>22 years later
>no anime ever came close to being this ground-breaking
wtf ?
22 years later
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How would you make an anime ground-breaking?
Make an anime that causes earthquakes when watched.
Make it good.
There hasn't been a good anime since Ranma 1/2.
ummmm. try again, sweetie
If by groundbreaking you mean Pretentious 2deep4u crap.
I agree it's groundbreaking, but comeon
Anime is dead. CG is now the mass art movement of the otaku outsider.
Because it already set the foundation.
I am not sure if anime is currently the right medium for ambitious innovative projects. Funding anything beyond generic Light Novel advertisements seems to be difficult at the moment. Maybe Netflix might unironically save anime here.
Dude, Eva was a commercial failure initially. So did Lain, Texhnolyze, etc. Companies just don't have the balls anymore, even when they are now swimming in chink dosh right now.
no actually it did pretty well it was just got fucked by Anno's depression and a terrorist attack.
>Dude, Eva was a commercial failure initially
Wow the first confirmed case of fake news on Sup Forums. If you dont like the word fake news, "absolute fucking made up bullshit from some dumbass retarded faggot newfag" should suffice.
*ahem* findsaway *ahem*
Ah, allergies.
otaku couldn't break out of their shells and revolutionize japan, OP.
oh wait, wrong anime.
>20 years later no anime ever came close
there fixed
really not ground breaking at all desu. people need to stop jerking off to this movie
eva wasnt groundbreaking either
ye but at least it's proven that it has staying power. people just keep pulling themselves off to some fucking incoherent and honestly mediocre time travel romance story like it's the second coming of anime jesus. really needs to stop
evangelion more like overrated trash
Ideon broke the same ground evangelion did 15 years before.
is this show worth it on ep 2
less ecchi, less lolishit, less fanservice
Predict an emerging market and include elements to attract that audience to an approach to genre a lot of them won't have seen before. Mysteries are effective for provoking discussion and extending the presence of a series after its ending.
Eva failed at two of your points though
at least it didn't have lolis
I watched it just so I can appreciate the doujins
Kill yourself, Digibro