since 2nd season of Senran Kagura is on the way
What do we expect?
since 2nd season of Senran Kagura is on the way
What do we expect?
Will Miyabi appear?
An awful lot of shitposting.
More snek.
Tits are too big.
Miyabi is not a boy!
low test
get out now
More tits.
Lots of Yumi and delcious waifupandering with Yozakura.
Expecting anything besides this is pure delusional.
>since 2nd season of Senran Kagura is on the way
For real? Anyway, I want more from best girl Ikaruga.
Is it gonna be by Artland?
Nothing know except new announcement.
There's no MC to self insert into. What's even the point of this?
See girls rip their clothes off in fights?
It's being made so people don't become a faggot and make posts like you.
Yes please
Sadly, an obnoxious amount of Yumi. She's the poster child now. At least Asuka was balanced out somewhat with the rest of the cast, but now they know all too well the more Yumi the more people eat it up.
You're right. This anime is a lot better than self insert anime.
Now i can focus on the girls, instead of watching a guy make a fool of himself
I just need Ikaruga, Yomi, and Yozakura.
But of course I'll get Yumi.
AsuYumi is like the most popular pairing in Japan, so I expect mainly them.
Will my wife be in it?
Self insert as a girl?
What is the purpose of Ikaruga?
I'm expecting to see more of my wife Yozakura.
Yumi is the only correct answer!!
expecting the usual, but hoping for delicious brown
Kat and Homura are best ninjas.
It would be made more "Region Friendly" so it "will sell better" just like the games.
I figured they'd just adapt SV somehow, what with the four narratives going on. Then again they could just adapt SK2 while finding a way to shoehorn in Yumi.
dumb anti-puri posters
Don't worry there's always the videogame. Anime will be just advertisement for it anyway
>tfw I haven't watched the anime nor played the games but I keep fapping to the girls