Anyone else who does this ?
Anyone else who does this ?
You mean puts subtitles in the middle of the screen? No. I'd reckon you'd have to be clinically retarded to do something like that.
I kind of like it. Clusters all the information I care about nearby, so I don't have to dart my eyes around.
This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Fuck you, I can't stop laughing.
Shouldn't be hard to mux basically anything with soft subs so that they appear on an expanded canvas below any actual content if you really care that much.
I have my subs on the right side of the show and read it from right to left like youre supposed to
Explain why it's stupid.
Never considered it. It does look rather convenient not having to look up and down all the time, but by this point I'm way too used to subtitles on the bottom to change my ways.
it blocks whats going on, subtitles belong on bottom because theres usually not a lot going on near the bottom of the screen
It resembles Runescape, therefore it is stupid. QED.
You made this same thread some time ago.
No, no one with a brain would actually use this eye cancer.
Action Heroine Cheers Fruits just did it.
Do people really do this? do you faggots not understand how your eyes work or something?
So you like subtitles all over the place John Wick style?
Sounds cool and practical, minus the part with, you know, lines being plastered across peoples' faces, blocking the scenery and overall being intrusive as hell.
I like it, it forces me look at their eyes instead of the bottom, which obviously is bad practice which eventually turns to bad form in real life.
do you not know how to double task and read while paying attention to the show at the same time? what a pleb
It is not even double tasking, you don't need to be constantly moving you eyes all over the screen to watch and read at the same time.
>can clearly see the subs in the middle of the screen
>eyes keep darting down to read them when they're not there
>using subs
Come on guys, you've been here for 14 years now.
i've only been here for a week tho
I remember one sub group doing it a long time ago. It wasn't in the middle but the margin was much greater than usual subs.
No, just knowing that people do it makes me angry.
Fuck off. Centered HUDS in cars are also stupid
Can it even be called a subtitle anymore if it isn't at the bottom?
Watching anime like reading manga is better.
10/10 bait thread OP
>the most patrician sub placement
Good one
Where's that .webm of the subtitles moving next to the mouths of whoever's speaking at the time?
Me sometimes.
Right above you, retard. Manga has better voice acting anyways so who gives a shit about subtitles.
Honestly didn't notice anything wrong with the subs
Thought this was gonna be a thread on skinship with friends
It's dumb, it's lame, and I don't like it
Personally I like it when I can actually modify how my subs appear or if I want to have them on or not.
Since this is a carbon copy of a thread I've already seen before...does anyone have any changes to the default subtitle font (and/or preferences) they want to share?
Most shows you can find have nicely typeset hard or soft coded subs. In this particular instance I would be talking about softcoded subs (usually srt format).
Here's mine
Arial font; Regular style; 16pt
Rubbing a girl's chest with your head while hugging her?
Any monospace font works wonders in my opinion. Deja Vu Sans being my favourite.
Thanks for the reply, ill give it a go
You're a dumb idiot if you don't have a tts read the subs the subs into your right ear while the anime audio plays into your left ear. Now you don't even need to read anything
I just hardsub in speech bubbles and move the subtitles inside for each character like everyone else.