politics in Italy is shit, how can the situation be improved?
Politics in Italy is shit, how can the situation be improved?
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vote for musso's off spring. i heard shes running?
it can't be improved
at this point we can not do anything but a massive heroic suicide like the great Vittorio Alfieri taught us
Import foreigners with low education and skills. Perferably with a much different culture so that you're also 'enriched' in the process.
By shooting some black people.
>To work in retail or pubs/bar you must be a girl/woman as the owner thinks they make more profit by manipulating customers.
> To access an internship,stage,apprenticeship you must have at least a work experience
> You must be fluent in at least 2 languages or 3 to access into a job in hotel/restaurant
>between 1 up to 4 years to access any low tier jobs
> you must send an application including your photo and a detailed experience of at least 2 years to be an archivist or refill the shelves in a mini market.
You can't even emigrate as any other country just like our one prefer to take in the poor "refugees" as they can work without contract and are basically free workforce.
Go in the woods and suicide.
Oh I forgot... Same in agricultural/fabric field, you must be specialized or have at least a year of experience. To get a job you must have a connection, everything's running under nepotism.
>Ahahah sorry user, I can't hire you... There's the refugee who can work basically for free and there are more Italians with an engineering degree instead of a h.s diploma who can make coffee and cappuccinos in my bar :D
This boer knows what's good.
hunt down the mafia
make benito proud
hey man, gotta have drug dealers and sweatshops
is that true? I mean this is slowly happening here too. lots of teenagers worked in the agricultural sector. but slowly this has been made harder by adding all sorts of working laws.
Youth unemployment is still low because working in a shop is still really easy.
But if youre under 18 its impossible to work anywhere without experience. thats why schools give you internship at the age of 15 so its pretty much impossible to not have experience when youre 18
More refugees!
if youre over 18*
Of course it's true, the only way to get any work experience without slaving away like a cotton picker is to start your own business in a country that really doesn't fucking want you starting any businesses you get fucked by taxes so hard.
>to work in retail or pubs/bar you must be a girl/woman as the owner thinks they make more profit by manipulating customers.
i know that feel all too well bro. went to baretender school got my food handlers certificate and nobody will reply back to my resume after 4 months.
oh well fuck it, i'm about to get indentured into the carpetners union anyways. fuck being in the service industry i'll take a real career thanks.
my italian friend (that has family in napoli) told me that people simply dont pay taxes
Don't mistake neapolitans for people.
No, if you don't know a friend or politician or have a relative working somewhere in a public office you can even forget to get a job. To get one you must be specialized or have at least minimum a year of experience to fee the cows or plant the tomatoes.
But now there are these niggers, these subhumans who work for free so in plus you'll never get a job because these "refugees" are a free workforce for the industries.
Italy is based
Not being Italian would be an improvement Giuseppe.
Wait what? Wasnt the right wing parties having the lead over the lefties? What happened about that?
Travel backward in time 100 years and don't let your grande papa (or whatever you slimeball half nigs call your ancestors) be a lazy fuck and actually get your miserable asses to America with all the intelligent and hardworking Europeans.
it doesnt work like that. 1 left wing party has more votes than any other right wing party. this is just gonna result in italy not having a government for a year because of negotiating
Doesn't work like that anymore. Now your country ( just like the others in the world) prefer to take in these muslims and niggers. Plus the people who emigrated long time ago are so proud to say "ooo wow I'm Italian too :D", but nobody of them helps you to emigrate just like the niggers do amomg themselves
It's the same in here mate. Meanwhile a nigger who doesn't even speak the language gets everything from free education to accommodation.
Join the army and vote Lega Nord you whiny bitch.
Vote J. Caesar
the fun part is that here, those big pieces of shit of Italian politicians complain about young people who are lazy and unwilling to work, but they do not even go to work but take monstrous salaries and pensions of gold
I'd take Italian over Amerimutt everyday.
With your levels of corruption I imagine they must be like boomers on steroids.
What's the situation in Belgium?
The mindset of deadbeats like you is what prevents it from improving. Neck yourself.
Bad. Although currently the moderate anti-immigration party is in office, makes it a bit less unbearable. But nevertheless we're pretty fucked.
>youth unemployment rate 43.30%
How is that even possible? What do young wops do all day?
Vote for Lega Nord or Fratelli d’Italia.
When are you going to split?
I think it's in part due to unreported employment and shadow economy
That is a retarded meme. Walen > Hollanders oetz
Thats her
neem dat terug
Casa pound
Literally a retarded whore
i bet shes gettin railed by berlusconi every night
There are many organizations- especially on the east coast that are fraternities from specific regions in Italy. Talk to the Federation of Italian American Organizations. They can try to help you get legal residency and an immigration lawyer. Lots of Italian-American politicians would love to add paisans to their dwindling constituencies
They leech off mamma and papá. Why the fuck work when they can stay at home and get fed and dressed for free?
No, he's right. You can't fix this, the damage is terminal.
The system has to collapse and then you can hopefully rebuild it a little bit better than it was before. But I have no hope in that either.
To change the system, Italians need to change.
>need a suit
>ask for 0 vents
>shop assistant laughed at me saying it's not effay
That's the problem. Mussolini said
>governing the Italians is not difficult, it's useless
Of course he was right, that's mainly why I have no hope.
more of this
Only partito comunista Will Save us from Ue and nato. Enough with Right Wing chairhunters
Electric chair instead of lethal injection.
yeah, so the rest of the country must pay for them as well, not d&c but Napoletaeans usually don't even feel italian, want to hurt us. Naples is our Detroit, but at least Detroit was productive once.
I know that feeling, user. But Right Wing already took my vote for nothing, it Will not happen for the 3rd time.
Perché non dovrei votare Pd?
Perché l’italia dovrebbe abbandonare l’Ue? Come potremmo fronteggiare i grandi blocchi USA, RUS e CINA da soli?
Non è un bait, sono uno dei tanti indecisi..
Perché so da dove pesca la catto-presunzione piddina. Fonte? 12 anni di agesci da cui butta caso sono usciti 3! Piddini persi, di cui uno ridicolmente in politica. Prendi la Dc, sostituisci la mafia italiana con quella bancaria di Bruxelles ed hai il pd. Easy
Non è necessario fronteggiarli
È possibile trattare
Per questo motivo uscire dall'europa è plausibile
We have to go full accelerationist by cockblocking Germany. You may not think so, but if we completely shut off borders, obstruct nigger smuggling towards these countries and go full protectionist for a few years, eventually EU will collapse in a chain reaction. It's useless to borrow money from EU if they use it to reallocate more and more niggers. They will never give you money unless you keep cuckolding yourself. It doesn't make any sense, so let it all burn.
L'agesci è una cosa bellissima finché non comincia ad invischiarsi nella politica, ho visto tanti diventare super rossi/fattoni, per il fatto di aver fatto scout (io personalmente ho fatto tutto il reparto e il clan e poi sono uscito)
Come la mettiamo con i debiti che dobbiamo pagare alla Ue?
Non è vero che possiamo stare a bordo piscina come la Svizzera, ormai nella vasca di merda ci siamo entrati (debiti a Ue, presenza Nato sul suolo ecc...).
There is a general for italian politcs faggot, you mary very well use it
Napoli is not Italy: if that were the case, we would have turned into some sort of ancap hardcore fantasy country decades ago.
They're going to accept an agreement, at least to get back a part of debt.
>Come potremmo fronteggiare i grandi blocchi USA, RUS e CINA da soli?
non potremmo. devi capire che qui c'è solo una manciata di ritardati privi di educazione in ambito geopolitico ed economico, pronti a mettersi proni davanti a cinesi ed indiani usando come unica motivazione "i tedeschi cattivi ci hanno detto che non possiamo continuare a fare debito come abbiamo fatto negli ultimi 50 anni"
Sell your country to gaijins
Sorry Kees :3
You dont have to actually leave just threaten to obtain something from them, like quitting one single treaty that is bothering your coutnry instead of quitting all of them.
>debiti che dobbiamo pagare alla Ue?
What are you talking about? We have no debts towards EU, just contributions that we previously negotiated (and that should be renegotiated)
What a bunch of losers.
Let me guess, it's also the niggers fault of you're fat and nogf?
Kill the oligarchy