Living nightmare

What can we do to prevent these type of «human» to exist on Earth ? Life is made for elevate our spirit and body and having mindful connections with people. How can you achieve that if you are surrounded by those things ?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice meme flag shill.

1) Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a school shooting in their county.
2) Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter".
3) Alphabet Soup says they can't verify it and leave him in place to become the patsy.
4) Date & time of shooting is selected by DWS and Scott Israel.
5) Feb 14th – Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning.
6) Something causes Cruz to show up on campus via an Uber Taxi("Hey meet me outside class after Pre-Calc! --Cindy").
7) Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus.
8) Alexa Miednik(Blonde Jew witness) sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus.
9) For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
10) Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle.
11) Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the pre-selected patsy.
12) FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home as he has been pre-selected to be the "shooter".
13) They spend the night using MKUltra/Brainwashing techniques him convincing him that he has done the crime.
14) Feb 15th – Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide due to the MKUltra/Brainwashing techniques.
15) Feb 16th - Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime.
16) To be continued...


Finally, a picture where the contrast isn't turned way the fuck up
He actually looks like a fucking spic there

Which is weird because he's eastern european.

This is the crappy photoshop from the other thread.

He’s looks like a disgusting retarded Jew and I can’t beleve no one else can see this

>Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime.
That's getting kind of creepy
Why the fuck are you going to demolish a school after a shooting?
They are hiding things
Also, he didn't need brainwashing, I bet he has a kid somewhere or other family he cares about

we should just go and lock and/or kill everyone who is slightly autistic, outcast and/or wierd

i know several people who i think might be capable of doing the same thing. and since reporting them to the police doesnt work untill theyve actually done something, we should just bully them untill they kill themselves

>eastern european.
Now we know why ((they)) are pushing race as a social construct

>we should just go and lock and/or kill everyone who is slightly autistic, outcast and/or wierd
Basically 99% of Sup Forums

Oh yeah? They wanted a school shooting? Nice source gaylord

He wasn't the shooter. CIA contractors were.
He's the carefully nurtured scapegoat.
Gotta wonder if they actually bumped off his mother to push him further along into the dark triad/psych profile for mass murderers.

Kid was eating a fucking burger when SWAT jumped him.
Shooters, like Mr Magnificent Elliot Rogers, always suicide afterwards if they don't get caught.

The real deal, like Colombine and Elliot, are suicide missions.

hes totally the hair barber from courage


I think we should destroy the entire planet
Fuck this shit, everything and everybody is out to get everything and everyone else


Of course a kike like you wants tht

I got a question
What kind of mix do you need to look like this?
I live in Brussels, a multiculti hellhole and I never saw someone like thid.

White race is dying anyways, when we go civilization goes with us
Isn't it apparent? The signs are quite clear

la creatura...


Probably everything

look at his fucking face
fucking la abomination

eastern european jew and eastern european slav

Is it confirmed all 6 are jews cuz I want to post this absolutely everywhere but I need sources. Last I checked there was no confirmation for James Fields.

Did you think they wouldn't come for us?
The single easy-to-identify personality type that aggressively rejects fake media narratives,
and the collective intelligence and general amused belligerence to actively, and successfully,
counteract targeted cultural subversion?
>Mr. Fields, 20, was born in Kenton, Ky., to Samantha Lea Bloom.

Yeah a murderous rampage really works up an appetite

La creatura hahaha

No. You dumb motherfuckers kept posting edited pictures to meme it into reality. Stupid cunts.

Field's mother's name is Bloom.
It gets tricky because of the overlap with the other guy, James Field vs James Fields.
One is the patsy, one is the real driver and CIAnigger.

For a bullet in the mouth.

>cnn photo


They are born on pol.. stop spouting ur bullshit

dios mio...

>prevent these type of «human» to exist on Earth
gas the kikes