This is a cute little lesbian

This is a cute little lesbian.

Say something nice about her.

a-channel sucked


Girls are only attracted to boys.

Utter bollocks, boys are smelly and gross.

You need to take D vitamin.

I'm kind of looking forward to your OVA

Boys are disgusting and smell gross and hairy

you misspelled fag

Please stop.

>Make Homura clone
>Madoka's voice actor

comet suicide madoka enabler

Cute little lesbians are best in pairs.

Amari Mawari was better. And canceled.

There wasn't a lesbian in that, was there? I mean, I definitely remember the doting older sister, but nothing outright lesbian like OP.


She has a pretty nice doujin where she gets forcefully penetrated in both holes.

BIDF please go.

Will the OVA have a song?

She was shit and so was her show

she made my dick way too hard.

being a guy sucks maaaan

When is fantasia being released?

shut up

a-channel sucked

Goddammit, why is it that everything I look forward to ends up being a stinky pile of shit?

Why is she wearing clothes that are too big for her?

>Give a girl a Kansai accent
>She's head and shoulders cuter than the rest

It's like clockwork