
We will expel jews soon

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>that rainbow
i'm gonna save this as wallpaper lol

I'm starting to count when our "best friends" from America liberate us. 1...2...3.......

When were we your best friends?
You have to worry about juncker

>When were we your best friends?
Well this is what propaganda tells us here.

>lobbying groups force governments to pass kosher laws giving monopolies on meat rendering/processing and slaughterhouses to jew only companies
And they have been doing this for decades in dozens of countries.

No kosher meat in Poland. That is a shame. Will the Jews have to leave?

its also a cheap af way to slaughter meat without keeping up with health regulations

funny the whiners who cry about this probably also want god taken out of their national anthem

Best to not listen to trump sycophants
They latch onto any "le based" country because they think trump wants to look competent by having friends abroad

It's about export.
Poland is 100 years behind the West in terms of humanitarian treatment of animals. In the west noone wants to perform ritual slaughter because it's cruel to the animal. So kikes/muds living in the west import kosher/halal meat from Poland because Poles are dumb goyim and will do anything as long as they're getting paid for it.

This law would not outlaw ritual slaughter for jew/muslim communities living in Poland but rather limit the extent of export of Polish kosher/halal meat abroad.

Are there any jews left in Poland?

Less then 10 000 i think

Of course the (((jewish officials))) will tell you it is at least 150 000

How long until the Polish Death Camps become real?

so its 100k at least. if you see one, there are 10 behind next post

Fuck off faggot.

Seems those nazis were a bit lax

Well i`d rather side with jews, than polaks, nothing worse, than kurwa-slavs


Most beautiful rainbow of peace.


it doesn't even go through their country, why do they give a shit?

The only purpose of Poland`s existence is to harm Russia, tbqh it is not only Poland, but all that Eastern Europe scum, we should clean this lands and colonize them, like Africa

The bill that will expel them is now being developed. One of the paragraphs predicts revitalization of Auschwitz with Jewish inmates that will refuse to leave. Actually it will be high standard facility with swimming pool, brothel and theatre.

there is an existing pipeline that goes through ukraine and poland to germany. but russia is having enough of ukraine, because, amoung other things, they steal gas from the pipeline. so it is best to just go around ukraine and then cut ukraine off completely if need be.

also, poland is our dog. they do the US deep state's bidding for shekels, because they are the mexico of europe.

Top zozzle mate

>mexico of europe

more like Haiti of Europe, they have expelled all their talented people, like germans, russians and jews, so now they live in shit

Religion makes up rules that are impossible to change because of muh god says so. Kosher slaughter is cruel. stop doing it.

Next stop -- COCKS!


>trump sycophants
>the TV told me trump supporters are manipulating poles to be more nationalistic which helps russia in some way but CNN hasn't told me yet tick tock trumplettes you just wait until they are done fabricating a more likely story and tell me what to think about all aspects of this issue, your time is up
You dont realize how stupid you look

Poland will be the first nation to dekike itself
Please help the rest of us, Poland

That pic is extremely cringey. Memes come to life.

Meet Art Jones

Humanitarian treatment of animals is stupid gay postmodern concept. These kind of animals only exist because we cultivate them and therefore they are just food.
This is not a good reason to stop slaughtering them.

However, doing anything for jews is also stupid. One should slaughter his food according to his own needs, not the needs of religious outsiders.

kek, those ones with plastic bags over their jew hats

Is that the word you use when your gross vagina gets wet?

>Humanitarian treatment of animals is stupid gay postmodern concept.
Only a subhuman would say this.

The need to slaughter a living creature for sustenance is understandable.
Causing more suffering to the animal than absolutely necessary is not.
Especially when the reasoning behind suffering is muh volcano demon.


I want you to know...that I love you

You are christian, you should know the importance of rituals.

Be quiet schizo leaf, your entire population has always been sycophants, nobody expects you to understand why grovelling over other nations like looks so pathetic.

Trump's job isn't to improve our image with others. Fuck others.

>taste the rainbow

It's the word I use when I see brainlets thinking that Sup Forums memes reflect reality.

>Humanitarian treatment of animals is stupid gay postmodern concept.
It figures a shit country asshole would say this.

>you should know the importance of rituals.
Yeah. Not these where barbaric, pointless and easily avoidable cruelty against a creature that does not know better is of the utmost relevance.
I really have no clue what you wanted to achieve with this argument.


Here we put a stop to it years ago. But we're not as ''brave'' as Poland. So we jewed the jews instead of just outright banning it.
Make a subclause to a law that cutting the throat of a live, conscious animal = major surgery.
That way another of our laws come into effect, the one that make it illegal to do major surgery on an animal without anesthesia.
The ritual is the ritual, and there is no anesthesia in the ritual. So by round-about-way, kosher butchering becomes illegal

when i see juncker i hear the sweet sweet sound of angles and sirens


i'm not an us army medal and ribbon expert but couldn't he be doxxed by his chest alone?

every time


Times have changed, we won't lift a finger anymore to help jews

Can Poland please have its own war so I can finally buy a qt3.1416 Polish loli? I want one so hard, senpai.



Worry not, it's a hollow gesture, just like how Trump has blustered at Iran but not actually made any moves to stop them from doing anything.

Thats hilarious how they have the plastic covers over their hats........

Perhaps, but propaganda machine has started in the US against us. Many of your media portray us as evil people who want to 'whitewash' their own history. Don't get me wrong I really like Americans but your government and media are controled by the Jews.
Here, have another example :
US ambassador is teaching us about the freedom of speech. Pathetic.

I should have clarified that I simply meant the millitary leadership. Yes, many powerful americans are working against you, as they are against us. But we're working on it.

Please reorder trampolines, they were a staple the first time around

That doesn't speak for us

I wish you all best in freeing yourselves from (((their))) influence.

If he had uniquely identifiable nipples
Alas, he's wearing a shirt

It's called the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2013 (NDAA), which allowed federal money to go towards foreign and domestic propaganda, and would directly fund the support the zionist controlled media. Onig tabled 500m in 2016 to NDAA and the MSM we're seeing today is a direct result of that money

This was not planned afaik, but we will listen to the suggestions from the first wave of inmates and design improvements based on their feedback. I will pass your idea to the Auschwitz Revitalization Committee that was just formed.


i was refering to what's on his chest, but thanks for the gigle
cheers man ( ^..^)-c|_|

It's terrible. Unironically civil war in the US is the only hope for us.

I forget is circumcision illegal already in poland or not? That would be the next step desu, seemed to piss off the icelandic jews.

>Jews invent vegans to subvert our nutrition
>vegans turn on them

>Poland did not participate in Holocaust

Pls happen

>Known Polish animal rights activist on Facebook
>"Such a shame he [Uncle Adolf] didn't gas all of you moron"
Under the profile picture of head rabbi in Poland.


Will there be a rollercoaster?

Antisemites have a bizzare definition of beauty.

I'm sorry for your loss Moshe.

It's YOUR loss if you can't see the beauty of this world and mistake some ugly petty bullshit for beauty.

Holy shit is it ever your loss and not mine.


yer next fagit

Too late.

Sure, Moshe, banning ritual sacrifice truly is a huge loss for beauty. No argument about it.

Banning kosher slaughter is fine in any non-Jewish country (anywhere outside of Israel) but the lady's comment was just crass and disgusting.

>I'm outraged about cruelty
>Too bad the Germans didn't murder more people

People are fucking retarded.

Vegans are buttblasted people, of course they'll overreact and call for genocide.

Hitler did nothing wrong, faggot.
Nobody cares. Get over it, you kike.

Oh god, fucking go cry yourself to sleep over it in your safe space

They sure are.

Hitler fucked up enormously. I could drive my car into a crowd of people, set myself on fire, and jump off a bridge and I could not fuck up as hard as he did.

This is my safe space.