sueness
Just wait
MH a cute
Marlowe deserved a better fate
I want Rico to scold me
I want titan Reiner to sit on my face
Who had a worse death, Marlowe or Ian?
Reiner's Armoured Titan is indisputably the most A E S T H E T I C Titan
Never in public
Hanji and manlet are too autistic about their focuses.
Besides, we all know Hanji with manlet is just Hanji settling for a non-Titanized person.
Her OTP is Titan Eren
Marlow, he regretted being there at the end, Ian died saving someone.
There needs to be more AT promo art and less Levi shilling.
Marlowe had his head smashed in so it was likely pretty quick at least.
I hope that Reiner (aka best boy) has a fucking based ass death.
We all know it's coming.
I hope Isayama gives him a double page in all his yoked /fit/ glory.
I expect a double sacrifice/death of Reiner and Eren.
>Ian died saving someone.
A true soldier, but poor Rico.
As much as I like that, endgame will be Eren reunited all of Ymir's soul shards and doing some time travel bullshit to end all Titans and become Ymir, or something.
The only delusional one is you.
Do people actually like Armin?
I do really love him.
I think he's reuniting all powers and "giving it back to the devil" (or whatever giving up on the powers might entail), thus ending the curse.
If they announce season 4 Reiner should have a lot of promo art, he is the protagonist of this arc
This scene make my heart beat.
I think this is going to be the final scene of season 3. I'm pumped to see how this animated
Only one retard it seems.
>Armin is happy to get what he "wants"
>Mikasa is disturbed
Suits their characters