Just watch as Britain starts to turn into south Africa. They only have 30 ish years left before their country becomes a hellscape for whites.
Just watch as Britain starts to turn into south Africa...
Guess who the perpetrators were
Another story, 5 men attacking a 55 year old father, 17 year old son, and their dog in their home just to take their money. I wonder what race they were and why it isn't mentioned in the article. Really ticks the ticker
how many threads are you going to make?
Sad to see. But if there's any country that deserves this it's Britain. Britain fought against Nazi Germany and thus they fought for this. And Britain didn't just do this to themselves they also destroyed the rest of Europe.
You aren't wrong, thankfully I'm a countryside lad so I don't have to worry about niggers or pakis.
Tell me, what's a good country to move to? A white one, specifically.
sign up for your dose of rape today!
Stay and fight you fucking coward.
>but first, let me take a selfie.
Fuck off back to Somalia nigger
Swedebro gets it.
For the police you mong, it was a smart thing to do.
solution simple.
have related.pic and learn to have diarrhea on commando
amen. the eternal anglo is at fault once again
they are truely the mutts of the white race
It's true. I take no pleasure in seeing it, but you and the burgers fought for this. You fought for the jew. And here we are... And you didn't just destroy your own countries - you also destroyed the rest of Europe.
>Amerimutt is mad at his nigger nation
>Deflects and attacks the UK as his natural defense mechanism
The sooner you mutts die, the better for this world.
Swedebro speaks the truth and you know it.
Doesn't mean we take pleasure in it, but it's true. Britain and the USA caused this whole mess.
I'm afraid there isn't one user. All white countries have been tricked by Jews to be "multicultural". The Jews have killed western civilisation, and it's only downhill from here.
For revenge of what they did in World War II against countries like India Kenya and any other country England mistreated. they deserve it it's karma every little bit of it