Will there ever be a time when all countries are prosperous, or will some places always be "developing countries"?
Will there ever be a time when all countries are prosperous, or will some places always be "developing countries"?
If you fuckers would stop fighting “Jewish Globalism” the entire Earth can unite as one and build a great society that will venture through the stars to new planets together. Too bad the xenophobes will never let that happen.
"developing" is relative
countries with a head start will always call less-developed countries "developing"
we'll just have "developing planets" then
>Will there ever be a time when all countries are prosperous
do you believe santa calus raped mommay in the butt?
>will some places always be "developing countries"?
your side made damned sure the west will never be prosperous again.
only if whites continue to dominate the world.
shitskins will ruin things
chinese will enslave everyone and slowly decline their civ like they always do, because they have limited drive and imagination to create
Yeah, lets unite in one world of low iq mutts dominated by globalists overlords. We can all enjoy in our daily lives how living with other races is wonderful. Our standards of living are not declining at all. Nope. Oh wait, they do.
You are the moron of the day.
>the entire Earth can unite
That's how you END the world. Get it through you thcik fucking skull you inbred litteral fuck!
you cannot UNITE the world, what's even the point of doing something as fucking stupid as that?
Without natural enemies power turns on the fucking people, if its global then that means global civil war
>thinks he's the one that will benefit from any of this
>global civil war
And that's if we're lucky.
if not it means Global submission / slavery 1984 style
There won't be countries full stop, technology is rendering Law near unenforcable on a state scale (ok for party/party things and mediation/arbitration). You won't have states potentially.
>if not it means Global submission / slavery 1984 style
if you own a smartphone, smart TV, or anything that responds to "Alexa" its already here
faggots today cant even recreate the pyramids and you want NAZZA with all the cultural enrichment They hired to do shit which may affect the solar system?
>Colonialism and imperialism did not rob 70% percent of the world of the opportunity to thrive
If racists could just put their bigotry aside for a moment and actually TALK to people from other cultures we would learn that we have way more in common than different and that we need to work together as one human race to further scientific efforts and expand off of this rock. A one government run society is the most effective way of achieving this goal.
Have you seen Star Trek?
No, stupid. What evidence have you ever seen for your proposition?
>cant even recreate the pyramids
why would we want to?
we do pic related
yeah but we're soon at the point of no return
then we might as well blow up the sun or something because its all downhill from thereon
9/10 Larp
>only if whites continue to dominate the world.
The 75% of the World is a shithole because of whites. Raping the world of its resources is the only reason Europeans live in the prosperity they do. Those resources fueled and funded the industrialization of Europe that lead to the many inventions that would come and allowed them to be selective in partners breeding out lower IQ people.
The only way lesser peoples create civilization is when they get colonized, and have continuous streams of foreign aid prop them up.
Equality is a false god, the god of delusion. Not all people and societies are capable of the same achievements.
Don't worry. Everyone will be a nigger in the future.
Kill yourself.
how do you think terraforming a plant will affect the rest of the solar system, just a shift in the magnet field or change the rotation .001 degree can send the planet into another causing debree flying in all directions, it could destroy the entire solar system
This most be the most stupid post ever posted.
This is a good video on the subject. Countries that were colonised are richer on average in Africa and European colonisers are less wealthy if you exclude former communist states.
>we're soon at the point of no return
>when you realize 1984 is come and gone and brave new world is the future you chose
This bait was pretty weak. Decent core idea but needs more subtlety, try again
shifting the magnetic field has literally no effect on anything, hell the earth's magnetic field is shifting right now
also terraforming is gonna take way way too long in our own solar system, we need to find ready-made planets
Yeah. Because if everyone is a nigger, the space will be conquered
when 1984 comes it will not go away
just take a sneakpeak at NK
You’re sort of right, but your rhetoric is problematic. One HUMAN race, not your hateful racist term.
This person is correct. I wouldn’t call the rest of the world a “shithole” though. They have their problems for sure, but are great in their own ways. Try not to disparage the victims of white colonialism.
In a way it is whites fault. We violated the prime directive by interfering with less advanced civilizations. They never had the chance to fully evolve because we provided them with all our technology etc, now they are dependent in gibs from whitey. In saying that, some nations would have never developed on their own because of their geography etc but their populations would continue to increase beyond their rescourses.
>when 1984 comes
instead of the government its ad companies
they already got you
NK is backwards and doomed
people in 1984 didn't get sent to gulags
creating a magnet field will affect the magnetic pull of a planet
The earths magnet field is rotational
but fuck, if you want these cucks to fuck up the solar system with their intersectional feminist astronomy then go right ahead
>The 75% of the World is a shithole because of whites.
No, it's shithole because of subhumans. It was whites who brought civilization to savages living in huts. The resources (which the savages knew even not how to harvest) were their rightful price.
>now they are dependent in gibs from whitey
that's not how you spell China
>the magnetic pull of a planet
user, it doesn't work that way
hell, it actually has a repelling effect, hence why you don't fry from gamma radiation from the sun
>NK is backwards
Yes.. and?
The enemies of the state / politically incorrect in orwells 1984 are exterminated, much like most of NK's criminals.
That depends. Will the whole world's IQ raise? If not, your answer is no.
>You’re sort of right, but your rhetoric is problematic. One HUMAN race, not your hateful racist term.
Why would you try to pussyfoot and be nice? Just say things as they are aka. everyone will be a nigger.
it doesnt work anyway, a couple more trips to space and the stratosphere is filled with enough shit to make space travel impossible.
>resources you stole from shit skins fueled all your technological innovations and inventions
Funny how all these magical resources didn’t seem to fuel the innovative, Faustian spirit of the mud people. It’s almost like they didn’t invent anything despite the massive resources right under their feet and above their heads because they don’t have the creativity and innovation inherent to European whites.
wait wait wait people still believe in space? please don't tell me they believe in nukes too?
>violated prime directive
they would of got tech anyway tho, because of capitalism and we would have had to help anyway bcos of charity industry wanting shekels
white guilt tactics would be replaced by "we cant let this happen on our watch" sales pitch. unfortunately we arent souless chinks
there were no gulags in 1984
also everyone was fed, housed, and clothed
this is actually a problem
next you're going to tell me air is real
you can't nuke stuff in the stratosphere, it creates even more particles
>also everyone was fed, housed, and clothed
fucking god, what a fucking achievement, pinnacle of human civilization
if that is the way you want to live then fucks sake..
Whites weren't even close to being the first to create the concept of civilization when they began colonizing, white civilizations werent even the best. They essentially created Walmart like civilizations and went about absorbing smaller mom and pop like civilizations casting their soulless garbage version civilization on the world all while raping them of their land and resources. 500 years into the era of white civilization (Greeks and Romans werent white) and its already on the verge of crashing and burning into oblivion
>if that is the way you want to live
we have all the surveillance without the social support of a real totalitarian state
that's what happens when you outsource oppression
you live in the US, move to africa or somethng you fuckhead
While you have the right idea about white colonialism being at fault (and nice Star Trek reference!), Europeans failed to properly arm these developing nations with the proper knowledge to use the technology for their own advancement. They essentially exploited them for labor while giving them insufficient compensation.
It’s like going into a poor neighborhood and opening up a Walmart. Sure the town’s people get some jobs and are slightly better off, but the lion’s share of the benefits go to some white executive fat cat 1000s of miles away.
But yeah I agree, Europeans should have stayed and let those countries develop prosperity on their own.
>shithole because of whites
fucking newpol
>backwards reading of history
>thinks world was literal shangrila before industrialization
>assumes basic sanitation ever existed in africa
>thinks history of high infant mortality throughout the world was just a meme
liberal arts student or nig perchance?
Grow up
no its the fucking future, you're looking at it.
Totalitarian globalism.
no prestige, no culture, no purpose
just billions of humans+ and the technology to keep them alive
>without the social support of a real totalitarian state
the state doesn't care retard, The state is already married to the fucking corporate sector. you think you're a commie, but you're really just a cuck.
>ad hominem
great start
>doesn't read history from past to present
>thinks industrialization helped any underclass ever
>assumes white people brought sanitation to Africa
>thinks infant mortality is racially-based and went down during industrialization
"Infant mortality data gathered from the registers of nine parishes in the industrial North of England are used as a concrete indicator of living standards for the early nineteenth century. Rising infant mortality in the sample parishes provides evidence that the standard of living was not improving substantially in these towns up to midcentury. This conclusion remains after considering the effect on mortality of population growth, climate, and feeding practices."
nice dogwhistle and false dilemma
>so cucked he thinks I'm actually advocating for such a society and can't see he already is living in it
>nice dogwhistle and false dilemma
TF you on about?
is not a secret that governments are tryning to globalize the fucking world?
if i wrote globalization, the dictionary cuck-word for globalism would that be better?
if you want to be a fucking sophist go to reddit with the rest of the retards. try at least to engagein things socractially while you're here
>look how smart I am
stick to skiing and fishing, Bjorn
I'm pretty sure we'll end like Brave New World in a couple of hundred years.
never said i was smart
i was triggered, globalizing state power, giving away the democratic control over your autonomy to a broken and corrupt world government is not a good idea.
>still implying africans had sanitation before white people
>doesnt think infant mortality went down during industrialization
wew lad, you must be black as coal
provide sources, ill wait
No. You missed that train in 1945. Now you'll have a dystopian future.
>giving away the democratic control over your autonomy to a broken and corrupt world government is not a good idea
yeah much better to give away democratic control over your autonomy to several hundred broken and corrupt governments all vying for meaningless power struggles
maybe theres another solution
like maybe we can co-exist between two irrational fates that have no chance of occurring
>provide sources
can't you read, nigger?
>standard of living was not improving substantially in these towns up to midcentury
>not improving substantially
>these towns
>up to midcentury
is that the best you have? 1 limited study i have hundreds of these charts, from 1 google search
>literally after the industrial revolution
Called earth
No way we're going to take the niggers with us when we're moving to another planet
It's out of Africa all over again
I didn't know Holland had a space program
KYS, records going further back are hard to find for obvious reasons, nobody made them
google extrapolation faggot, or provide an alternative explanation
trans: I can't find more studies that back up my false narrative so they obviously don't exist
>also I can't be bothered to use anything but google because I don't have a college vpn since I'm an uneducated fool
there you go BLM boy
I can tell India will always keep it's developing country tag, no matter the per capita, good cities etc.
>spreads liberal bullshit about wakanda as the source for african sanitation
>still at college
>that influenza spike
i guess being white didn't make that much of a difference
>still at college
>he doesn't know you keep vpn access in perpetuity
nigger you dumb AF
>argues impossible narrative that industrialization has made things worse
>cant admit he's wrong when faced with data
>doesnt have an alternative explanation for historic lows in mortality rates
Some countries will do better than others. Inequality is an inevitable outcome of free choice.
Those that are comparatively more prosperous will consider those to be beneath them. Even if 500 years from now life in an African shithole's quality of life surpasses our current standards of luxury. Whoever leads the curve of social and technological development will consider them "developping" as they don't even have (insert some fantastic expensive thing that greatly improves one's quality of life that has not yet been invented).
smaller government means easier to topple
world government is impossible to topple
and why globalize at all, people hate each other, i hate swedes i hate Germans, i hate Africans, i hate middle easterners
wasn't always this way, turn the clock back 10 years and i didn't hate anyone. now everyone hates everyone.
norweigian cuties i dont hate
I agree. Globalization is idiotic.
The darker the average skin colour, the poorer the country. And that itself is not an average, it's an always.
> If the race is good, the place is good.
Hope this answers your question.
Developing is a codeword for underdeveloped